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Tsunami Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Tsunami 1.A Tsunami is a big title wave.Tsunami can be caused by a sudden plate shift, volcanic activity, or an occasional astroid impact. 2.Tsunamis are caused by the down drop or up thrust of the Earths crust which results in an earthquake, a large scale undersea landslide.They can't be stopped. Tsunamis can destroy factories, buildings, and ruin landscapes. They can kill animals and people. 3. Tsunamis can lead to property damage and loss of life, meany people die if not properly safe. When the Tsunami of japan happend in 2009 meany lost there lives and meany others was seriosly hurt. When you get your self "out the door" always get your family. DO NOT GET: CLOTHES, TVS, ELECTRONICS, AND OTHER STUFF LIKE THAT. 4.Before-Find out if you're home is in danger and make a plan.You will need a flashlight, portable battery operated radio, first aid kit, canned food, water, and communication. After-Stay away from floods and damage areas, and debris in water. Easton P. Katie S. Brittany C. Bibiography NA, NA. "Tsunami:the grate wave.." national weather service, nd. Web. 25 Jan. 2012. <>. Ward, Steven N. "Tsunami." world book. T. Vol. 19. Chicago, IL: na, 09. 475. Print. Bonar, Samantha. "Na." Tsunami. Ed. NA. NA. Manoka, Minnesota: NA, 02. NA., . . Print. Chowdhury, Deshakalayan. Killer Waves. Tsunami. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. <>. You will need Communication, Water, Canned Food, Battery Operated Radio, and Flashlight. What you should do in a Tsunami After a Tsunami you should stay away from debris.

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Transcript: MADE BY: CHRISTIAN LIU JEFFERY HAU COURSE CODE: ELS3O8-03 TEACHER: MS. BARRS Did you remember, the strongest tsunami in Indian Ocean, 2004? Did you remember, the strongest earthquake in Japan, 2011? Actually, taunami is a series of powerful undersea waves. Maybe you know that before. Today, we are still going to talk about TSUNAMI. At first, we are going to explain the definition and the source of the word, tsunami. And then, we are going to talk if there are some benifits of tsunami. Also, we are going to tell you how to save yourself when tsunamis attack. Now, enjoy our showtime and tsunamis' magic. HAVE A GOOD TIME ! ! Before we start, we are going to watch a video. This video can help you to learn more information about tsunami. Why this natural disaster called "TSUNAMI" ? The word "TSUNAMI" is from Japanese, it called "津波". It means the huge waves which are close to the harbors. By the way, tsunami in Mandarin called "haixiao", it means the sea is roaring. However, tsunami is a Japanese word. So, from this word, we can know that Japan is a country which is easy to get tsunamis' attack. This is a picture about Japan tsunami attack on Mar. 11, 2011. Now, let 's watch another video. This video is about tsunami on March 11, 2011 in Japan. Are there any benifits does tsunami have? Definite yes, but very little. In the past, there were some exact benifits: Tsunamis could provide a good living enviornment which areas were near the Ring of Fire but not too far from it. For example, Japan is the country that in the Ring of Fire. It is easy to get tsunamis' attack. But eastern China is good for people living that time. Just like Shanghai and Hong Kong. But now, there is very little benifit. It is: Tsunamis can bring us enough precipitation. When tsunamis come how to protect yourself? Now, let 's watch another video. This is a miracle of self-protection of tsunami. It is very short, about 2 minutes and a half. From the video, we can see that it is not very difficult to save your self. While you are saving yourself, you must do: 1. Always calm down and be positive all the time. 2. You must find higher areas to escape. 3. Be careful some animals' action before tsunamis, some animals like dogs are able to forecast earthquakes and tsunamis. 4. If you are sieged by sea water, climb a tree and wait for saving. Remember: Don 't waste your energy! 5. If you feel thirsty, don't drink the sea water because sea water has plenty of salt. It cannot solve our thirsty problems. Also, sea water can make us hallucinations. 6. If you fall in to the water, find other victims and go together because one of more people can encourage wach other. 7. Be care of local forecasts for tsunamis. Get ready for disasters. In conclusion, now we have talked about word source, benefits of tsunamis and self protection. You have know the information about that. From our prezi, you can know that: If you know tsunamis correctly, tsunamis will not be so scaring. ANY QUESTUONS ? ? ? Thanks for watching ! ! ! & Thanks for listening ! ! !

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