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Best Cv Template Powerpoint

Create your presentation by reusing a template from our community or transition your PowerPoint deck into a visually compelling Prezi presentation.

Best Powerpoint Alternative

Transcript: PowToon is the undisputed king of “interesting.” If you really want to inspire your audience with a great pitch, story and emotional hooks, this is the way to go; PowToon allows you to present using animated characters and to introduce yourself or your product using “story telling” rather than “fact telling.” Best Powerpoint Alternative Preszentit is another PowerPoint look alike. Unlike Prezi, there is nothing groundbreaking here… but it does allow you to create impressive presentations without downloading any presentation software. It’s simplicity is brilliant. Prezentit’s strongest feature is it’s ‘transitions’ capability, so if you want killer bullet points that transition really well – you should really check it SlideRocket is an online presentation platform that lets users create, manage, share and measurepresentations. SlideRocket is provided via a SaaS model. The company was acquired by ClearSlide, a similar SaaS application, in March 2013. They are no longer offering independent signups, as the platform is being integrated into ClearSlide. Sometimes known as the zooming presentation tool, some people have actually complained that Prezi gave them motion sickness. Prezi is a bit much with all the flying objects and movements, but it’s the best tool for those who need to constantly jump from one part of their presentation to another. Keynote is only available as a software download for Mac users who won’t touch Microsoft PowerPoint if their life depended on it. It allows all the same functions as PowerPoint, but its’s just much easier to use. We love the potential that iCloud brings to Keynote but hate the iPad application.

CV Template Guidance

Transcript: Detailed address is not a prerequisite, just to help place you in a geographical area. If you live in the vicinity of the employer, include the detail Employment equity is obviously imperative to disclose. Your options are generally white, black, asian or coloured. Additional training: If you would like to you can include additional training that you have attended Especially the training that you have been on with KPMG which is valuable CV Writing Tertiary education Here is the more detailed indication of qualifications List these from the most recent to the first If the qualification is obscure then provide a brief description Include period of study (just years) Include current degrees Do not include the subjects Include your achievements here again though Golden Key Cum Laude Distinctions Achievements This is the most valuable part of your CV and what will differentiate you from the other candidates. In this section pick out the top measurable and objective achievements that you have achieved in your professional and academic career. Include here Golden Key membership, top 10 board finishes, 1st time passes in PPE and QE. Your audit rating should be included here if positive I'd not put my school accomplishments in here however This doesn't have to be limited to prizes and accolades, it can be measurable achievements such as client successes or material audit findings (not mentioning which client) Nationality is important especially if you do qualify for Employment equity, you want to dispel any doubt as to your status. If you are a foreign national -please include in these fast facts what your permit status is Achievements List all the achievements that you had in this role Revert to the responsibilities and try provide objective examples of how you excelled in delivering on those responsibilities i.e. Came in under budget on all of my audits Other Interests: If you have any hobbies or interests include them here. Keep it to the point and don't drag on. Link to achievements if possible Please only include the most senior position that you have attained, unless there were 2 completely different roles with different competencies (e.g. Advisory and audit) Please don't include the actual day that you started and finished. Months are sufficient Please make sure you include an email address that you would like to receive employment related mails. If you are using a personal email address please make sure its professional Please do not forget to include your contact details: Email address Not inappropriate Private email address Mobile phone number Main responsibilities: Here you can list the extensive list of the competencies To the extent that required responsibilities in the job spec were competencies obtained in this specific period of employment please ensure that it is addressed here Make certain that what you write down as being a competency you can actually do! Use your date of birth rather than your age as you may forget to change this in subsequent years Do not include your middle names and don't use initials. Simple first and surname are more than adequate If you have registered as a CA with SAICA put CA (SA) after your name - you've paid for that! Secondary Education Do not make this too long winded Do not include your subjects with all your marks The employer will request your manuscripts for that Mention what school you attended and what years you were there for Mention all your achievements and accolades here Include: Matric average (if A) Distinctions Honours and Colours Head boy / girl Prefectship Career History Start from current employer working back in time Interviewers will be looking for gaps in your career so ensure if there are any periods when you were not employed these are mentioned and stated why you were not employed When listing you current employer mention its as KPMG - Bloemfontein and if you have a unit. Audit Clients: State which clients and industries you worked on With regard to your experiences gained, link to the actual audit work, but touch on the commercial experience you got from the industry. E.g. if you worked on home loan book in the bank, mention that with the relevance to the Sub-prime lending crisis Interviewers may not be interested in the audit work you did, but will be interested to see how much you learnt about the clients business and the environment in which it operates This section is to quickly satisfy the reader that you are well qualified enough not to be eliminated. List all you qualifications (without too much detail). Dont include where you got the qualification at this level. Simplicity is still key at this level of the CV. Don't include your QE and PPE results if you are a CA. If you are not a CA however, then do list QE and PPE Prior employers: As above except do not include trivial jobs you have done like barman duties The reader of the CV will be most focused within the first 20 seconds of reading the CV and decisions will be made in that time.

Functional Skills

Transcript: What are these programs best at: Word Excel Publisher PowerPoint What do they have in common? What are your top 5 qualities? Address the letter to the person who is recruiting – find out if it’s not on the advert Always type the cover letter. Use the same font as your CV Do not exceed 5 paragraphs Learning Objective (T) I will learn how to create an email address using passwords securely. I will learn how to use a template to write a CV using Microsoft Word. Challenge level (T) Bronze: I have created an email address and started a CV with help. Silver: I have created an email address and CV using formatting with some help. Gold: I have created an email address and started a CV with a Word template independently. . Create a gmail account How can you make your CV stand out? Starter Starter Make sure you're password is one that you can remember. CV Information Which program/software would be best to write a text based document. What information is needed on your CV? Name? Contact? Which websites can be used to find jobs/vacancies? Where else can you find vacancies? Functional Skills AQA Learning Objective I will learn how to save on a gdrive cloud, classroom and a hard drive/local server. I will learn how to password lock my CV Challenge level Bronze: I have saved my CV in at least 2 places, I have password locked my CV with help. Silver: I have saved my CV in 3 places and password locked with assistance. Gold: I have saved my CV on multiple devices and password locked the doc.

Americo Tomas CV Template

Transcript: Name: Americo Tomas Date of Birth: 11 September 1979 Nationality: Portuguese Marital Status: Union of fact Tel: +351 917639454 Email: Address: Rua Francisco Costa nº9 7A, 2765-277 Rio de Mouro, Sintra Driving Licence: Full/Clean Health: Excellent, non-smoker Interests: Squash, Golf, Reading, Theatre and killing smokers. IT Skills: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, facebook and Email References Are Available On Request! Thanks for your time! 2005–2009 TYRES Mars LTD Freelance Consultant •Project managing the redevelopment of the retail sales strategy across the Mars market with the ultimate aim of facilitating business performance improvements •Successfully developing multi-channel solutions including instigating a new HiQ Fast Fit Franchise proposition 1999–2005 OCG GROUP Slave •Fully accountable for the establishment and management of a new business arm specialising in the provision of telemarketing services requiring the development of an independent customer base •Collaborating with professionals and third parties to set up the infrastructure for the company and 2000–2004 MNT Contact Ltd Operations Director •Providing management and support to up to 100 000 members of staff and motivating them towards the achievement of optimum service delivery standards to facilitate customer satisfaction and maximum revenue generation •Maintaining full profit and loss accountability up to £5 million while achieving a year-on-year growth in revenue of more than 99% Get this free template: Curriculum Vitae Education High School 1995-2007 Mars 999th School Mars Masters Degree 2010-2012 Moon University Moon Bachelors Degree 2007-2010 Mars University Mars Experience Portfolio

Template CV

Transcript: Name: PT LEMBAH SERAYU Date of Birth: 16 April 1985 Nationality: INDONESIA Bussines : Contraktor Tel: 021-63866209 Email: Address: JL. Petojo Binatu II No.31 Driving Licence: Full/Clean Health: Excellent, non-smoker Interests: Squash, Golf, Reading, Theatre and killing smokers. IT Skills: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, facebook and Email References Are Available On Request! Thanks for your time! 2005–2009 TYRES Mars LTD Freelance Consultant •Project managing the redevelopment of the retail sales strategy across the Mars market with the ultimate aim of facilitating business performance improvements •Successfully developing multi-channel solutions including instigating a new HiQ Fast Fit Franchise proposition 1999–2005 OCG GROUP Slave •Fully accountable for the establishment and management of a new business arm specialising in the provision of telemarketing services requiring the development of an independent customer base •Collaborating with professionals and third parties to set up the infrastructure for the company and 2000–2004 MNT Contact Ltd Operations Director •Providing management and support to up to 100 000 members of staff and motivating them towards the achievement of optimum service delivery standards to facilitate customer satisfaction and maximum revenue generation •Maintaining full profit and loss accountability up to £5 million while achieving a year-on-year growth in revenue of more than 99% Get this free template: PT LEMBAH SERAYU VISI & MISI Bachelors Degree 2007-2010 Mars University Mars Masters Degree 2010-2012 Moon University Moon High School 1995-2007 Mars 999th School Mars Experience Portfolio

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