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In Loving Memory Powerpoint Templates

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Transcript: Since 2001 each year that has gone by the whole world will always remember that one day that made a huge impact world wide, 9/11. (THE FLIGHT 93 NATIONAL MEMORIAL) it is a sculpture grove of trees forming around the crash site in Shanksville. To honor the passengers and crew in flight 93 who stopped the terrorists from reaching Washington D.C. Impossible To Forget 9 / 11 On September 11, 2001 in New York City, Washington D.C. It was a nice Tuesday morning until four passenger airliners were hijacked by terrorists. So they could be flown into the north and south twin towers (The world trade center complex in New York) resulting fires causing partial collapse of other buildings. The twin towers destroyed. design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi The Aftermath It affected the whole world, the after math of this caused War, Airport security, Many family members depressed, and Everyone all around paranoid. It felt like a huge funeral, many people everywhere posted up pictures and the names of the victims in 9/11 all over the streets, walls, ect... 3,000 children lost a parent 2,996 Deaths 6,000 and more non-fatal injuries 19 hijackers Shockingly... DISASTER STRIKES (THE PENTAGON MEMORIAL) Located in Arlington County, Virginia is a permanent outdoor to the 184 men and women who died as victims in the building and flight 77. A third plane crashed into the pentagon ( Headquarters of the United States Department of Defense) then a fourth plane was targeted at Washington D.C. but into the field near Shanksville in Pennsylvania. Here are some memorials for 9/11 : (THE TRIBUTE IN LIGHT) an art of 88 searchlights placed next to the site of the world trade center to create two vertical columns of light in remeberance of the Sept. 11 attack. IN LOVING MEMORY OF...

In Loving Memory

Transcript: Education and Career Introduction to the Memorial Slideshow Discover how our relative's academic endeavors and career choices aligned with their passions and goals, paving the way for a fulfilling and impactful professional life. Their educational achievements and career milestones define an inspiring story of perseverance and success. The memorial slideshow serves as a heartfelt tribute to remember and celebrate the life and legacy of our beloved relative who has passed. Milestones and Achievements Purpose of the Memorial The memorial slideshow is a way to honor and remember the life of our cherished relative who has passed away. It serves as a visual tribute to celebrate their impact and legacy with family and friends. Celebrate the remarkable journey of our relative through their educational and career achievements, personal milestones, and extraordinary accomplishments. Overview of the Tribute This segment provides a structured overview of the memorial slideshow, highlighting key moments and memories that define our relative's life. It sets the context for the heartfelt tribute we are creating to honor their memory. Impact on Others Legacy and Final Thoughts Reflect on the ways in which our relative touched the lives of family, friends, and the community. Their actions, words, and presence left a significant impact that continues to be felt. Educational Journey Explore the profound influence our relative had on others and the legacy they left behind. Their final thoughts and the legacy they built continue to inspire and resonate with those who knew them. The educational journey of our beloved relative showcases their commitment to learning and personal growth. Through academic achievements and educational milestones, they carved a path towards a brighter future, embodying a dedication to knowledge and self-improvement. Remembering Special Relationships Significant Moments Growing Up Early Life and Childhood Memories Closing Reflections and Messages From memorable milestones to impactful experiences, this section delves into the significant moments that defined the formative years of our beloved relative. Exploring these childhood memories offers insights into their early aspirations and influences. Take a moment to share personal reflections, messages, and memories that encapsulate the essence of our beloved relative. Through these shared moments, we honor their memory and celebrate their life. Explore the profound connections our relative had with family members, friends, and the community they were part of; these relationships shaped their identity, values, and cherished memories that continue to resonate. Family Bonds Delve into the early upbringing and significant milestones of our relative's childhood, painting a picture of the foundational moments that shaped who they became. Birth and Family Background The birth and family background provide a glimpse into the familial roots and heritage that contributed to shaping the identity and values of our beloved relative. Delve into the familial bonds and treasured moments that captured the essence of our relative's relationships with parents, siblings, children, and extended family. Family was the foundation of their strength and love. Friendships and Connections From lifelong friends to colleagues and mentors, our relative's life was enriched by diverse friendships and connections. These relationships offered support, laughter, and shared experiences that shaped their journey. In Loving Memory Honoring the Life of a Beloved Relative

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