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Ham Radio Powerpoint Templates

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HAM radio

Transcript: Samantha Swedzinski Amateur Radio Operators (Ham Radio) What Who When How Overview of presentation: Overview A hobby and form of communication without the need for Internet or cell service Many different methods of communication are used Morse code Voice communication via hand held Computer messages via satellite All that is required is a license, basic equipment, and a willingness to learn. What is Ham Radio What Origin of HAM has a few different stories: The amateurs would hog the airwaves before getting different signals, they were called HAMs by commercial ops. A mispronunciation of amateur i.e Hamatur The last initial of three radio pioneers: Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, Edwin Armstrong, and Guglielmo Marconi. not accurate because Armstrong was unknown when the term was popular HAMS can be anyone Who are HAMS Who Commercial radio expanded quickly 1896 communication range was 2 miles 1901 commercial radio spanned the Atlantic US congress passes Radio Act of 1912 Required licenses WWI all HAM operation in US was shut down and many HAMS joined service Took awhile for operations to resume because the Navy didn't want HAM on the air waves rapid increase in number during this time Vacuum tube price was low Internationally radio communication by HAMs happened during this time Representation of Amateur Radio in the international community History of HAM History Radio movement became wide spread in the 1930s Post WWI civil defense Took off in WWII as a solution if invaded Amateur communications was suspended in Europe in WWII Hitler took away guns and radios radio signals could be triangulated using trucks placed in neighborhoods US HAMs couldn't communicate overseas Communication ended after pearl harbor but could still listen (War Emergency Radio) Membership expanded again with cheap surplus from WWII Licensing changes in the 1950s also helped with this FM frequencies expanded in 1960/70s to amateur Slow scan-> could send pictures sounded like an old fax machine, going a line at a time (70s) Got into color w/ program on conador 64 (robot slow scan Continued More History HAM radio in space, Owen Garriott communicated to over 300 people from space 1990s, more code less communication Still enjoyable and used today by people, epically the older generation Computer and internet have actually helped Continued More History Steps Get a license (different levels) Get a radio kits sold Go ham Steps: My Grandpa was a HAM radio operation His call number/license number was W0TWO, he would use this to id himself He also used the call CQ, CQ, then his call letters then CQ. CQ was an abbreviation for "c’est qui?" or who is there Personal Connection Connection Dad held rods in place, kept getting mild electrocutions but held one while grandpa welded Built radios as kit 25ft sections -75 ft total SW mn winter,power and telephone going down all the time, buried power lines when putting tower up-> used crane from power foreman->for all the beer and chicken the power line crew could eat o.g. going to hinge it up with a tractor, crane was faster and easy to hold for guidelines Tower set up story Stories Bus of kids trapped in snowstorm, phone lines down, used radio to call into town where the phone lines were working, at end of bus route, had all the kids Some HAMS apply to get parents call sign Radio day-> goal to run off of battery in a day in a remote location, get as many people as possible Dad has novice license while a kid, expired now-> but had to learn morose code to get it-> couldn't talk but could code Other instersting facts Interesting facts Sources: Topic

Ham Radio

Transcript: DX - Skip SATELLITE Email Hoax -----Original Message----- From: EDWARD PAUL JONES [] Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 8:11 PM To: M.A. ABITZ Subject: Silence ALL Ham Activity Can you believe this is really happening ? ED Pass it on folks it is getting nasty out there who knows what will be next..............CU Charlie California County Taking Actions To Silence ALL Ham Activity This is incredible. I can't believe this is happening in our country. Every ham in the US needs to read this. Does city and county agencies have cleaner and environmental friendly RF coming out of their radios? Date: Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 2:01 PM Subject: California County Taking Actions To Silence ALL Ham Activity From San Luis Obispo county supervisors took drastic and unprecedented action yesterday by passing an ordinance that would prohibit amateur radio operators, known as "hams", from operating their transmitting stations. The measure was put in place to eliminate what officials said were health risks associated with transmitters located close to children. A legal struggle is expected. By a vote of 4 to 1 with one abstention, the governing board of SLO county took action aimed at addressing a recent Stanford University study that showed a correlation between ham radios and attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity in children, as well as nagging reports of interference caused by radio hams operating their high-powered transmitters in residential neighborhoods. "Our primary responsibility is to provide a safe environment for children to live without the dangerous effects of radio waves constantly bombarding them and causing proven neurological and psychological problems," said E. Duane Nyborg, an attorney who represented the county in several court cases in the past year. "Hams are not the only culprits, but they are usually in very close proximity to children and are no doubt a major contributor to the health problems we've been seeing. The interference is just the last straw that convinced the county that something had to be done about it." Atascadero city manager Laura Lopez said that she has seen a tenfold increase in the number of complaints of interference from ham radio operators in the last six months. New housing developments which have dramatically increased the population there and placed homes unusually close to each other are the predominant contributing factor. Similar conditions exist in most of the county. "We have radio hams getting into toasters, electric pianos, light bulbs, everything, from their powerful transmitters that cause all this static. Many of our citizens can't use basic appliances or watch television because of all the junk that the hams are broadcasting," she told the Press-Telegram by telephone. Hams can't say they didn't see this coming. They were warned by the county last year that if they did not submit to a check of their stations by officials, they would have limits imposed on their operation. Few consented to the searches, which most decried as invasive. But nobody expected a total ban on transmissions. "This is outrageous. You'd better believe we're going to fight back and win. This is a totalitarian seizure of our rights that is totally illegal and can't stand up," said Frank Wilson, a local ham club president. He said there were no formal plans for an appeal yet but preparations were underway. Wilson claims that a federal preemption of local zoning ordinances, called PRB-1, delineates three rules for local municipalities to follow in accomodating antenna structures such as are used by hams. But Nyborg says that PRB-1 applies to antenna structures only, and not the transmitters used to feed the antennas with a radio signal. "We know all about PRB-1. That's why we said nothing about antennas. This law is not about antennas. It goes after the root of the problem, which are the transmitters that put out huge signals that get into the brains of our children and short-circuit them out. Those are the facts, that's what the scientific evidence points to," he said at a news conference called shortly after the county's action. In 2008, a group of researchers in the school of Environmental Health and Safety at Stanford published their findings that exposure to ham radio signals for three hours per day increased the risk of hyperactivity and related disorders by 10% in children aged 12 and under. This effect was seen when a typical ham radio was turned on up to ¼ mile away. The San Luis Obispo city office says that up to 11,000 children in that city live that close to a ham radio station. The Stanford study showed that frequency around 3.5, 7, and 14 Megahertz were the most harmful, but that the danger existed all the way up to 450 Megahertz and above. "We know where the hams are, that information is easy to get on the Internet," said former mayor of Paso Robles and current county supervisor Anthony Wu. "Most of these guys are running one hundred watts

HAM Radio

Transcript: HAM communication still continues on the ISS (ARISS program) Here is how you can spell your name in phonetic alphabet: CALL SIGN = PREFIX + ZONE NUMBER + SUFFIX So…our call sign is: TC3SCT Prefix: TC THE UAE: A6A, A6Z He made many voice contacts with people all around the world. Bulgaria: HGA, HGZ Is there anybody out there? Amateur radio, commonly called "ham radio", is a hobby enjoyed by many people throughout the world. It allows them to be identified and communicate with the other Ham Radio users International Call Sign Prefix Codes In Izmir we are in Zone 3 Netherlands: PAA, PIZ SAREX in Space It is a secondary source of communication. It has been used in times of distress. Astronauts can leave daily reports of activities. It keeps the crew from getting lonely by keeping them in contact with family and the public. It is a small World after all Ham Radio CQ – General Call QSL – Confirmed Call 73 – Hello General Facts Zone: 3 This is Alpha Lima India Each letter in phonetic alphabet is assigned a word beginning with that letter For example: If your name is Ali Started in 1980s HAMs are usually a shortwave radio used for direct world wide communication Suffix: (Space Camp Turkey) SCT MY – my N – no RPT – repeat TU – thank you Space Amateur Radio Experiment USA: K, W, N, AA – AK Why it is important? END Student can speak to space station astronauts through ARISS program Turkey: TA, TB, TC, YM (TC for special calls) Italy: IAA, IZZ FOR SPACE CAMP Where you are in Turkey determines what Zone Numbers you will use Zone Numbers What is HAM Radio? Armenia: EKA, EKZ He spoke with King Hussien of Jordan. Allows for communication between shuttle astronauts and students on Earth via HAM radios What is your name? Adding it all up ARISS Common Phrases Amatuer Radio on the International Space Station Such radios can be made easily and inexpensively at home. First HAM Radio Contact QRA – What’s your station? QTH – Station location QRZ – Who’s calling? QRD – Where are you from? Let's learn how to speak correctly on HAM radios HAM radio operators use the phonetic alphabet while they are speaking It has been used on dozens of shuttle missions. It was important on MIR. Spell and Say A call sign is like an operator's name. It was operated in 1983 by NASA astronaut Owen Garriot. Malaysia: 9MA, 9MZ


Transcript: 1. Set overall objective (All bands/favorite bands? Competitive level?) 2. Develop the specifications (features, performance, cost, labor) 3. Block diagram design (rough outline) 4. Details for each block (equipment selection, interconnections) 5. Determine plan of action (timetable, which pieces first) 6. Constant feedback — things come up, so modify the plan as needed 3 levels of license: Technician, general and extra. Technician: All VHF/UHF Amateur bands (frequencies above 30 MHz). Limited operations in certain HF bands. General: All VHF/UHF Amateur bands and most HF privileges (10 through 160 meters). Extra: All Amateur band privileges. Operating Bands History Attaining a license Design Process Hams operate all over the world. We have an amateur radio club at UA. Meet every Monday @ 7:30pm Next test is May 20th at the Akron Baptists Temple Guglielmo Marconi Spark Gap (1901) Morse Code Large Bandwidth Regulation in 1912 Bands below 200m reserved for hams 1908 Vacuum tube Not used until 1912 when AT&T made it avaliable HAM RADIO Superhet reciever What is ham radio Amateurs are allocated 26 bands (i.e., specific groups of frequencies) spaced from 1.8 Megahertz, which is just above the broadcast radio frequencies, all the way up to 275 Gigahertz! Depending on which band we use, we can talk across town, around the world or out to satellites in space. Hams can even bounce signals off the moon! ( Hobby Non Commercial Cant transmit music Promote advancement of radio communication RF circuit 1918 Marcel Wallace panadaptor introduced IF circuit 1933 spectrum analyzer eliminated large bandwidth 1931 coax cable 1948 receivers started using RF circuit Getting Involved

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

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