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Digital Marketing Plan Presentation Template

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Digital Marketing Plan

Transcript: STEP ONE: PLAN Before creating the marketing strategies depicted below, a SOSTAC model should be reviewed. SOSTAC is a mnemonic for Situation, Objectives and Strategy, Tactics, Action and Control. The SOSTAC is our best tool to prepare for opportunities, create and strategy and act on it. My suggestion is to run a SOSTAC whenever making additional changes to the plan or adding an effort. SOSTAC stands for: Situation – where are we now? Objectives – where do we want to be? Strategy – how do we get there? Tactics – how exactly do we get there? Action – what is our plan? Control – did we get there? In order to reach out target market, we will utilize the following: SEO, SEM, PPC, Social Media, E-Mail Marketing, Interactive Ads. Search Engine Optimization: Arguably the most cost-effect digital marketing technique, also the most challenging to get right Suggested Provider: Customer Magnetism (works on brands like Volvo, Sallie Mae). I would suggest hiring a third-party vendor to create and update our SEO and SEM (this is what will affect our Rank on Google.) Pay Per Click: I prefer Standing Dog as a vendor for PPC. We will utilize a vendor that can perform SEM (Search Engine Marketing) specifically this is SEO with PPC. Standing Dog can perform this. Social Media: Many companies will use social media without a plan in place. We will use our social media platforms with a planned, managed approach to get the most from them. Currently Facebook and Twitter are utilized, I beleive. A complete social media analysis and KPI is included in the following pages. This is a strong builder for our reach Email Marketing: There are critics who believe email marketing is dead, yet it is still a primary way of engaging customers and one of the most popular blogging topics. We will utilize Email marketing for lead generation during pre-leasing and leasing through scheduled emails with call to action strategies. Action plan is included in the following pages. My suggestion for vendor is MailChimp. The integration this vendor has with our website and the widgets available through it (i.e. Goal- an event trigger) will take our email marketing to the next level. Pricing goes from FREE (limited version) to $20.00/month. Interactive Advertising: Display advertising, more commonly referred to as banner ads, will be utilized to reach our target. In addition we will utilize SEO advertising like re-targeted internet advertisements. Micro-targeting internet advertisements are my suggested next step; this would be utlizing local and related business websites (for example banks). This effort tends to be high cost but will experience high ROI effort in the long term. Online PR: Social Share links will be prominently displayed in the same location on every email and web page so to make it easy for consumers to identify and share content across the wide variety of social channels we offer. This, specifically, will be beneficial when using Pinterest or Instagram. Act is about how to get initial impact and encourage interaction when online users visit your site, Facebook (social sites), mobile application (app) or read their email. We want users to act by clicking on to the next link or converting to leads. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Every site should have clear conversion paths to marketing outcomes to contribute to business (2012: 4% CR for non e-commerce sites in hospitality industry - this is our benchmark.) Suggested Tactic: Interactive, beautiful landing page Resource: A/B & Multivariate Testing: Through pre-leasing we will conduct AB and multivariate test to improve page designs. We do this by varying different elements and comparing against an original. Landing Page Optimization: First impressions count even more online, so landing page optimization is a good starting point for CRO. Through AB testing we will optimize the look and feel of the website and create a landing page that is relevant and provides sufficient detail to convert prospects to clients Converting site visitors is our main objective to our efforts. Customer Engagement: Customer engagement is arguably THE most important and THE most challenging for a Customer engagement places the strategic emphasis on the creation of valuable relationships and encourages both parties to see mutual advantage in that relationship. Frequently this will mean that your tactics require a multi-channel approach incorporating the best of digital and traditional media. I see the ability to effectively blend media in its type, quantity and timing (known as Right-touching) as one of the key challenges for those interested in engagement in the coming years. brand. It’s crucial to repeat business, but with the choice available online difficult to achieve. Customer Relationship Management: (CRM) SalesForce is market leader for cloud based CRM systems however many marketing blogs will promote Capsule CRM based on trial accrediting an intuitive system with attractive

Digital Marketing Plan

Transcript: After Target Market SPA 1 TEAM A Our beauty spa offers a relaxed and calming environment to distress, relieve pain, feel more beautiful and save time; thanks to our unmatched location, different facial and massages treatments available at low range price compared to competitors. Thank You. Aim Competitors SHMS Beauty SPA Conclusion (Mackenzie,2010) Blog Post (Scott,2006) Bullas, J. (2009) 9 Questions to ask your customers when creating content. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed May 5, 2015). Godin, S. (2003) Purple Cow: Transform your Business by Being Remarkable. New York: Portfolio Handley, A. & Chapman, C.C. (2011) Content rules, how to create killer blogs, podcast, videos, ebboks, webinars tgat ebgage customers and ignite your business. USA: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Hassanien, A., Dale, C. & Clarke, A. (2010) Hospitality Business Development. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Hogan, L. (2014) Step by step guide to inbound marketing strategy. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed May 6, 2015). Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Harris, L. & Piercy, N.F. (2013) Principles of Marketing European Edition. 6th edn. London: Pearson. Mackenzie, J. (2010) The concierge approach to content marketing, hotel marketing strategies. [Online]. Abailable at: Malow, A.H. & Frager, R. (1987). Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper & Row. Awareness For SHMS Staff Content and Message Buyer Persona (Bullas,2009) Digital Marketing Plan SHMS Staff (Bullas,2009) SMART Objectives for Each Channel (Handley & Chapman, 2011) Products Before Overall Aim for the Marketing Plan Target Market and Buyer Persona Products and Value Proposition Features and Benefits SMART Goal of each Channel Content and Message Conclusion OUTLINE Comments Mr. Nursultan Assemzhar No. 53660 Ms. Elisabeth Chang No.731532 Ms. Yuanjin Li(Iris) No. 731862 Mr. Hao Chen(Kevin) No.52861 Ms. Kanokporn Suaysom(Kate) No.731298 Mr.Chatchawan Lorsuwansiri(Jet) No.54082 Features and Benefits Likes After Content Matrix Value Proposition References Mont-Blanc Palace 140m 2min by walk Yoga in Leysin Shares Facebook Homepage mock-up

Digital Marketing Plan Presentation

Transcript: How to grow our digital marketing Digital Marketing Plan There’s no denying that the Internet has penetrated nearly every aspect of our lives. “Google” is now a verb and the first place most people go for anything they need or want to know. What does this mean for us? To put it simply, creating and promoting content that appears in search results has never been more important. Digital marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways to reach online customers and followers. Following a thoughtful digital marketing strategy is key to helping businesses – small and large – grow their bottom line. understand your ideal customer ("Adele") understand their intent understand their challenges understand what they expect from a website like yours MAKE ALL WEBSITES CONVERSION-BASED Website Design for customers, not designers Left to their own devices, web designers will craft a website for design's sake, not necessarily for the customer. For instance, remember Flash? Now almost extinct, Flash initially turned the heads of designers and programmers as it provided immense visual capabilities. However, in the new era of SEO and mobile-friendly sites, Flash can't deliver what's required in the market. A user-friendly website has an impressive yet simple design. It's easy to navigate, quick to load, and efficient in guiding the customer towards conversion. Design for customers, not designers Place visible calls-to-action Even the most perfect piece of content balanced with flawless SEO tactics will fail to convert visitors into customers if it's missing a strategically placed call-to-action (CTA). Visitors will read your amazing content, but without a push in the right direction, they may go to another website where your competitor will be happy to assist them. A well-placed CTA will drive visitors to take the next step. It's wise to use only one CTA per page to avoid confusion. Don't forget: the CTA should create a sense of urgency that compels readers to act. Place visible calls-to-action Aim for user-friendly navigation Even the most perfect piece of content balanced with flawless SEO tactics will fail to convert visitors into customers if it's missing a strategically placed call-to-action (CTA). Visitors will read your amazing content, but without a push in the right direction, they may go to another website where your competitor will be happy to assist them. A well-placed CTA will drive visitors to take the next step. It's wise to use only one CTA per page to avoid confusion. Don't forget: the CTA should create a sense of urgency that compels readers to act. Aim for user-friendly navigation Provide relevant, fresh content Creating a solid content strategy is key to ensuring your website stays relevant and valuable to your audience. In order to create useful content, you must first understand the needs of your target audience. Consider creating content that answers questions already asked by your visitors. Use emotion, sincerity and authenticity to empathize and connect with your audience. Crucially, if you want your content to get discovered, make sure your posts and pages are SEO-optimized with smart keyword usage, metadata, and other on-page elements. Provide relevant, fresh content Don't compromise on speed People are not patient, and slow-loading webpages will almost certainly lead to a higher bounce rate. If your page takes longer than five seconds to load, it'll frustrate your visitors and give them a reason to search elsewhere. To increase the loading speed of your webpages, consider removing any nonessentials, such as videos or large images that take extra time to load. Compressing images will also reduce loading time. Finally, utilize browser caching for storing cached versions of static resources to speed up your pages significantly. Don't compromise on speed Establish trust & credibility Potential customers are less likely to enter their contact information or make a purchase if they suspect that your website is not secure or trustworthy. Communicate your trustworthiness by featuring customer testimonials, case studies, reviews, security badges and your privacy policy. Make sure your contact information is easy to find so visitors know they can reach you. All of these signals will help you establish trust and credibility as a reputable brand. Establish trust & credibility Many people approach SEO and PPC as completely separate strategies. And while they are different in many ways, it can be helpful to think of SEO and PPC as being two sides of the same coin: search. There are many ways in which SEO and PPC efforts complement each other, and lead to a more successful search strategy. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC) PCC and SEO Visibility The most obvious benefit of combining SEO and PPC efforts is added exposure on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Clients are often tempted to reduce PPC efforts once a search term ranks number one. However, it's important to remember

Digital marketing plan.

Transcript: e-Commerce Marketing Funnel Online customer acquisition strategy should: Define key brand messages to grow audience awareness, familiarity and purchase intent Link to your content marketing strategy (Act) Prioritise channel media spend, summarized in a conversion-based media plan and budget Dhruv Abrol Curation strategy Action Review potential to increase customer activity levels Create and review site conversion funnels and paths to purchase and quantify targets for incremental revenue Review affiliate channels interactions to increase revenue per visit Review analytics and customer feedback Encourage brand interactions and leads Buyer Personas and customer journey Opportunity Build the Myntra brand, products and services on other websites and in offline media to build traffic to the APP and social media pages. Maximize reach using multiple interactions through paid, owned and earned media touch-points. Invest in continuous inbound marketing: Ensure you harness customer purchase intent as they seek information about products through ‘always-on’ communications and content marketing Manage content marketing and lead generation Optimize digital communications Plan Engage To optimize conversion rate, it is important to regularly redefine buyer personas and their journey and build in solutions that help the representative buyers with their decision making. Brand boutiques Look-books & buying guides Detailed product highlights Customer created lists Relevant cross sell recommendations Marketing Convert Review focus to increase conversion to sale Strategy Act Improving customer engagement: This is long-term engagement by developing a relationship with first-time buyers to build customer loyalty and repeat purchases using communications on the app, social presence, email and direct interaction. We also need to build advocacy or recommendations through ‘word-of-mouth’ Create a Customer Lifecycle Communications Plan Map all customer touch-points to automate a plan to deliver personalized relevant content/messages by Email, Social Media and Web as the customer evolves Identify best options to increase conversion Exec Summary.... continued Define your online audience potential Metrics Press fwd to zoom into table Define online conversion rate optimization (CRO) approach Define how key online communications (search, email, social, affiliate) drive sales Define offline integration paths to purchase Create a CLC (Customer Life-cycle Communications) Plan Devise a dynamic buyer persona program to live track shopping behavior of customers and auto-evolve content during customer buying cycle. Automate Hyper-targeted content generation which is adaptive, predictive, agile and provides a personalized, relevant and contextual shopping experience over customer's life-cycle and evolution Review customer loyalty using RFM(Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis for interactions and sales. Quantify incremental revenue potential Review customer satisfaction drivers Build an agile strategic approach to marketing Competition is fierce online. To win, we need to manage and optimize digital and offline channels against defined targets, SMART KPI's and a focused investment in content marketing, digital media, shopping solutions and experiences. Reach Engage Key measures Unique visitors Value per visit Cost per visit Fans/followers Strategy Work on optimizing content marketing to support key digital communications: PR, influencer outreach and SEO Optimize Generate crowd sourced relevant content Re-review relevance of affiliate and partner marketing Social media marketing optimization Convert Act Opportunity Exec-Summary Strategy Digital Marketing Strategy Personalized shopping experiences to be created on app using detailed buyer personas and hyper targeted shoppable content: Hyper targeted up-sell/cross sell lists based on shopping behavior Customized/automated hyper targeted look-books & buying guides Myntra stylists team daily product picks/looks Customer selected daily product picks/looks Weekly/daily highlights of trending products/bestsellers Recommendation buttons to select 'daily customer picks' Index Create a detailed digital marketing plan defining the channel strategy for each step in the buying cycle Structure plans to define opportunity, strategy and action with SMART objectives for each part of the RACE(Reach, Act, Convert, Engage) customer life-cycle Invest in continuous in-bound marketing to harness purchase intent Devise a content marketing strategy that will integrate online and offline communications to fuel traffic, brand recall and power inbound marketing Set-up CRO(conversion rate optimization) program Key measures Sales (online and offline influence) Revenue/profit Average order value Create an approach for conversion rate optimisation Key measures Repeat purchase(lifetime value) Satisfaction and loyalty Advocacy Referrals Engagement Asks: Increase customer base (Reach) Build customer loyalty Build a fashion

marketing plan template

Transcript: Sbitany Company Marketing Plan Template Marketing Plan Template Sbitany Home Appliances Company Co. Company Summary Company Summary Company Introduction 1961 AD A leading company in the field of retail and wholesale of electrical home appliances It has developed to become the leading company in the field of importing and marketing electrical and electronic devices, commercial and residential air conditioning, mobile phones and information technology devices for the Palestinian market. Branches It has more than 500 employees, 30 retail branches and 250 merchants, Sbitany offers unparalleled coverage in the Palestinian market, and its services not only stop at the end of the shopping process, but also provide after-sales services to 100% of its customers, Nablus Jenin Ramallah Jerusalem Hebron Jericho About Company Company Akram Sbitany & Sons' network of branches extends across all governorates of the country (30 branches). One of the company’s plans and future vision is to expand and increase the number of branches to reach fifty branches by the end of 2022. He company adopts in its branches the modern system in terms of design, decoration, ways of displaying goods and devices Products Some Products Akram Sbitany & Sons owns exclusive selling and marketing rights for more than 50 international brands of the finest and best brands in the world, which occupies the first rating positions in the manufacture of electrical and household appliances, which is proud and proud of these modern agencies, and among the most important of these brands. JOB TITLE #1 All Apple products such as iPhone, iPad, Apple watch, iMac, MacBook and more: JOB TITLE #2 Samsung has many products, including Galaxy, Tab, smart screens, washing machines, refrigerators. JOB TITLE #3 LG is similar and similar to Samsung, and these are some of its products. Market Analysis Electronic devices come in second place in terms of expenditures for the Palestinian citizen, as the average expenditure on devices per capita is 250 dinars annually, distributed as follows: 37.5 dinars in the West Bank and 28.2 dinars in the Gaza Strip, according to the reports of the Central Statistics Authority in 2011. Market Analysis Due to the lack of a suitable analysis of the percentage of the use of electrical and electronic devices in Palestine, I will give an example of the use of devices globally Competition Regarding the competition that the national industry is exposed to from imported goods, the share of Palestinian electrical appliances in the local market is more than 40%, and the consumer is free to choose what suits him. Competition It is noteworthy that official data indicated that 99 percent of Palestinian homes are connected to the electricity network, 97.2 percent of Palestinian families own a refrigerator, 97.3 percent own a washing machine, 98.3 percent own a television set, and 39.6 percent own cooking gas. Customers Customers Most appliance consumers are likely to be accustomed to shopping at retail and low-priced stores rather than from traditional stores (ie. supermarkets). Practical devices are becoming more and more popular due to greater flexibility in the demand for corporate rules Customers are looking for devices that are mid-priced and designed to be used for the longest possible time, and devices are now seen as things that cannot be disposed of as well as investments Quality still matters, but design and specifications play an even more important role in purchasing Customers like to express their own taste. The most demanding customers carefully consider each purchase, in terms of its monetary value Entering the market with high quality original equipment. Joining a national retailer to distribute products nationwide. Providing all options of shapes, colors and sizes. Provide easy payment to sell as many devices as possible. Promotion Communications are made in and out of stores to create awareness of the point of sale. Trying to attract as many customers as possible. Strategic Marketing Objectives Place Products and tools are displayed in stores belonging to a retailer targeting a large segment of customers. They are offered at different prices and strategies to attract customers' attention. Advertising and promotion budget In-store promotion Create a huge ad 3000 - 5000 2% for each employee sold through Subtotal (3000 - 5000) Marketing and finance strategy Out-of-store promotion Create press releases 1000 Create newsletters 500 Subtotal (1500) Total (8000 ) The problems facing the hardware sector in Palestine and Sbitany in particular Problems There are competitors for the company, such as Maslamani Home, and this may reduce the percentage of sales and profits of the company. An increase in the shipping price and taxes due to the Israeli occupation. Customers are not obligated to pay the monthly installments for electronic devices. The high prices of electricity in Palestine, and this may reduce the percentage of sales of electrical

Marketing Presentation - Template

Transcript: 1. Business Strategy - Formulation, Implementation, Management 2. Corporate Branding - Company Identity, Logos, Corporate House Style, Collateral, Trademark and Patent Registration 3. Market Research – Online Research, Data Collection and Field Work Services 4. Advertising – Online, Offshore (T.V.C’s, Newspapers, Billboards, Viral) 5. Marketing - Digital, Offshore 6. Concept Merchandising - In-house Merchandise, Corporate Gifting 7. IT Solutions - Web Development, SEO, SEM, Viral Videos 8. Maintenance and Support Services 9. Event Planning and Execution for promotion of th brand. 10. Participation in various property and lifestyle expo relevant to Isprava The Team Manager Web Designer Web Developer Copywriter Illustrator Market Analyst Digital Marketing Specialist Understanding of requirement 313s is an IT & Infrastructure corporation dedicated to provide green technology solutions to small/medium sized businesses and giant corporations. We provide you with affordable pricing solutions for your Information Technology needs. Be it Web Development, Software Development or Branding, Marketing and Campaigning your company. Our Services are delivered in a professionally backed by the best work force and experts to devise a solution to your problems. Every aspect of your problem is analyzed and necessary market research is conducted. Consultancy to your company is offered which in turn becomes a medium for both your company and us to understand one in a professional manner along with needs and possible solutions. Application Generating interest among the investors We are an IT and Infrastructure corporation dedicated to give green technology and Branding solutions to all sizes of businesses and corporations. Branding Marketing and Campaigning Online and offshore Advertising Reach out to high rollers and heavy spenders Create awareness among masses Creating Brand Strategy Creating Marketing Plans Copy writing of all content for Isprava Planning and managing yearly and promotional event Creating a media plan for using the right platforms to advertise Proposed Solution Digital Marketing On Social Media Platfoms Blogging and updating groups and pages Video AD's for internet, TV, Cinema Theaters, Malls Audio commercials for radio and trains Creating a brand hype by planning grand events with celebrity performance and appearance. About Three 13 Solutions Generating awareness and curiosity among masses with digital marketing and social media Boosting sales and inquiries for the villa and rate of conversion Our Understanding of Isprava as a brand Isparva is a notable real estate firm Builders of Luxury villas Focused on Design and construction Aim to create the most sophisticated properties Currently focused on Goa Develop an interest and awareness about Isprava and their work Showcasing the beautiful architecture and interior of Isprava Targeting high roller and heavy Spenders Achieving Sales targets

marketing plan template

Transcript: Objectives Support goals Economic Factors Our own brand will be made we want sale things like versace, aero, adidas, and all that other stuff. to become a global business be the store that everyone talks about make as much money as possible have the customers talking about us and telling their friends about us. have more than one business advertising Product description services we will provide Good quality of course do daily inventory checks put the money in a safe at the end of everyday go around and make sure that clothes aren't scattered all over the floor make sure windows are cleaned check clothes and make sure they aren't damaged Long term goals we will like do pullies wash and see if it fades or anything to see if any holes pops up it needs to be hand washed maybe check to see if its going to shrink they are tested every month we have actual testers, people who are coming in and testing the products will try different fabrics, material, designs, items and other things keep our customers updated on our sales and promotions that we have going on send them emails maybe with coupons in it make sure that our boutique is running properly check our financial portfolio at the end of everyday make sure i have loyal employees have only people that want to be here and help make us known apart of the business teams and our goals public works charlotte russe Direct market retail customers wholesales everybody we can economy goes down a lot of new businesses taxes goes up a great disaster can happen maybe a earthquake or something Activities we will use direct and wholesalers maybe retail different distributors we will go to for different things will do online ordering and over the phone want do packaging, will order from main company we will not do loading or packaging, they will have to order online and our main headquarters will send it to them. very convenient for you ships between 4-7 days it meets the needs because comparison our competition cant compete we have sales, we don't try to break you inventory will be on a clip board with everything and quantity of how many we pose to have it checked everyday because we need to know if anything got stole or damaged or anything else Summmary of marketing plan Competition Anaylsis build boards website; where you can order and look and see what we have in stock magazine BIG grand opening have a fashion show maybe showing some of the things that we will be selling to help us meet our financial needs help us become one with our customers able to pay everyone back that we had got loans from Describe the Product who we selling to? Pricing Unique characteristic is that we will have our name of the store plus a little heart like thing at the end so you will know that this is our brand and not any knock-off have sales blowing off the roof TRY to make our revenues all positive try not to on any dept break even every month, even if we have to have a sale too the prices will help with covering the expenses we put out for them plus for the company as a whole will vary highest thing maybe $40 cheapest $2.50 up to 75% off do the seasons sales, like mark downs hopefully cheaper than competitive most of the time but don't want to go into dept over it pricing will match our appearance manager will be in charge of checking the stock we will have a team to help calculate our sales as well Estimated number of customers (6) Estimated volume per customer ($8.25) Estimated sales volume ($0) Quality how will sales be calculate Packaging is going to depend on what you get Prices will range from maybe to $2.55-$36.99 co-adic boutique Factors That May Affect our Business

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