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Child Obesity Powerpoint Template

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Child Template

Transcript: replace with your selection # # Oakley Cote I talk about the same theme of the original song but instead of saying women are worse than men I have more of a empathitic take on women for having to go to hell and back. Standard Music example(s): Research your song selection and enter your results and a citation to the source. # Pirates aren't really as large of a threat today as they once were. Instead I rewrote the lyrics to reference terrorists and our eventual conquest over them. Checklist Ballad Name Ballad Number Historical research (50 word minimum) Source Citation Media example New recording add with your recording Jiacui Sheng Your New recording Standard Music example(s): Standard Music example(s): The story is about: A knight meet a woman under a tree who tells him a boar has killed her lord and 30 of his men. The knight kills this pretty spotted pig and annoys its owner, a giant wild woman. She flies fiercely at him for revenge. He cleaves her into two in the end. “The Death of Queen Jane” is an English ballad written around 1612, assumed to be about one of King Henry the VIII’s during childbirth, but there is no evidence to back this. Jane had been going through an extremely painful labor and eventually gave birth to a son. She would eventually die from infection 12 days later. Research your song selection and enter your results and a citation to the source. #18 Sir Lionel Your New recording : The Anglo- American Ballad: A Folklore Casebook by- Dianne Dugaw (page 124) “ There is a wild boar in these woods, Dellum down, dellum down, There is a wild boar in these woods, He'll eat your meat and suck your blood. Dellum down, dellum down. Bangrum drew his wooden knife Dellum down, dellum down, And swore he'd take the wild boar's life. Dellum down, dellum down. The wild boar came in such a flash, Dellum down, dellum down, He broke his way through oak and ash. Dellum down, dellum down.” Ward the Pirate Lyric should reflect modern themes Historical Information add with your recording After a long day, and low pay, He heard the voice of Lucifer and he began to say, "I won't say it twice, I just, came for your wife, Who's the bane of your existence and the torment if your life" I cant believe it, I must be tripping, But Satan wasn’t playing cause he took her down with him, * yeah he took her down, took her down, took her down with him, * (REPEAT)* She didn't even send heaven prayers, She just made her self at home in all 7 layers yeah, after the first night there, I swear, I thought Satan had his first night mare, Yeah its fact he threw her on his back and didn't think twice, Cause she's the bane of his existence and the torment if his life So take note, don't be mean to your wife Cause they've been sent to hell and then kicked out over night Your New recording Child Ballad Title Historical Information Standard Music example(s): # Queen Jane was in labour For six days or more, Till her women got tired And wished it were o'er. Good women, good women, Good women if you be, Will you send for King Henry, For King Henry I must see. King Henry was asent for, King Henry did come, For to meet with Queen Jane: My love, your eyes do look so dim. King Henry, King Henry, King Henry if you be, If you have my right side open'd You will find my dear baby. Queen Jane, my love, Queen Jane, my love, Such a thing was never known, If you have your right side open'd You will lose your dear baby. Will you build your love a castle And lie down so deep For to bury my body And christen my dear baby. King Henry went mourning, And so did his men And so did his dear baby For Queen Jane did dien. How deep was the mourning, How wide were the bands, How yellow, yellow were the flamboys, They carried in their hands. There was fiddling, there was dancing, On the day the babe was born, While the royal Queen Jane Beloved lay cold as stone. replace with your selection # Historical Information replace with 2 media examples -oldest version -newest version Lyric should reflect modern themes Historical Information Join me men of arms To fight the greatest enemy We must eliminate the threat That lurks in the wasteland wreck What greater fear is there Than attacks brought here We must kill those men To guard our own children A truck sped by unnoticed Fast, throwing up mist Loaded with our loved ones Rigged to blow, with explosive tons Unable to save For those we slaved Animals, monsters, beasts On their bones we will feast The next level, we take this fight In darkness and in light Through weakness and with might Honor no mercy plee Until achieved is victory By sword, pen or trickery The Sun on the horizon When we found their base We fought for hours Until light had left my face Down they would not go Their cause they must show Our front cannot be undone For death of family is second to none With hearts of iron And guns of steel Their position no longer ideal The war of

Child Obesity

Transcript: in one day, nearly one third of American children have eaten fast food The Facts: By Shelby Compton 20% of children ages 6-11 were considered obese as of 2008 bone and joint issues high cholesterol or blood pressure 6 AM - 9 PM 92% of elementary schools do NOT have physical education programs year-round Saturday-Sunday: HLC Hours: Fast food companies trying to make their food seem more healthy etc. required amount of physical activity in schools nationwide- teachers can easily incorporate movement into their lessons diabetes many types of cancer Bill sponsored by the US Department of Agriculture went to Congress- we'll see what happens! My conclusion is that childhood obesity is a rampant disease in the United States caused by a combination of these three factors: eating, exercise, and lifestyle choices. To a large extent, children cannot make decisions about these things on their own: it is up to parents, schools, and legislators to make good choices for food and lifestyle options and to endorse a healthy, active approach to life. In this way, children can get the exercise and nutrition they need to stay healthy and have fun without relying on technology or fast food! Conclusion only ten percent of elementary schools offer daily exercise programs physical activity is important to control weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, and health risks Monday-Thursday: Works Cited Friday: Suggestions: fast food has less nutrients, which growing children require Lifestyle somehow making healthy food a more attractive option for mothers to buy when their children are young so they grow up with the acquired taste How often do you see kids running around and playing outside anymore? cardiovascular (heart) diseases stroke childhood obesity has increased by more than 300% in the last thirty years Repercussions 9 AM - 9 PM Or lack thereof? Exercising increased regulation of school lunches, so at least one third of the meals that children eat can be nutritious over 25 million children are considered obese today increased calorie intake What's Happening Now? a study of 200 neighborhoods reported three times as many supermarkets in wealthy than poor areas: fast food was the much more abundant option this would be difficult to implement, but a societal bias against the overuse of the television/video games would stimulate more parents to push their children towards outdoor activities rather than just accepting that their free time will be spent motionless Eating Right 6 AM- 11 PM Childhood Obesity between one and two hours is the recommended minimum exercise time for children between the ages of 4-12: do you think they're getting that today? Studies show that only seventeen percent of 15 year-olds are active on weekends: does this alarm you? Make you think about your own lifestyle choices?,r:8,s:0 (picture on handout) The average child spends five and a half hours every day in activities that do not require movement (three of these is spent watching television)

Obesity Powerpoint

Transcript: Roots of Obesity By: Christopher Ballantine, Oluwalgbon Oladitian, Jeffrey Mensah and Laila Kelly Introduction About Leptin plays a critical role in regulating the insulin-glucose axis, which regulates glucose and insulin responsiveness in the brain. Leptin resistance is the most prominent cause of obesity and other eating disorders such as diabetes. People struggling with obesity tend to have higher levels of leptin which can lead to rising leptin resistance, causing increased appetite and fewer calories burned. Leptin resistance occurs when leptin signaling issues arise in the brain and create a blockage of leptin transportation. Introduction Abstract The Science + We should care about obesity because we all either know someone who is obese, or live in neighborhoods that suffer from rising rates of obesity. Whether we are directly affected by it or not, obesity is an increasingly relevant problem that must be addressed. The first step to finding a solution to the crisis of obesity is educating the general public to make gain awareness about the epidemic. Causes may include inexpensive production for food, low metabolism, and an overabundance of leptin that plays a significant role in preventing obesity. Abstract Methodology Show & Tell we had to read the articles and annotate specific details in the articles that provided us with an understanding of the mechanics of leptin resistance and its relation to obese people. scientists at the National Institutes of Health conducted an experiment with mice to see the how the role of leptin would perform in the system of humans. numerous studies on the mice and concluded that the lack of functional leptin deficiency results in morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes. used to figure out how much of an influence leptin resistance has put on obese people who are not able to regulate their eating habits which causes them to become overweight. Methodology Atomic Ideas Results In Figure A, It displays a leptin sensitive individual where they prevent insulin biosynthesis and secretion from the pancreatic cells. In Figure B, it displays how the individual is shown as overweight because of the failure of the brain to signal the body to stop eating. Overall, the over consumption of foods with large amounts of sugars leads to a large number of triglycerides, which then secretes high levels of leptin. Statistical Analysis Go Viral Brainstorm your ideas on the atomic level Contact Info Connect Share your details

Child Obesity

Transcript: Books: Causes: Articles: Encourage and implement a healthy diet (Snacks) Assess students retail food environment Expand programs that bring local fruits and vegetables to schools Enroll schools in USDA's Team Nutrition program Increase access to drinking water Create and maintain safe places 60 minutes! After school & Programs Definition of Obesity: References: Materials: Child Obesity... Following completion of activities, students will be able to: Identify examples of physical activities practiced regularly by adults. Identify barriers to youth participation in physical activities. Recognize the variety of physical activities that can be modeled by adults for children. Recognize the impacts of physical activities. Eating more calories than the body burns through physical activity. Result of nutritional, psychological, physiological, and family factors. genetic, biological, behavioral and cultural factors >1 percent of all obesity is caused by physical problems poor eating habits lack of exercise medical illnesses/medications stressful life events or changes depression or other emotional problems school cuts Use of entertainment/media Common Core Standards: * "Be Healthy!" By Mavis Jukes and Lilian Cheung * "Join the Total Fitness Gang" By: Good Health * "Break It Down" By Steve Parker Writing Standard 8: Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. Importance of Child Obesity: Child Obesity facts: Stories Activities: Like: BINGO Locate someone else in the room that regularly performs an activity named in a square on your handout Use each participant only once **When completed a line that spells MOVES, raise hand and say, "MOVES" Promoting Physical Activity for Children & Adolescents: Next Steps My Plate Activity Activity Day: Aerobics, Muscle-Strengthening, and Bone Strengthening Handout: Active Sudoku Posters: Promoting 60 Minutes Every Day! *** Handout: Physical Activity (MOVES) *** Internationally over 22 million children under the age of 5 are overweight 1 of 7 low-income, preschool-aged children are obese Numbers even higher in African American and Hispanic communities, where nearly 40% of the children are overweight or obese Global obesity in children affects girls more often than boys Parents overweight are much more likely to have children overweight Over half of U.S. middle and high schools still offer sugar drinks and less healthy foods for purchase We are now eating 31% more calories than we were forty years ago Studies estimate that U.S. medical care costs related to obesity totaled more than $140 billion in 2008, and are projected to rise to $344 billion by 2018 if trends continue Lesson Plan Objectives: * "CDC: Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit" * "Frederick's Orchard Grove Elementary School is Making Strides in Fitness" * "Youth Physical Activity: The Role of Schools" Obesity is defined as a BMI (Body Mass Index) at or above the 95th percentile for children of the same age and sex. Purpose of BMI is to provide an estimation of body fat percentage in relation to an individuals height and weight. • *4:03 Handout: Physical Activity (MOVES) Invitation Solutions to incorporate in our schools: Can often be targets of early social discrimination The social & psychological stress can cause low self-esteem -> hinder academic and social functioning Some studies show that these children aren't learning as well Problems can continue into adulthood

Obesity PowerPoint

Transcript: According to "The Hastings Center Report", the proportion of overweight adults and children had more than doubled since 1980. A sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition is a high risk factor for chronic diseases, leading to some 400,000 deaths a year. The public is bombarded with information encouraging inactive lifestyles and the consumption of unhealthy foods. The food industry had an annual advertising budget of $33 billion, including ore than $3 billion for fast foods and $1 billion for McDonald's alone, while the National Cancer Institute spends only $1 million a year to encourage people to eat fruits and vegetables. Obesity Is Just A Matter of Willpower Thomas Frieden states, "It's crucial that communites try different things to reduce the obestiy epidemic and that they rigorously study the impact of these efforts." You can reverse the epidemic by making healthier choices in every aspect of your life. Some ways you can reverse the epidemic: Improve school foods. We need a major nationwide effort to support school food service to serve healthier foods and encourage children to eat them. Another important solution to addressing obesity is to remove sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks out of vending machines and school stores. "Dozens of studies like eating out with obesity. Most of the time we should try to eat healthfully at restaurants. To help, Congress passed a national law in 2010 requiring chain restaurants with 20 or more outlets to list calories on menus and menu boards", says Margo Wootan. Restaurants could also help by normal-sizing portions of foods and drinks, promoting and reducing the prices of healthier options to make them more competitive choices. $1.25 Ways WE Can Change "When the world was a simpler place, the rich were fat, the poor were thin, and right-thinking people worried about how toiled the hungry. Now the rich are thin, the poor are fat, and right-thinking people are worrying about obesity." Symptoms of Obesity Tuesday, April 5, 2016 The United States is experiencing a transition period of finding the cause of health outcomes and diseases in populations. These range from infections to chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. "The Hastings Center Report" said obesity resulted in $75 billion in medical expenses in 2003, half of which were borne by the public through Medicare and Medicaid. Supersized Mindset Work Cited: - - About 15 % or 9 million teens in America are obese. This figure is almost 3 times the amount in the year 1980. There are several causes of teenage obesity: Overeating, Less activity or inactivity, and Excess TV viewing. So, how can we prevent this? 1. Start by eating a healthier diet. Avoid eating fast food and junk food. 2. Do regular exercise. It's important not to just avoid obesity, but to also stay active thoroughout the day. 3. Avoid watching TV or using the computer for long durations. Our teenage years are an important phase of our lives. It involves several physical and psychological changes in the body. Self discipline and a strong mindset are essential to shed body weight. But low self-esteem of teenagers do not allow them to develop such a positive mindset. If not addressed early enought, a large number of insecurities plague the mind of these individuals in their later years. Improve Options At Restaurants Vol XCIII, No. 311 OBESITY: THE "BIG" PICTURE


Transcript: Childhood Obesity What you can do to reverse childhood obesity Childhood Obesity Digital media has played a significant role in child obesity. According to the Child Health Alert Association, that children and adolescence spend more than five and a half hours a day using digital media. It is unhealthy that children spend so much time a day with digital media due to the fact that it leads to a sedentary lifestyle. Children who spend more time on the couch are more prone to consume excessive amounts of junk food. Also, Children who are known to spend more time with video games which most demonstrate violence and aggression which then promote antisocial behavior. Antisocial behavior then develops into inactivity in physical play and social interaction which can counter act the positive. Not only counteracting the positive but leading to negative actions and behaviors which can lead to child obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious issue in today's society. According to the National Health Tracking Service, (2008), in today's society more than 23 Million U.S children and adolescence are considered obese. Childhood obesity can be the result from many different factors. Digital media, unhealthy behaviors and actions seem to be the leading cause. According to lifestyle research Lifestyle Research Institute (2005), most over weight children will become obese adults. Physical activity is important when it comes to the prevention of obesity in adulthood. Digital Media and Childhood obesity We must create prevention plans for our youth to help implement healthy physical lifestyles. Starting with activities that parents allow in the the home. Limiting your child to sedentary activities will allow them to become more active in school and socially elsewhere. Adults must regulate and demonstrate healthy behaviors for children to look upon. By cutting down the excessive amounts of digital media, children will be more prone to putting down that video game controller and get active. This will lead to a longer lifespan and healthier children who will become healthier future adults.

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