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Insurance Company Powerpoint Template

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Insurance Company

Transcript: 8.Find one (real life) example of this type of financial institution 6.a. Is any of this revenue/income given back to the customers? By having monthly rates with sometimes interest. For services. 4.One similarity between banks and insurance companies is that they are both financial intermediaries. the bank makes money. An insurance company, insures its customers against certain risks, such as the risk of having a car accident, or the risk that a house catches on fire. 1. Financial institution type? 5.Why would a customer choose this type of financial institution over another type that offers the same services? 4. What are their primary services and products? e. Screen shot/pictures of their website, company, logo, etc... 7.FDIC deposit insurance covers the balance of each depositor's account, dollar-for-dollar, up to the insurance limit, including principal and any accrued interest through the date of the insured bank's closing. 3. What makes it unique/different from a traditional bank? 6.How do they generate revenue/income? 7.Is there any type of insurance covering customers in case of failure for this financial institution? a. Name - Geico b. Location (main branch/home office) - Chevy Chase, a town in Maryland c. List of products/services - Emergency Road Service d. Slogan or advertising statement - 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance Insurance company 2. depository or non- depository? 5.Can rely on insurance companies more than competitors. 1. Insurance company 2. Non-depository 3. Insurance companies are subject to only state level regulations add logo here

insurance company

Transcript: COMPANY INSURANCE History History 49 Insurance companies from various nations transacted 1947-1971 TITLE The insurance industry was nationalization 1972 TITLE 49 Insurance companies placed into public sector under these 5 insurance corporation. 1972 TITLE jatiya Bima corporation Karnafuli Bima corporation Surma Jibon Bima corporation Tista Bima Corporation Rupsa Jibon Bima Insurance corporation Act VI,1973. Following the Act, in place of five corporations the government format two. 1973 TITLE Sadharan Bima corporation Jiban Bima corporation By amendment of Act, private insurance companies were allowed to operate. 1984 TITLE 16 private companies established 1985-1988 TITLE 8 private companies registered 1996 TITLE 18 companies were established 1999-2001 TITLE AT A GLANCE AT A GLANCE PEOPLE PROTECTED PEOPLE PROTECTED LOCATIONS LOCATIONS City 1 City 3 City 2 SPECIALITIES SPECIALITIES OUR TEAM title OUR TEAM Name title Name title Name title Person with long name person with long title Name OUR PRODUCTS OUR PRODUCTS HEALTH HEALTH LEVEL BENEFITS Gold Silver Bronze IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY LIFE LIFE LEVEL Gold BENEFITS Silver Bronze IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY CAR CAR LEVEL Gold BENEFITS Silver Bronze IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY HOME HOME LEVEL Gold BENEFITS Silver Bronze IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY HISTORY HISTORY Established Expanded Today First major product TESTIMONIALS TESTIMONIALS STORY 1 STORY 1 STORY 2 STORY 2 STORY 3 STORY 3

Insurance Company

Transcript: To help gauge the awareness, the employee has, of health insurance, we have based this data on a percentage basis. According to this data we believe employers are not seeing the potential benefits of offering health insurance to their employees. To change this, we recommend illustrating these benefits to employers before trying to sell them health insurance. If they go into your sales pitch with knowing all of the benefits of supplying this to their employees, they may keep an open mind rather than tuning you out. Small business Female business owners Agree 4.0 Recommendation A survey was administered to various business owners in order to find out how important company insurance is to their bottom line. The decision may seem to be a simple numbers game, but further inquiries revolve around the employer's perception of the employee's need for insurance. This means that while most of our team's data analysis revealed no significance between the employer's belief in the importance of insurance, and their employee's perceived beliefs, small inconsistencies rose to the surface which reveal the actual importance they find in employee benefits. Furthermore, with this information, the insurance company can make decisions as to which type of business and business owner to target, when selling insurance. Female business owners should be targeted for packages that include a percentage payment from employees who receive health benefits. It would not make sense to target men for these types of insurance packages because they do not believe employees would be willing to pay for it. Further, when marketing to male business owners there should be an aspect of awareness so employers can see the benefits of employees paying a percentage for benefits. The simple average makes up the expected numbers. The actual number of employers surveyed is the observed, and it does not match across each company size. This reveals a significance between expected and observed. 14% is explained by 3 factors. Insurance Awareness Target Market According to this data we recommend targeting small business owners. Since there are many more small businesses in your area, use more of your time and resources communicating with them. Do not rule out the larger businesses all together, but keep in mind there are not as many. Also, larger businesses are typically better established and would already have a Health Insurance plan established if their company supports those kinds of benefits. 4.2 Statistics Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Here we look at the employer's willingness to pay a percentage for health insurance based on their belief that employees see it as an important benefit. In other words, if a manager finds insurance important to an employee, will they pay a percentage to make it available. Recommendation When targeting employers for insurance, there needs to be a clear understanding of how important the insurance is to the employee first. As the employee begins to realize the importance of insurance, the more likely the business owner is to purchase. Regression Insurance Data Research Team Jesse Carrillo Danelle Casella Hosoi Eiichi Krystal Ruiz Paired Sample t-test ShouldReceive 4.2 Expected Vs. Observed Employees should receive health insurance Chi-Square Test of Independence I believe protect and keep good work and secure environment for employees are managers’ significant duty and responsibility. Therefore, managers should take responsibility to find cheaper insurance for their employees. I believe tie-up is with local insurance company is the best way to expect receiving discounts. Results already showed the key which indicated employees should be able to afford it on their own if cost of insurance is cheaper. Company Size When is insurance too expensive? I think providing health insurance for my employees is too expensive. My employees would be willing to pay through payroll deduction Correlation Recommendation When looking at the business size of the surveyed employer, there were significantly more small business owners who took it. This is important because the results may not hold validity with large corporations. Recommendation Strongly Agree 5.0 Means Cost is a main concern when purchasing insurance plans. Statistics Independent t-test Here we took the extreme end of the spectrum and ran a regression to find the main reasons an employer would have this perspective. We managed to reduce the reasoning into 3 predictors. First, of course, if health insurance costs were lower the employer would purchase it. Second, if insurance does not reduce employee turnover, there is no need for it. Lastly, it comes down to how important health insurance is to the employer, regardless of cost. How many employees are currently working for you? The two groups of people being compared are male and female. Each is being looked at in relation to the employer's belief that their employees would be willing to pay a percentage of insurance through payroll

Insurance company

Transcript: Management of compliance risk Measures This project has discussed two position on compliance management in the filed of insurance company .One being profits should come first and the other stating that the construction of compliance management is more important . The aim of project is to explain the reason for managing compliance risk in insurance company. Management of compliance risk will be considered at first, secondly possible solutions will be provided . Construct healthy and sustainable insurance company Promote the relevant supervise Create compliance value The importance of compliance Reference Bourke Tony, (2015), Risk your business, risk your life, Crown books for young readers, P67 S.Dorfman Mark,2013, Introduction to risk management and insurance University of North Carolina at Charlotte, P26 Deloitte (2015) Governance, Risk and Compliance Services: A brief overview (online) last accessed at Search Compliance (2015) management of compliance risk: A brief overview (online)last assessed August 21at End your presentation with a simple question slide to: Invite your audience to ask question Provide a visual aid during question period Violation of laws and regulations Impose to sanction Suffer financial losses Conclusion Outline Problems How to manage compliance risk Establish favorable exterior environment Heighten capital return and risk control ability Saving management cost No clear division in functions relative terms No coordination force in compliance Not provide substantial support Thank you!

Insurance Company

Transcript: Insurance In an insurance contract, one party, theinsured, pays a specified amount of money, called a premium, to another party, the insurer. The insurer, in turn, agrees to compensate the insured for specific future losses. The losses covered are listed in the contract, and the contract is called a policy. video Life insurance provides financial benefits to a designated person upon the death of the insured. Many different forms of life insurance are issued. Some provide for payment only upon the death of the insured; others allow an insured to collect proceeds before death. A person may purchase life insurance on his or her own life for the benefit of a third person or persons. Individuals may even purchase life insurance on the life of another person. For example, a wife may purchase life insurance that will provide benefits to her upon the death of her husband. This kind of policy is commonly obtained by spouses and by parents insuring themselves against the death of a child. However, individuals may only purchase life insurance on the life of another person and name themselves beneficiary when there are reasonable grounds to believe that they can expect some benefit from the continued life of the insured • Policyholders forego some current expenditure to pay policy premiums. Moreover, life insurance is typically purchased for the benefit of others and usually only indirectly for the insured person. • Cash surrender values are usually less than the premiums paid in the first several policy years and sometimes a policy owner may not recover the premiums paid if the policy is surrendered. • The life insurance purchase decision and the positioning of the life insurance can be complex especially if the insurance is for estate planning, business situations or complex family situations. • The life insurance acquisition process can be annoying and perplexing (e.g. Is the life insurance agent trustworthy? Is this the right product and carrier? How can medical underwriting be streamlined?). Types of life Insurance LIFE INSURANCE : Term Life Insurance Permanent Life Insurance However, after the entry of the private operators and aggressive marketing by few players this kind of policies are becoming popular. The premium on such type of policies is comparatively quite low when compared with other types of life insurance policies, mainly due to the fact that these policies do not carry cash value. PLUS OF TERM LIFE INSURANCE - The premium payable on these policies is low as they do not carry any cash value. - One can afford for quite high value insurance policies MINUSES OF TERM LIFE INSURANCE If one survives the period of the policy, he / she does not get any money at the end of the policy. The premium on such policies keeps on increasing with age mainly because the risk of death of older people is more. Over the page of 60, these policies become difficult to afford. In a Permanent Life contract, a portion of the money paid as premiums is invested in a fund that earns interest on a tax-deferred basis. Thus, over a period of time, this policy will accumulate certain "cash value" which you will be able to get back either during the period of the policy or at the end of the policy. ENDOWMENT POLICIES These policies provide for period payment of premiums and a lump sum amount either in the event of death of the insured or on the date of expiry of the policy, whichever occurs earlier. MONEY BACK POLICIES These policies provide for periodic payments of partial survival benefits during the term of the policy itself. A unique feature associated with this type of policies is that in the event of death of the insured during the policy term, the designated beneficiary will get the full sum assured without deducting any of the survival benefit amounts, which have already been paid as money-back components. Moreover, the bonus on such policies is also calculated on the full sum assured. ANNUITY / PENSION POLICIES / FUNDS This policies / funds require the insured to pay the premium as a single lump sum or through installments paid over a certain number of years. The insured in return will receive back a specific sum periodically from a specified date onwards (the returns can can be monthly,half yearly or annually), either for life or for a fixed number of years. In case of the death of the insured, or after the fixed annuity period expires for annuity payments, the invested annuity fund is refunded, usually with some additional amounts as per the terms of the policy. Annuities / Pension funds are different from all other forms of life insurance as an annuity policy / fund does not provide any life insurance cover but merely offers a guaranteed income either for life or a certain period. Therefore, this type of insurance is taken so as to get income after the retirement. How Do Insurance company make money Insurance companies create insurance policies by grouping risks according to their focus. This provides a measure of

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