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Industrial Chemistry Powerpoint Templates

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Chemistry Powerpoint

Transcript: Created by Jesus Valencia and Juan Estanislao for Mrs. Muldong Research Information and Bases Acids What are Acids and Bases? What are Acids and Bases? Acids Acids You can recognize acid in liquids by their tart, sour, or sharp taste. Many other acids are highly caustic and should not be put to the taste test. Strong Acids Strong Acids A Strong Acid is an acid that ionizes completely in a solvent. Examples of a Strong Acid are the following: Hydochloric Acid (HCL), Hydrobromic acid (HBr), Hydriodic acid (HI), Nitric acid (HNO3), Sulfuric acid, (H2SO4), Perchloric acid (HCL04), Periodic acid (HL04). Weak Acids Weak Acids Weak Acids are acids that releases few hydrogen ions in a aqueous solution. Examples of Weak Acids are the following: Acetic acid (CH3COOH), Hydrocyanic acid (HCN), Hydroflouric acid (HF), Nitrous acid (HNO2), Sulfurous acid (H2SO3), Hypochlorous acid (HOCL), Phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Bases Bases Unlike acids, which are usually liquids or gases, many common bases are solids. Solutions of bases are slippery to the touch, but touching bases is an unsafe way to identify them. Strong Bases Strong Bases Strong Bases are bases that ionizes completely in a solvent. Examples for Strong Bases are the following: Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), Potassium hyrdroxide (KOH), Calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2, Barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)2), and Sodium Phosphate (Na3PO4). Weak Bases Weak Bases Weak Bases are bases that releases few hydroxide ions in aqueous solutions. Examples of Weak Bases are the following: Ammonia (NH3), Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3), Potassium Carbonate (K2CO3), Aniline (C6H5NH2), and Trimethylamine (CH3)3N). Acidity, Basicity, and pH Acidity, and Basicity, and pH Water is both an acid and a base. This means that a water molecule can either give or receive a proton. For example when their are a pair of water molecules ---> (H2OCL)+ (H2OCL)---> (H3O) (aq)+ (OH) (aq). A pair of water molecules are in equilibrium with two ions- a hyrdronium ion and a hydroxide ion- in a reaction known as the selfionization of water. Thus, even pure water contains ions. When the concentration of (H3O) goes up, the concentration of (OH) goes down, and vice versa. An equilibrium- a constant expression relates the concentration of species involved in an equilibrium. The relationship for the water equilibrium is simply (H3O+) + (OH-)= Keq. This equilibrium constant is called the self-ionization constant of water. Its so important that it has its own special symbol,Kw. The product of these two ion concentration is always constant. The concentration of hydroxide ions in a solution expresses its bascicity. pH determines how basic or acidic something is. When acidity and basicity are exactly balanced such that the numbers of the (H3O+) and (OH-) ions are equal, we say that the solution is neutral. For an example, pure water is neutral because it contains equal amounts of the two ions. Certain dyes known as indicators, turn different colors in solutions of diferent pH. Neutralization and Titrations Neutrailization and Titrations When a solution has a high (H3O+) concentration, it high enough to react with and dissolve metals. High concentrations of (H3O+) (aq) and (OH-) (aq) cannot co-exist. Most of these ions have reacted with each other in a process known as a neutralization reaction. When solutions of a strong acid and a strong base, having exactly equal amounts of (H2O+) (aq) and (OH-) (aq) ions are mixed, almost all of the hydronium and hydroxide ions react to form water. The reaction is described by the equation: (H3O+) (aq) + (OH-) (aq) ---> (2H20Cl). The game reaction happens regardless of the identities of the strong acid and strong base. After hydrochloric acid neutralizes a solution of sodium hydroxide, the only solutes remaining are (Na+) (aq) and (Cl-) (aq). When the water is evaporated, a small amount of sodium chloride crystals. If an acidic solution is added gradualy to a basic solution, at some point the neutralization reaction ends because the hydroxide ions becomes used up. This process is called equivalence point. The gradual addition of one solution to another to reach an equivalence point is called a Titration. The purpose of a titration is to determine the concentration of an acid or a base. Titrant is used to measure the volume of the alkaline solution. To find the concentration of the solution being titrated, you must of course, already have the concentration of the titrant. A solution whose concentration is already known is called a standard solution. All indicators have a transition cage. In this range the indicator is partly in its basic form. The instand at which the indicator changes color is the end point of the titration. If an appropriate indicator is chosen, the end point and the equivalence point wiil be the same. Equilibria of weak Acids and Bases Equilibira of weak acids and bases Formic acid is a typical Bronstec- lowry acid, able to donate a proton to a base, such as the acetate ion, CH3COO. The name

Chemistry Powerpoint

Transcript: More Stable - Ions are easily formed eactions LIGAND SUBSTITUTION - is a reaction in which one ligand in a complex ions is replaced by another ligand. The ligand that is replaced in most ligand substitution is water molecules. COMMON LIGANDS :OH - hydroxide (-1) :CN - cyanide (-1) :SCN - Thiocyanate (-1) :Cl - Chloride (-1) :NH3 - Ammonia (neutral) :OH2 - Water (neutral) First Reaction The water particles in the aqueous copper (II) ions dissociate and hydrogen gas is produced. A pale blue precipitate is formed Second Reaction The excess ammonia is acting as a ligand and kicks off four of the waters. A dark bue solution is formed. Concentrated hydrochloric is added to an aqueous solution containing cobalt (II) ions. Aqueous cobalt (II) ions are pale pink in colour and when hydrochloric acid it turns to a dark blue solution. The HCl replaces six water molecules in the complex ions are replaced by four chloride ions. The reaction is reversible and can be represent in a equilibrium equation. Definition: (Equilibrium) Left Ligand Substitution is the equilibrium constant for an equilibrium existing between a transition metal ion surrounded by water ligands and the complex formed when the same ion has undergone a ligand substitution. Stability Constant Aqueous Copper(II) ions and Hydrochloric Acid Right R Concentrated hydrochloric is added to an aqueous solution containing copper (II) ions. The solution starts off at pale blue solution, initially forms a green solution before finally turning yellow. The reaction exists in equilibrium and can be reversed by adding water to the yellow solution to return to its original colour blue. It turns green when there is equal concentrations of both aqueous copper(II) ions and concentrated HCl. High Stability constant Low Stability Constant Aqueous Cobalt(II) ions and Hydrochloric Acid LIGANDS SUBSTITUTION AND STABILITY CONSTANTS Explain what is meant by ligand substitute giving two examples that are accompanied by a color change and including equations in your answer. Aqueous Copper(II) ions and Ammonia

Chemistry Powerpoint

Transcript: Propane can exist as a liquid and a gas. In its most natural state, it is clear, odorless, colorless, and non-toxic. When it turns into a gas it becomes bubbly. Think of it this way, water is liquid and steam is water vapor. Fun Fact: *Propane is the 3rd most popular gas used in vehicle transportation* What its used for? Propane iiii Propane Explosions Looks Like? *Commercial odorant is added so it can be detected if it leaks from it's container* Propane mixed with butane is mainly used as vehicle fuel. Propane mixed with air can start a flame. Propane starts out as a liquid then turns into a gas when it is exposed to air which causes it to ignite. Propane undergoes combustion reactions in a similar fashion to other alkanes. In the presence of excess oxygen, propane burns to form water and carbon dioxide. *Propane is flammable when mixed with air (oxygen) and can be ignited* Where its found? How it got named? The risk with the gas comes at high levels of exposure where the propane has displaced enough oxygen to cause asphyxia. Asphyxia is where the body cannot acquire enough oxygen and could lead to death. In liquid form, the risk is that exposure will cause frostbite on your skin. Fun Fact: Propane is usually found mixed with natural gas and petroleum deposits in rocks deep underground. Propane is called a fossil fuel because it was formed millions of years ago from the remains of tiny sea animals and plants. Reactions Formula Propane is used as fuel for furnaces for heat, in cooking as an energy source for water heaters, laundry dryers, barbecues, portable stoves, and motor vehicles The "prop-" root found in "propane" and names of other compounds with three-carbon chains was derived from the origin "propionic acid" *Propane helps to reduce ozone depletion. It has the ability to replace chlorofluorocarbon & hydro fluorocarbon refrigerants* Effects: Chemical Compound: Who Discovered? Fun Fact: Fun Fact Propane wasn't discovered till 1912 when Dr. Walter Snelling was directing a series of experiments for the U.S. Bureau of Mines, he discovered that several evaporating gases could be changed into liquids and stored at moderate pressure. Dr. Snelling developed a way to "bottle" the wet (liquid) gas. One year later, the commercial propane industry began heating American homes.

Chemistry Powerpoint

Transcript: Chemical properties describe how things react Physical properties describe smell, sight, feeling etc Isotope: atoms of same element with a different number of neutrons Quantum Numbers Step 2: Start by energy level Ions: atom of an element with a charge Never use "mono" for first element in molecule The Periodic Table Polar and Polar mix Polar: when one side completely pulls Binary Salt Ionization Energy: amount of energy required to remove an electron Step 1: Identify how many electrons -One element after "H" -Add hydro- prefix -Ends in -ate, change ending to -ic N, L, Ml, Ms Ionic Bonds Step 1. Assume 100 grams Mixtures: -Homogenous: same throughout; consistent -Heterogenous: Different throughout; inconsistent Chemical and Physical Changes The Quantum Numbers Valence Shell: outer most shell of electron Protons: positive Electrons: negative Neutrons: neutral -When an ionic bond occurs, net charge should equal 0 J.J Thomson's experiment proved there was a negative charge within atom with help of the decotho ray experiment (I spelled "decotho" wrong) Rutherford discovered the the nucleus and protons with the gold-foil experiment Sub-atomic particles: protons, neutrons, electrons Core electrons: all electrons not in valence shell Non-polar: when everything pulls the same Steps Polyatomic Acid Dalton's Atomic Theory 1. All substances are made up of tiny particles called atoms 2. Nothing is smaller than an atom 3. Atoms of the same element are identical 4. Law of Conservation of Mass: matter cannot be neither created nor destroyed 5. Law of Constant Composition: all molecules of same compound are made of same ratio of element 2. Identify the anion and give its name, but change ending to -ide Ionic and Covalent Bonds Discoveries 5. Use mass of empirical formulas and given mole mass to identify molecular formula Use Latin prefixes Step 4. Simplify ratio by dividing by samllest number Electronegativity: attractedness of an atom to an electron; increases left to right on P.T Empirical Formulas: simplest ratio of elements in compounds Monoatomic Acid Hector Bocanegra Period 2 -Occurs with nonmetals and metals Non-polar and non-polar mix Atomic Radius: size of atom; distance from valence shell Types of Reactions -Occur when there is a large amount of difference in negativity Nonmetal + nonmetal Nomenclature -N: energy level -L: orbital -Ml: orientation -Ms: spin Covalent Bonds Sub-Atomic Particles History of Atom Polarity Electronegativity Molecular Formulas: the exact composition of a compound -Exist in nonmetal and nonmetal Solids -definite shape and definite volume Liquids -definite shape and indefinite volume Gas -indefinite shape and indefinite volume Empirical and Molecular Formulas Polar substances will always be uneven -Ends in -ite, change ending to -ous Step 2. Convert to moles Step 3. Write a ratio of elements -Octet Rule: valence shell should have 8 electrons Not all physical changes are permanent Color is a physical property; a CHANGE in color is a chemical 1. Identify the cation and give its full name Compounds and Molecules Acid Nomenclature Orbitals exist for every energy level, but only some exist on each energy level Electron Configuration - Made when ions are shared (electron) Synthesis- puts together Decomposition- separates Precipitation- combination of 2 liquids to a solid Single-Replacement- one swap Double-Replacement- two swaps Combustion- fire/explosion Redox- change in charge, one molecule steals an electron Nomenclature "Like dissolves Like" Element: cannot be broken down further a. If no charge is given, number of electrons=number of protons When element starts with vowel, drop "a" in prefix - In order to represent how covalent compounds are structured, we use a system called the Lewis Dot Structure Chemistry PowerPoint

Chemistry PowerPoint

Transcript: -Born/Death/Age Died/Nationality -Born 384 BC in Stageira, Chalcidice. And died 322 BC in Euboea at the age of 61 or 62.) -Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher and Polymath. -Contributions To Science -Aristotle proposed the fifth element of "Aether," which consists of celestial bodies and stars, along with the already established other four elements of: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. -Aristotle defined motion as "The actuality of a potentiality as such." -Aristotle was one of the first people to make a way to classify living things. -Born/Died/Death Age/Nationality -Born 460 BC in Abdera, Thrace. Died 370 BC at the age of 90. -Democritus was an Ancient Greek Philosopher. -Contributions To Science -Came up with the Theory that everything is made up of "atoms" with Leucippus. -Proposed the earliest views on the shapes and connectivity of atoms. -Has a type of atom named after him. The Democritean atom. -The democritean atom is an inert solid that interacts with other atoms mechanically. Democritus Democritus Powerpoint By: Jear Bear (: Democrites & Aristotle Aristotle Aristotle -Interesting Life Facts!! -Aristotle wrote many books over the subjects of Physics, Metaphysics, Poetry, Theater, Music, Logic, Rhetoric, Linguistics, Politics, Government, Ethics, Biology, and Zoology. -Taught Alexander The Great and was a student of Plato. -Interesting Life Facts -Most of his discoveries/contributions to science were with his mentor Leucippus. -Formulated the Atomic Theory for the world.

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.


Transcript: Cradle To Grave: Paper By: Syed Rizvi "The Great" History Behind Paper Oldest form of paper dates back to 2nd century BC China. Paper is effective substitute for silk so china exported a large quantity of silk which was a major factor to the 'Golden Age' The english word 'paper' comes from the greek term that is an egyptian writing material that is know as 'papyrus' made by certain kinds of plants. Papers Uses/Purposes Paper is used in different categories, most of them in which we see in our everyday lives such as - doors, roof,drivers license flooring,roofing,wallpapers Raw materials harvested wood Wood fiber Sawmills Recycled Newspapers Vegetable matter (matter produced from plants) Recycled clothes Coniferous trees Chemistry Used in paper Chemical name Chemical Formula Purpose slicate of Magnesia MgO-32%, SiO2-62% Gives paper a greasy soapy feel to it. Sodium Hydroxide NaOH used for the pulping, and maintains the PH Titanium Dioxide TiO2 A filler that increases the brightness of the paper. Alkylphenol Ethoxylates CH3(CH2)n(C6H4) this chemical is used as the cleaning agent Sodium Abietate C19H29COONa this chemical is used for the sizing of paper. Hydrated Silicate of Alumina Al2O3-40%; SiO2-46%; This is the filler that is used for the coating of paper Ethylene Diamine Tetra acetic Acid - This chemical takes out all the tranisiton metals from the pulp How Paper is made Paper undergoes 4 processes - Pulp, Beating, pulp to the paper, and the finishing touch. Differentiation from similar products cellulose fiber is key in the making of paper, research has shownthat the cellulose fiber in the Coniferous trees last longer and is much more stronger than the fiber in other trees. paper company's rather prefer the papers that come from the Coniferous trees rather than the papers that come from any other trees because they last much longer. How paper improves life and the environmental cost paper improves life by, people are able to document items on paper,create works as well as art and literature. many of the objects that we see today in our everyday life comes from paper. without paper we wouldn't have money. The forest products industry plants 1.7 million trees per day, almost 3 times what is harvested. there are 12 million more acres of forestland today than there was 20 years ago. 60% of the energy comes from self generated carbon neutral sources. Environmental issues paper is recycleable and re-useable - recylcing is recommened by environmentalists, it has helped a little but there is still too much deforestation a main concern is - deforestation Water pollution - chemicals in paper manufacturing including dykes and bleach and sizings can be harmful to the environment when they are released into the water air pollution - Nitrogen dioxide,sulfurr doxide and carbon dioxide are released during paper manufacturing, and these are major factors of acid rain which is responsible for climate change wood pulping process- bleaching of the chemical pulps can cause environmental damage because they release organic materials into the waterways. htp:// Works Cited page Education Money Medical Entertainement Period 1

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