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Disney Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Interdependence What is this Interdependence is when two countries rely on each other through their trade because each country has something the other country needs. Pros and cons of interdependence Review Questions Question #1 What does interdependence mean? Interdependence is when two countries rely on each other through trade because each country has something the other country needs. Question #2 What is not an example of interdependence? A non- example of interdependence is a person having food and water and doesn't need anything else and another person needing both but not having anything to give. Question #3 What is an example of interdependence? Someone needing water but having food and another person needing food but having water so they trade with each other for what each other needs thus making this an example of interdependence. Question #4 What are the countries in the example we showed you that use interdependence? Steve and Bob are the countries in the example and they traded lesson plans (education) for water. Question #5 What are some pros of interdependence? Pros of interdependence: Country A and Country B will always have a trading partner. Their will most-likely be no trade barriers beteween Country A and Country B. Also, since both countries have a good trading partner, their economies won't be bad. Question #6 What are some cons of interdependence? If country A runs out of what you need then it would make both of your countries economies crash because country A would lose a very important trading partner and country B would lose a place in which they can get the resources they need. Preguntas? Cons of interdependence: ?


Transcript: Plus other Special Events! Computer & Email Usage Policy Levin Furniture recognizes the importance of creating a safe and secure environment within which our associates can work. It is a flagrant violation of Levin Furniture’s no harassment policy to initiate or participate in harassment based on sex, religion, race, disability, ethnicity or any other characteristic protected by law. Sexual harassment is defined as: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s prospective or continuing employment. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for employment staff decisions affecting an individual. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. Associates found to have engaged in sexual or any other form of unlawful harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. It is the policy of Levin Furniture to provide a clean and safe environment for our associates, visitors, and/or customers. If you are injured at work: Notify your manager immediately Fill out an Associate Accident Report If you are seeking medical attention, you will be sent for a Post-Accident drug screen When seeking medical attention, you will be required to go to a BWC-certified provider in Ohio or follow the Panel of Physicians in Pa. After seeking treatment, report your work status immediately to your manager. Progressive Discipline Policy Levin Policies and Procedures Company Picnics Levin Policies and Procedures Robert Levin, President Robert took over the family business in 1992. Robert continues his family’s tradition of service, quality and competitive pricing while continuing to grow the business. The counseling process will be accelerated during the first 90 days of service. Allowed 1 grace day during first 90 days of service. The second call off during the first 90 days of service will result in a Final Written Counseling. The third call off during the first 90 days of service will result in Separation. People you should know… Vendor Cruise Attendance Policy Holiday Parties No Harassment Policy People you should know… Smoking is prohibited inside any building or facility owned or leased by Levin Furniture or on company premises with the exception of designated areas. This prohibition includes the Corporate Office and Warehouse and in all Stores and company vehicles. As an associate of Levin Furniture, it is important that everyone present a professional, business-like appearance. SALES ASSOCIATES/OFFICE ASSOCIATES Male Associates—dress may include: dress slacks, a clean business shirt, sport coat, business suit and a tie (optional) may be worn. Female Associates—dress may include: dresses, suits, skirts, blouses, slacks, dress capri pants, and skorts. Shoes should complement one’s attire and be worn with socks or hose. Overall appearance should not be offensive or in bad taste Drug-Free Workplace Policy Levin Furniture has implemented the S.T.A.R. (Saving Time And Resources) Associate Suggestion Program to reward associate’s ideas that when implemented, make work flow more efficiently and save resources. A $25.00 gift card will be awarded for ideas that when implemented significantly save time and resources. A $400.00 award will be given annually for the S.T.A.R. suggestion of the year. You can pick up a Star suggestion form from your manager, HR or the ASK website. Golf Outing Questions Levin Furniture is always looking for qualified candidates to fill positions. The Recommend a Friend program was developed to reward current Levin associates for providing quality referrals. How Do You Make a Referral? Simply pick up a RAF form (from your manager, HR or ASK website). Complete and submit the RAF form along with a completed Levin application. How Do You Receive Your RAF Award? You will be notified if your RAF referral is hired. Once the new associate reaches their 90 day anniversary, you will receive $200.00 (paid through regular payroll, less applicable taxes and deductions) *Both the referral and you must be active associates at the time the RAF award is paid. Certain eligibility restrictions apply. Sales Awards Million Dollar Club $900k Award + more Annual Sales Awards Banquet Welcome To Our Team! Basil Hawanchak Vice President,Finance The sequence and number of counseling steps to be followed for those violations considered to be correctable are as follows: Associates with 90 or less days of service (Introductory period): Final Written Counseling Separation Associates with over 90 days of service Verbal Counseling Written Counseling Final Written Counseling Separation *Serious offenses may result in immediate termination No Smoking Policy

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

Jon Mercer's Disney Story template

Transcript: Sadly, Tim forgot to bring any sort of weapon, so he was completely helpless against Dante in his snake-dragon form. Unable to understand what has happened, he questions a squirrel, who happened to be nearby collecting nuts. Even though Tim didn’t do anything all that heroic, the people of the land rejoiced and made Tim the new king of the land. Though Tim would continue to be a troll, from then on people at least tolerated him a bit more than they had before. And everyone, especially Tim, lived happily ever after. But as years passed, Tim began to bore himself out with his excessive trolling. Tim would be an absolutely perfect person, if it weren’t for the fact that he was a troll. Not the ugly, smelly kind that lives under a bridge, but the kind that annoys others and wastes their time for his own amusement. Eventually, everyone was so fed up with Tim that they threw him in jail. After a brief chat about the weather and the silly hats the prison guards wear, Tim confessed to the fairy godparent how much he wishes to see the outside world again. Noooooo! 1. Once a troll, always a troll. 2. Trolls have no souls! Please sto- Dante ponders the situation, then offers Tim a deal. He would give Tim eternal freedom in exchange for nothing less than his soul. The Adventures of Tim the Troll At first, Tim didn't seem to mind, and he spent most of his time trolling the prison guards. But to Dante's surprise, he is unable to steal Tim's soul! It seems that Dante was the only one who didn't know the first two rules about trolls: Tim, like many other trolls, does not care about the consequences of his actions, and promptly flees the scene. Before Tim could even finish his sentence, however, Dante lunged towards Tim at a frightening pace. Tim confronted Dante, and asked him to stop destroying everyone’s homes. My paper explored the topic of how storytelling has evolved in Disney movies over the years. What follows is a possibility (not really) of what the next Disney animated feature could be like, if current trends continue. Jon Mercer At about the time he had completed his character development, Dante the morally ambiguous fairy godparent visited Tim in his cell. Eventually, he underwent character development and became a normal person. Once upon a time, in a poorly-drawn faraway land, there lived a jolly old fellow named Tim the Troll. The End? Enraged by this sudden turn of events, Dante goes on a destructive rampage. After all, Dante is a fairy, and a morally ambiguous one at that. The squirrel, amazed that Tim was actually acknowledging his actions, much less apologizing for them, forgave Tim and told him that a giant snake dragon monster had come and destroyed everyone's homes. After a brief chat about the weather and the silly hats the prison guards wear, Tim confessed to the fairy godparent how much he wishes to see the outside world again. Tim agrees to the offer and begins to effortlessly escape jail to start his new life. Tim annoyed everyone he could find, including children, adults, elderly folk, even forest animals! After a brief chat about the weather and the silly hats the prison guards wear, Tim confessed to the fairy godparent how much he wishes to see the outside world again. Tim wandered around for miles before he finally found the snake dragon monster. The snake dragon monster turned out to be Dante, who apparently has the ability to turn into a snake dragon monster. After several months, he was STILL on a destructive rampage. Dante had cornered Tim on the edge of a cliff, and all seemed lost. Dante, as menacingly as he could, yelled, “IF I CAN’T HAVE YOUR SOUL, I’LL HAVE YOUR HEEEEEARTT!”, and lunged at Tim. Furious at this sudden turn of events, Dante goes on a destructive rampage. After all, Dante is a mystical create, and a morally ambiguous one at that. Just who IS this guy?! When Tim reaches the prison's front gates, Dante appears and attempts to collect his payment. Tim, now homeless, decided to defeat the snake dragon monster on the grounds of having nothing better to do. Tim, realizing that his actions had made the squirrel mad, apologized. Enraged by this sudden turn of events, Dante goes on a destructive rampage. After all, Dante is a fairy, and a morally ambiguous one at that. But through an impossible stroke of luck, Dante missed completely and fell off the cliff to his death. A satire on Disney by Jon Mercer Jon Mercer At first, the squirrel was mad at Tim, since Tim had stolen the squirrel's nuts in one of the first scenes. Because you can turn 360 degrees and walk away! When Tim finally makes his way back to his home, he finds nothing but a bunch of burning buildings, with nobody in the vicinity.


Transcript: photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli -becomes contaminated -increases nutrient growth in water which stops photosynthesis, a process vital for fish to live -disposed of improperly alot of times Human health -The amount of waste produced by cruise ships is astonishing. -A passanger can create up to 100 gallons of waste water a week. ~ships now can carry over 8000 passangers -A cruise ship can generate over 50 tons of garbage, one million gallons of grey water,210 gallons of sewage, and 25,000 gallons of oil contaminated water. -and where does all this waste go after a one week voyage?? *dumped into our waters The growing cruise ship Industry What happens after waste is disposed of ? Impact on marine wildlife The Cruise Industry is one of the world fastest growing sectors -human sewage contains bacteria that are transmitted into some of the seafood's we eat. -Air pollution adds to the already existing global air pollution problem -been connected with many lung and respiratory problems found in patients Regulations -metals released from ships have been the cause to death, and reproductive faliure in fish, shellfish, and other marine wildlife. -Oil pollution is seen as a danger to sea birds, who lose the water repellent properties on there feathers. The feathers become waterlogged and birds often drown and die of exaustion. -Food contamination: we eat alot of the fish and shellfish who become contaminated from cruise ship pollution. -ship movement have been responsible for many whale deaths. -There is no universal law or regulations on how waste is disposed of by cruise ships. -Differents states and countries have their own law. - Two of the most important waste, grey water waste and sewage have no regulations at all except in Alaska. CONCERNS -expected to have over 20 million passengers by this year. -average ship size has seen a increase ofabout 90 feet per year. -larger ships can hold more passangers and the crew necessary to service the passangers -The growing Industry has increased the concern that cruise ships have on our environment, health, and marine life.

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