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Hr Report Template Powerpoint

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HR Report

Transcript: types of recruitment employment exchanges employment agencies educational institutions recommendations Selection a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people process of fitting the selected person at the right job or place, i.e. fitting square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes to build up confidence, morale and trust of the employee in the new organization process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of employees for doing a particular job •Improves morale of employees •Less supervision •Fewer accidents •Chances of promotion Rotation a well-planned practice to reduce the boredom of doing same type of job everyday and explore the hidden potential of an employee education and training Experience and Outstanding Accomplishments Physical Characteristics and Personality Traits potential Promotion B. For Promotion and Transfer internal •developing a wider range of work experience •To determine the present and future requirement of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities •Employee’s layout •Type of organizational structure •Departmental goals •Organizational layout •General rules and regulations •Standing Orders •Grievance system or procedure re-employment of ex-employees reducing monotony of the job Placement advertisement acquisition of Generally the information given during the orientation program includes: A. For Entry Level Position •testing employee skills and competencies (through Internal Job Postings) Training Purpose and Importance productivity television PERFORMANCE •Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants promotions Criteria for Selection advancement of an employee from a position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law, and usually accompanied by an increase in salary succession planning Recruitment The comparative degree of competence and qualification of employees shall be determined by the extent to which they meet the following requirements at the time of the appointment: Criteria for Selection “A process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attraction that manpower inadequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce.” newspaper external •Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost Bien-Bien Kate P. Rojas, RN transfers creating Right employee job fit personnel

HR template

Transcript: HR Network, Tbilisi Best Practices In Credo HR Admin 01.07.2019. AGENDA AGENDA 01. 02. 03. About Us Strategic Planning and role of HR Remuneration systems About Us About us HR Metrics Our team HR Goal and Functions HR Metrics Our Team HR team building HR Department Structure HR Goal and Functions “The ability to make good decisions regarding people represents one of the last reliable sources of competitive advantage since very few organizations are very good at it.” Peter Drucker HR Goal ensuring that an organization can achieve its mission by having the right people with the right skills in the right places at the right times. ensures that the organization has a workforce capable of delivering on its strategic business objectives today as well as in the future. Employee Personal file management Employee agreements and amendments Labor law Compliance Absence and leaves Health and safety HR Security Discipline and grievance Performance Management Compensation and benefits Reward and recognition Internal Communication Exit Management HR Admin Functions Business Partnering Leading HR Innovators in sector Strong Culture Fair, transparent and equal opportunity recruitment/promotion system Credo Academy and regional training centers Management by Objectives (MBO) model and employee Performance Appraisal System Competitive Benefits and Reimbursement systems Internal Communication: Quarterly Newsletter/ Organization Survey/ Exits Survey/ Credo movie Team Building Activities: Staff Retreats, turnaments Recognition: Best employee nomination, Credo Loyalty Programs and Nominations Main Achievements Working Environment Opportunities for growth and development Fairness, equity and transparency Remuneration systems Our Competitive advantage Organizational Effectiveness Market Turn Over Ratio 15.2% 19% Annual Revenue per FTE K$ = 75.7 39 Annual Average cost per FTE K$ = 59.3 33 Annual profit per FTE K$ = 16.28 9 % of Management in Total Headcount = 10% 14% New Hires ratio = 29% 18% Front Office personnel in total Headcount = 57% 52% Annual Average Remuneration per FTE = 20 $ 15.48 Number of Training Days Per FTE = 3.5 3 External recruitment Rate 60% 75% Internal recruitment rate 40% 25% Time to fill 26/ 180 26 Successful hiring rate 70% 64% Job Opening per recruiter 6 5 HR Dashboard Remuneration HR Role system in Credo Alignment of organizational Goals to Employee Goals the link between organizational success, performance management Alignment Organizational Goals to Incentive schemes and motivation Support culture and values Strategic Planning and Role of HR Strategic Planning and role of HR Expectations – an individual’s motivation is based on strength of expectation, which in turn is based on past experience, perceived value of reward and likelihood of getting it Goal achievement – suggests that motivation and performance are higher when individuals are set specific goals when the goals are difficult but accepted and where there is feedback on performance Feelings about equity – people will be better motivated if they are treated equitably and demotivated if they are treated inequitably. It is concerned with people’s perceptions of how they are being treated in relation to others Cognitive theory Cognitive Theories Financial rewards Financial rewards is equal and transparent performance related pay -recognize individual performance Team pay - recognize organizational achievement and employee contribution Performance Based Performance Based Pay Hay Grading System and Salary Scales Yearly Salary Review Incentive scheme for Branch and HO employees Achievement Bonuses Team Pay Team Pay 13 Th salary when Company Achieves Common Objectives Christmas Bonus when Branch and Company Achieves Common Objectives Management Bonus Project bonuses for Team Health Insurance Gym Club membership Benefits Benefits Non Financial rewards Non Financial Rewards In Credo Training, Development and Carrier opportunities Winter and Summer Academies Career Opportunities Internal Training and MDP Programs Financing MBA Team Building Activities Staff Retreat Excursions Tourmanets Digital Hub Recognition Recognition In Credo Best Employees Monthly Bests nominations Best Employees of the year in diferent nominations Best Lo Club membership Employee nominations in Customer Service Best Employee Nominations best LO in Barcelona Loyal Employee Loyal Employee Awards Loyal Employee we nominated 60 - years employees in this year

HR Report

Transcript: The most informative stand at the career fair! Organizers put in one's best licks, well done! Anna, faculty of economy By Meremyanina Elena Career fair in MSU Maintenance the company's image Replenishment of the personnel reserve at the expense of the best specialists Establishing long-term relationships with the university Increasing the level of the company's competitive advantage Main university events in Autumn, 2015 Unfortunately, I could not participate in the selection process this year, hope to try next time. Waiting for you at the MSU career fair 2016 :) Dmitriy, faculty of mechanics and mathematics,5th year Statistics IT- projects at GE and the future of the Internet industry" GE cooperates with MSU since 2014 Career fair in MSU took place on the 12-14th of November, 2015 Total participation - 5000 Applications for GE's programs - 800 Thank you, General Electrics! Already applied, waiting for the results! Roman, faculty of sociology, 4th year Feedback The necessary actions Thank you for attention! More active announcement of the activities both through the main site of the company and through social networks Maintaining a constant interest to the brand through improvement of the quality of content in social networks The organization of lectures, webinars and competitions Conclusion Career fair in MSU Lecture "IT- projects at GE and the future of the Internet industry" in MSU Career fair in MEI GE day in BMSTU Career fair in MSU Solved by the the long-term relationships with the university The efficiency for GE The 27th of October Total participation - 1000 Most of the participants attended the career fair

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