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Cold Powerpoint Template

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Cold War Template

Transcript: Cold War History Bombing of Hiroshima - Aug 1945 On August 6, 1945, and American bomber dropped the "Little Boy" bomb on the manufacture city of Hiroshima. Three days later, another bomb, "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki. The Japanese government surrendered from WWII on August 15,1945. 1945 Marshall Plan - Apr 1948 The United States provided financial aid to Western Europe for the damage caused by WWII. More than $15 billion was sent to rebuild the continent. Countries who benefit from the Marshall act were Austria, Denmark, Belgium, France, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and West Germany 1948 Berlin Blockade and Airlift - Jun 1948-May 1949 The blockade was an attempt by the Soviets to limit American access to Berlin. The Soviet's thought the people would prefer the capitalist way of life compared to their communist views, therefore closing all land access to Berlin. The Americans however started using airfare to transport good to the needy in Berlin. 1948-1949 NATO Founded - Apr 1949 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was an agreement between 29 nations to secure peace and alliance against the communists. NATO's goals were to provide a safeguard for allied county's freedom and security by political and military means. 1949 Vietnam War - Nov 1955-Apr 1975 1955-1975 Warsaw Pact - 1955 Launch of Sputnik - Oct 1957 1957 U-2 Incident - May 1960 1960 Building of the Berlin Wall - Aug 1961 1961 Cuban Missile Crisis - Oct 1962 1962 Strategic Arms Limitations Talk - Nov 1969 1969 Collapsing of the Berlin Wall - Nov 1989-Nov 1991 1989-1991

Cold War Vocabulary PowerPoint

Transcript: Cold War Vocab US.2 (D) explain the significance of the following years as turning points: Cold War 1957 (Sputnik launch ignites U.S.-Soviet space race), 1968-1969 1991 (Cold War ends) Cold War: 1. Definition: Go to Website Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3. Website: Using the website above in 3: explain the relationship between the United States and Russia after WW2 Using the same website identify 4 major crisis Iron Curtain: 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3. Who is the iron curtain and why does Churchill call them the iron curtain. Potsdam 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3. Identify who the 3 major powers were and provide the leaders of those 3 major powers Satellite Nations: 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3. Using this website: Explain how satellite nations would have benefited Stalin and Russia (USSR) Containment: 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition NATO: 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3. Using Website: Identify the members of NATO 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition Fall Out Shelter: 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3. Using the same site answer: What is a fallout shelter and how were they built? Sputnik 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3. What was the first living thing sent into orbit 4. Using the same website: Explain how the Russians and Micheal Vick are alike CIA 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3. Using the website: Explain how the role of the CIA affected the United States relationship with Cuba Military-Industrial Complex: 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition George Kennan: 1. Identify: Identify this person in your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition 3 . Using this website and the internet: Find out who Mr. X is Truman Doctrine: 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition Marshall Plan: 1. Definition: Put this definition into your own words 2. Provide an illustration that best represents the definition George Marshall Alger Hiss Harry Truman Joseph McCarthy Dwight Eisenhower Censure:

cold war powerpoint

Transcript: Rosenberg Atomic Espionage Spy Case Chronology August 28, 1949 - The Soviet Union detonates its own atomic bomb. January 1950 - German born physicist Klaus Fuchs confesses to British authorities that he had been a Soviet military intelligence spy from 1941-45 and had betrayed information about the American topsecretatomic bomb project (the Manhattan Project) to his underground contacts. Klaus Fuchs also tells his interviewers that he had picked up information in New York and New Mexico from an American courier who he knew only by the cover-name “Raymond.” February 1950 - Banner headlines splash across newspapers throughout the nation announcing Klaus Fuchs’ confession and serving as the catalyst for an intensive search by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for “Raymond,” who months later was found to be Harry Gold. June 15, 1950 – Gold, aka “Raymond,” recognizes David Greenglass in FBI photos. He writes on the back of one, “This is the man I contacted in Albuquerque, New Mexico in June 1945.” June 15, 1950 – David Greenglass is picked up by FBI agents and later signs a confession. June 17, 1950 - Julius Rosenberg, an engineer and father who had been involved in the Communist party, is arrested on suspicion of espionage as a result of having been named by his wife’s brother, David Greenglass, who had confessed to authorities. (Greenglass is still alive, but living under an alias, and his grand-jury testimony remains sealed.) July 20, 1950 - Harry Gold, a confessed Soviet courier who met with numerous industrial spies during the early Cold War period, pleads guilty in federal court to conspiracy to transmit documents to a foreign power. In his grand jury and court testimony Gold states that he served a courier for atomic energyinformation gleaned from Klaus Fuchs, a Soviet military intelligence (GRU) agent. Gold also admits that he transmitted information about the development of the building of an atomic bomb (the so-called Manhattan Project) to his Soviet contacts. Gold was given a 30-year prison sentence. August 1950-March 1951 – Grand jury at federal court in New York hears from witnesses about the alleged spy ring. August 11, 1950 - Ethel Rosenberg, wife of Julius, former strike organizer and mother of two young sons, is arrested as she leaves the federal court house following her second appearance before the grand jury. Mid-August 1950 - Morton Sobell, an American engineer who was identified as being involved in espionage with Julius Rosenberg, is captured after fleeing to Mexico by agents of J. Edgar Hoover’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). November 28, 1950 – Gold associates Abraham Brothman and his business partner, Miriam Moskowitz, are convicted and sentenced for grand jury deception by a federal judge. March 6, 1951 - The joint trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Morton Sobell begins in room 107 of the federal courthouse in New York City with Judge Irving R. Kaufman presiding. Judge Kaufman had also presided over the Brothman/Moskowitz trial. April 5, 1951 - Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Morton Sobell are all indicted and found guilty of conspiring to commit espionage (a violation of Title 50, section 34 of the U.S. Code Espionage) and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death. Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass (who had entered a plea of guilty and had cooperated with the government by providing key trial evidence against his relatives), is given a 15-year sentence, and Morton Sobell receives a 30-year sentence. June 19, 1953 - The Rosenbergs are executed in the electric chair at Sing Sing Prison in Ossing, New York. 1953 – 1995 - Over a dozen non-fiction books are written about the Rosenberg case. It also inspires reflections by personalities ranging from Nikita Krushchev to Woody Allen, multiple novels, a song by Bob Dylan, and other drama. In these intervening years, some involved convicts such as David Greenglass, Harry Gold and Morton Sobell are released from jail. October 1995 - During an interview with Michael Dobbs of The Washington Post, Anatoli Yatskov, aka Anatoli Antonovich Yakovlev, the Soviet Vice-Consul in New York City and a Soviet spymaster, brags that the Soviet Union had managed to penetrate the wall of secrecy around the Manhattan Project, and that his agents had stolen the major process for manufacturing the atomic bomb from the United States. While Yatskov claimed that the FBI had not managed to uncover even half of his network, he is adamant that he had not known the Rosenbergs and could not shed any light on their case. However, in his 1995 confession he did confirm that Harry Gold was a courier for his network. October 1999 - Harry Gold’s testimony before a federal grand jury is released to the public as a result of the successful petition by historians to unseal the records of the grand jury investigation of Alger Hiss. December 2001 – David Greenglass

Cold War Era Timeline Template

Transcript: USA invades Grenada & replaces pro-communist government ~ 1983 Stalin dies/Khrushchev takes power in USSR: 1953 USA & USSR develop & test Hydrogen Bomb technology: 1952-53 “Six Day War” in Middle East Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the USSR: 1985 US begins sending combat troops to Vietnam : 1965 United Nations is Formed: 1945 Israel created as new country: 1948 Uprising in Hungary : 1956 ‘Sputnik’ satellite launched by USSR : 1957 Apollo 11 moon landing : 1969 “Tet” Offensive in Vietnam : 1968 Cuban Missile Crisis: 1962 Berlin Blockade & Airlift : 1948-49 USSR tests its first nuclear bomb : 1949 1945 USSR removes all of its troops from Afghanistan: 1989 Sandinista rebels establish communist government in Nicaragua: 1979 East Germany & West Germany became separate countries : 1948 USSR invades Afghanistan & installs communist government: 1979 US CIA helps overthrow government in Chile : 1972-73 Chinese government crushes pro-democracy movement in China: 1989 Fidel Castro & Communists take control of Cuba : 1959 "Yom Kippur" War in the Middle East: 1973 Uprising in Czechoslovakia : 1968 1990 Bay of Pigs invasion : 1961 US & USSR negotiate first “SALT” agreements 1970-1972 Mao Zedong & Communists take control of China : 1949 US supports anti-communist government in El Salvador ~ 1980-1992 US supports anti-communist "Contra" rebels in Nicaragua ~ 1981-1985 Cold War Era Timeline ~ 1945-1990 Formation of NATO alliance : 1949 US CIA helps overthrow governments in Iran & Guatemala : 1953-54 Collapse of communist governments in Poland, Czecholslavakia, etc. Islamic Revolution overthrows government of Iran: 1979 Korean War : 1950-53

Cold War powerpoint

Transcript: Stalin Scared of the Us After the United States ended up winning the Cold War and the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States became the only world superpower and still is today. The United States became a much hated nation in the eyes of many countries because of this. Even though another superpower is building in the country of China, it seems that the world is turning away from the superpowers that it once had. There used to be four or five superpowers at a given time in the past 100 or so years, but now there is only one and it is the United States. Although the Soviet Union did collapse, it is still building and emerging as a decent country. The United States, on the other hand, has become without a doubt, the world's most powerful and dominating country. Even with the economic crisis that the United States is in right now, it could be said that the United States will be the only superpower in existence for another decade; China is almost to the point of a superpower. The Cold War proved to be one of the most important issues in the recent history. The two largest superpowers of its time went into a war without fighting, yet only one country survived. The term ‘Cold War’ refers to the period of struggle and conflict between the USA and USSR between 1945-1991. Each of the Superpowers saw the other as a threat to its continued survival and adopted strategies to preserve their positions. The two Superpowers never went to war directly with each other in this period, but became involved in conflicts such as the Korean War where each side stood behind the other nations involved. Therefore this conflict is termed as the Cold War rather than a conventional hot war. There were a number of occasions when it appeared that a hot war would break out between the Superpowers, but thankfully this was avoided. The undoubted ruler of the planet earth today is the United States of America, and why not, it has everything in the world required for being the super most power. USA had emerged as the sole world power after the mighty USSR collapsed in 1990. Pre 1990, USA and USSR were the two countries that had broken the world into two big pieces. As history has witnessed, different empires or countries have extended global influence over the earth and its resources during different times. Though emerging economies like India and China are potent threats, still one does not see USA’s influence getting any lesser in the coming days. USA is at the top whether we look at the economy factor or the defense factor. Nobody dares to mess with this super power; instead every country wants to maintain healthy relations with USA seeking to develop along the lines of the big giant. But what special things have always kept USA at the top? Though the reasons are many, listed below are the top 10 things that favor America’s supremacy over each and every country of the world Cold War PowerPoint Pre-Cold War One Reason Economy THE POWER! Stalin’s fear of the USA led him to believe that the USSR needed a barrier of territory between Soviet territory and the USA’s allies in Western Europe. Stalin feared another anti-communist invasion of Russia from Europe as had occurred in 1918 and 1941. Stalin wanted to create a barrier against the West, a barrier made up of communist run countries in Eastern Europe. The new president of the USA, Harry Truman, saw Soviet domination of Eastern Europe not as an act of defence on Stalin’s part, but as an act of aggression. Would this communist take-over spread to Western Europe too? development of new technology for both the United States and the USSR, the space race became much more important. The USSR needed to show more strength in their battle for superiority against the United States, and in October of 1957 they accomplished that by launching the Sputnik I satellite (Roland, 1181). This left the United States feeling inadequate compared to the Soviet Union. To combat this, the United States sent their own satellite into space a year later (Roland, 1181). In what ended up being a battle that the United States won in 1969, this was after the Cold War, when they put a man on the moon, until then it was an ongoing neck and neck race for superiority. Space effect Why? We are a Super power Compared to other nations, the United States had the best of the war. Whereas Russia and France were torn apart by war within their borders, while Britain suffered horrific bombing campaigns, the US mainland was pristine. A notable exception being Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. Nonehteless, the USA was left relatively intact during the war. which gave a safe e USA is a large country with tonnes of valuable resources required to boost the manufacturing sector, Silicon Valley being the best example of it. Silicon Valley is the home to all major innovations in the Information Technology field. Moreover, it has become allies with major countries like Canada and Australia which themselves are host to a variety of resources. America has


Transcript: Plus other Special Events! Computer & Email Usage Policy Levin Furniture recognizes the importance of creating a safe and secure environment within which our associates can work. It is a flagrant violation of Levin Furniture’s no harassment policy to initiate or participate in harassment based on sex, religion, race, disability, ethnicity or any other characteristic protected by law. Sexual harassment is defined as: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s prospective or continuing employment. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment staff decisions affecting an individual. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Associates found to have engaged in sexual or any other form of unlawful harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. It is the policy of Levin Furniture to provide a clean and safe environment for our associates, visitors, and/or customers. If you are injured at work: Notify your manager immediately Fill out an Associate Accident Report If you are seeking medical attention, you will be sent for a Post-Accident drug screen When seeking medical attention, you will be required to go to a BWC-certified provider in Ohio or follow the Panel of Physicians in Pa. After seeking treatment, report your work status immediately to your manager. Progressive Discipline Policy Levin Policies and Procedures Company Picnics Levin Policies and Procedures Robert Levin, President Robert took over the family business in 1992. Robert continues his family’s tradition of service, quality and competitive pricing while continuing to grow the business. The counseling process will be accelerated during the first 90 days of service. Allowed 1 grace day during first 90 days of service. The second call off during the first 90 days of service will result in a Final Written Counseling. The third call off during the first 90 days of service will result in Separation. People you should know… Vendor Cruise Attendance Policy Holiday Parties No Harassment Policy People you should know… Smoking is prohibited inside any building or facility owned or leased by Levin Furniture or on company premises with the exception of designated areas. This prohibition includes the Corporate Office and Warehouse and in all Stores and company vehicles. As an associate of Levin Furniture, it is important that everyone present a professional, business-like appearance. SALES ASSOCIATES/OFFICE ASSOCIATES Male Associates—dress may include: dress slacks, a clean business shirt, sport coat, business suit and a tie (optional) may be worn. Female Associates—dress may include: dresses, suits, skirts, blouses, slacks, dress capri pants, and skorts. Shoes should complement one’s attire and be worn with socks or hose. Overall appearance should not be offensive or in bad taste Drug-Free Workplace Policy Levin Furniture has implemented the S.T.A.R. (Saving Time And Resources) Associate Suggestion Program to reward associate’s ideas that when implemented, make work flow more efficiently and save resources. A $25.00 gift card will be awarded for ideas that when implemented significantly save time and resources. A $400.00 award will be given annually for the S.T.A.R. suggestion of the year. You can pick up a Star suggestion form from your manager, HR or the ASK website. Golf Outing Questions Levin Furniture is always looking for qualified candidates to fill positions. The Recommend a Friend program was developed to reward current Levin associates for providing quality referrals. How Do You Make a Referral? Simply pick up a RAF form (from your manager, HR or ASK website). Complete and submit the RAF form along with a completed Levin application. How Do You Receive Your RAF Award? You will be notified if your RAF referral is hired. Once the new associate reaches their 90 day anniversary, you will receive $200.00 (paid through regular payroll, less applicable taxes and deductions) *Both the referral and you must be active associates at the time the RAF award is paid. Certain eligibility restrictions apply. Sales Awards Million Dollar Club $900k Award + more Annual Sales Awards Banquet Welcome To Our Team! Basil Hawanchak Vice President,Finance The sequence and number of counseling steps to be followed for those violations considered to be correctable are as follows: Associates with 90 or less days of service (Introductory period): Final Written Counseling Separation Associates with over 90 days of service Verbal Counseling Written Counseling Final Written Counseling Separation *Serious offenses may result in immediate termination No Smoking Policy

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