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Training Plan Presentation Template

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Planned Parenthood Training Presentation Template

Transcript: The Issues Birth Control Women's preventive care — including birth control — is basic health care. This shouldn't be a revolutionary idea, but unfortunately it is to some, and in the past few years, birth control has become increasingly politicized. Despite the fact that 99 percent of women between the ages of 15 and 44 who are sexually active have used birth control at some point, and a majority of Americans (70 percent) believe insurance companies should cover birth control without co-pay, some politicians are choosing to focus on chipping away at a women’s access to birth control. What started as a fight led by politicians has now been joined by for-profit companies. Currently, there are 18 for-profit companies — almost all owned by men — suing the federal government so that they don't have to include this expansion of birth control access to their employees. And now, a group of 11 members of Congress — all male — are choosing to support these companies in their efforts to deny women access to basic, preventive health care. Medicaid and Women Medicaid provides critical preventive and primary reproductive health care services to low-income women, including birth control. It is widely known that access to contraception advances women’s health. Family planning lowers maternal and infant morbidity, and is tied to reducing health disparities. Nationwide, Medicaid covers health care services for 1 in 10 women, serving more than one in five women with incomes below 200 percent below the poverty line (those making less than $23,000/year as an individual or less than $39,000/year as a family of three). Abortion Access Access to abortion is legal, constitutionally protected, and consistently supported by a majority of Americans; yet anti-choice organizations and policymakers have made it increasingly harder for women to access needed care. Anti-choice hardliners erode access to abortion through court battles, ballot measures, and burdensome legislative restrictions on abortion services — some extremists even resort to intimidation, harassment, and violence against women and health care providers. Sex Education The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among the world’s developed nations. Half of sexually active young people in the U.S. will contract a sexually transmitted infection by age 25 The new health care reform bill authorized $75 million in mandatory funding for teen pregnancy prevention. Most of this will go to states to support evidence-based, medically accurate, culturally appropriate sex education programs that address both abstinence and contraception for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. This is on top of the $114.4 million for evidence-based, teen pregnancy prevention that President Obama and Congress are providing to community organizations and local governments this year. Moving Forward All of these issues are impacted by political action Grassroots organizing provides the opportunity to change aspects of the political landscape, and thus improve upon Utah's approach to the education system Goals Grassroots Organizing and Strategy Introduction to Grassroots Organizing and Foundations Grassroots History Personal Experiences Raise Your Hand if: You have volunteered before This is you first time here You are excited about progress! Models of Leadership The Volunteer Team Model A number of Individuals show interest but no volunteers yet. A group of individuals start holding events and meeting with one another Team is officially formed, core team members and leaders established Team is solid and consistent Team dividing to create another team Organizing Tactics We need to build a lot of relationships to make our movement big enough to win. Base Building Voter Contact GOTV (Get out the vote) 3 core ways to reach out to new volunteers Phone Banking House Meetings 1 on 1s Phone Banking Group calling for the purpose of GOTV, volunteer recruitment, checking up on voter registration, event planning, and canvassing coordination Phone Banks are the most basic type of event we plan They are invaluable as a source of networking and brainstorming for further campaign work. House meetings are a great opportunity to have watch parties and recruit potential volunteers. They boost morale and provide Volunteer Teams with consistency and accountability. 1 on 1's We want to connect more often in 1-1s rather than through Phone Banks or House Meetings, specifically for Individual volunteer recruitment. This is our primary method of developing relationships with potential individual volunteers and leaders 1-1 Meeting: Face to face meetings with volunteers and potential volunteers Face to face: 1-1s should be held in a persons home, office or a quite public place such as a coffee shop When it comes time for canvassing and GOTV every volunteer counts! Our Personal Stories Your personal stories are at the heart of our grassroots efforts Your personal story is key


Transcript: NET PROFITS to make the children have fun while learning LET'S TALK ABOUT I make at least X10 on each of our investments. A summer school MOTHER-TONGUE TEACHERS Business @ GOBETTI-VOLTA PLAN NAME and address: Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope An investor will have to check your competitive environment before investing. Do not hide it from competitors. SWOT WHO WE NAME: HAPPY KIDS Strapline: Happy Kids learn English in the summer Elevator Pitch: An innovative summer school for young children using the facilities of Gobetti-Volta, especially the new pool. Send letters,emails, texts to parents I MARKET I HAPPY Strengths: Need for an English summer school in the area Weaknesses: Recruiting expert mother-tongue teachers with innovative, dynamic, energetic teaching skills Opportunities: Possibility of using existing facilities Threats: Some outdoor activities could not be safe for young children ELIZABETH PAULS COMPETITION FINANCIAL Fees I SUMMARY I to set up a summer school of English for young children to use the facilities of Gobetti-Volta A summer school of English for young children ANALYSIS U.S.P summary ARE " I IRENE SIMPS PRODUCT MANAGER to adopt the "splash and speak" approach Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope I for young children Arrange free open week at Gobetti-Volta, with prizes aims MARKETING HAPPY EVERY WEEK DAY I radio advertisements, local TV commercials 15% outdoor activities in English ELEVATOR Sponsors of children's items DEVELOPER STRATEGY Business I Competitor analysis: Humpty Dumpty school (Fiesole) Jack and Jill Summer school (Settignano) The Witch and the Wizard (Sorgane) happy kids I Enter here the history of your fundraising, what you plan to lift today, and under what conditions. I I KIDS 15% I EXPLAIN YOUR STRATEGY KIDS Batnae municipium in Anthemusia conditum Macedonum manu priscorum ab Euphrate flumine brevi spatio disparatur, refertum mercatoribus opulentis, ubi annua sollemnitate prope WELCOME OUR BUSINESS 70% Happy Kids @ Gobetti-Volta, Bagno a Ripoli during the summer Business RESEARCH MARKETING MANAGER NEEDS PITCH Leo SMITH Personal Savings H APPY KIDS LEARN ENGLISH YOUR FINANCIAL have fun and learn English I Great demand for English Residential area with lots of young children Few opportunities for parents to find interesting activities for children in summer Possibility of using Gobetti-Volta grounds and pool A minimum of 25 children paying fees for the various clubs, including : traditional tuition, fun&games, speak&splash, lunch & laughter. Other special treats in the pool: snakes &ladders , hide 'n seek, treasure hunt " TEMPLATE BY CONTENT BY JEREMIE BERREBI

Training on template

Transcript: ... and insert a new piece of body text ... just by clicking on the workspace ... now Insert an image (button at top of workspace) ... and give it an effect ... and use 'send backward' to position it under the text presentation ahead ! Insert a video from YouTube WARNING: This will need an internet connection to work You can also Insert a video from a file BUILD Each of the circles is a frame Use zoom-to-frame, add some text to the next box frame (here!) Use Edit Path in the Path menu, and add this frame to the view (Click on the frame border to select it) But you can change the order by dragging them, if you want Insert a 'symbol and shape' from the menu (Once you've found it, drag it in) Download this template from: Zoom to the frame in edit mode Click Edit Path Click on the frame In the path views, drag the new view to where you need it 'Zoom to frame' and edit the components __________ VIEWS Or simply use the "Make a copy" button right here: BETTER Use the elements to create your own layout In view 10, Insert a diagram Zoom out to the frame view again after the diagram UNEXPECTED But you could also click on some text, a picture or even another diagram within a single circular frame Click on the text to edit it Familiarise yourself with the text box Move the box Resize the box Input some text Play with title, subtitle, body Change font size, colour, bold, italic Repeat in Path view 4 Notice that the frames automatically appear in the Path view Now, insert a completely new frame Frames & Arrows Download the template Click 'edit' and fullscreen Check out the Path views Click on view 3 Go to view 5, make a title

Officer Training Template

Transcript: Scene Size UP Can we do it better ? Shreveport Fire Training Academy Purpose Purpose Provide an opportunity for company officers to introduce themselves to their company officer cohort members through an interactive event that involves a systematic approach to scene size up. These events have led many company officers to where they are today and provide an opportunity to express a tactical, systematic, and cognitive approach to scene size up. During any incident, you have three strategic priorities: life safety, incident stabilization and property conservation. During many incidents, property conservation is not an issue for the fire department Dynamic Size-Up Making a Good Size-Up 2. Type of Structure a. Type 1 – Fire Resistive b. Type 2 – Non – Combustible c. Type 3 – Ordinary (Brick outside, Wood interior) d. Type 4 – Heavy Timber e. Type 5 – Wood Frame 5. Water Supply a. Hydrant Supplied b. Tanker Supplied 6. Resources Needed a. Utilities, Police, Weather related resources 3. What is evident and where? a. ex: Fire is showing from the second floor, A -side 4. Important Information a. People Trapped… Safety Information SFD SOP#3 SFD Standing Operating Procedure #3 SFD Scene Size -Up Communications 148 Lister 214 Merrick 1209 Crofton 534 Champ Clark 502 Columbia 1125 Portland 2601 Silver Pine 2815 Regent St 1906 N. Market 1622 Cascade 2315 Portland 1414 Missouri 7824 Jewella 3611 Hardy 3400 Darien 3124 Kentucky 7400 Greenleaf Warren Bennis The most 'Dangerous' leadership Myth is that Leaders are born. Size-Up Cheat Sheets ...and that there is a genetic factor to leadership. Leaders are made rather than born. Give some names of men and women of our nations history that we identify today as great American Leaders... Good is the 'Enemy of Great' Activity Broken down into 4 'Phases' Phase 1 The Search (Phase 1) Composed of a team of 21 reseachers Created a 'Financial Analysis' of stock market returns 'good to great' interest. Good to great Compaines in a 15 year span Results were surprising.. With companies Like Fannnie Mae being a leading company over companies like COCA-COLA Compared to What (Phase 2) The companies that made the list of good to great were companies like: Phase 2 Philadelphia, PA, in 1946 Phase 3 Inside the Black Box (Phase 3) This Phase was an very In-depth look at the 'Good to Great' Executives that held KEY positions during transition eras. Chaos to Concept (Phase 4) This phase lays out the steps that each chapter will layout for the remainder of the book. Phase 4

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