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WestEd Strategic Roadmap

Transcript: IS STRATEGIC ROADMAP IS STRATEGIC ROADMAP The purpose of the IS Roadmap is to provide a single view of the strategic direction of the Information Services Department. The Roadmap: Aligns our work and how we do it (e.g., resources, budget) Help each IS staff member understand priorities and goals Promotes communicating to the Executive team and WestEd staff Making our colleagues happy and productive in their use of IT and enabling WestEd to improve education. IS Mission Statment MISSION STATEMENT Where will we focus our resources? STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Investigate and apply new technologies to find creative solutions that enhance the way staff work and serve their clients. INNOVATION INNOVATION Help WestEd and IS maximize productivity by creating more effective and efficient business/work processes. Productivity Productivity Ensure that our infrastructure and data are resilient, secure, and optimized. Stability Stability Provide expertise and help to individuals and groups so they can be successful. SUPPORT SUPPORT Increasing staff's comfort and ability to embrace technology in their own work and with their clients. Learning in the digital age Learning Innovation Areas of Focus: 1 – Apply technology to meet needs 2 – Leverage emerging technology 3 – Collaborate with Programs Innovation Investigate and apply new technologies to find creative solutions that enhance the way staff work and serve their clients. Apply technology solutions to address user needs and business requirements. Example projects: Extranet Development environment CACHE Area of Focus #1: Apply technology to meet needs Innovation Investigate and apply new technologies to find creative solutions that enhance the way staff work and serve their clients. Find/discover new technology solutions and analyze good applications to use it. Example projects: Artifical Intelligence Web Components Unified Communications SW defined networks Area of Focus #2: Leverage emerging technologies Innovation Investigate and apply new technologies to find creative solutions that enhance the way staff work and serve their clients. Establish partnerships with programs to explore new directions and/or emergent areas of work supporting project goals. Example project: State of the States and Assessment System Visualizer (data visualization) Area of Focus #3: Collaborate with Programs Innovation Investigate and apply new technologies to find creative solutions that enhance the way staff work and serve their clients. Productivity Areas of Focus: 1 – Agency process improvement 2 – Program process improvement 3 – IT process improvement 4 – Personal productivity Productivity Help WestEd and IS maximize productivity by creating more effective and efficient business/work processes. Combine process improvement with technical solutions to improve agency internal business processes. Example projects: HRIS Procurement (LanDesk) Project Lifecycle (CRM, Project Review) Area of Focus #1: Agency process improvement Productivity Help WestEd and IS maximize productivity by creating more effective and efficient business/work processes. Combine process improvement with technical solutions to improve program/projects' ability to support clients. Example projects: NCSI (Saleforce TA app) Area of Focus #2: Program process improvement Productivity Help WestEd and IS maximize productivity by creating more effective and efficient business/work processes. Optimize processes (sometimes aided by technical solutions) to improve IS department workflow. Example projects: Agile Tech Gov Tech/Dev guidelines Testing and continuous integration Area of Focus #3: IT process improvement Productivity Help WestEd and IS maximize productivity by creating more effective and efficient business/work processes. Boost individual efficiency and productivity and increase employee engagement through new technological solutions. Example projects: Collaboration tools Video Conferencing Instant messaging Area of Focus #4: Personal productivity Productivity Help WestEd and IS maximize productivity by creating more effective and efficient business/work processes. Stability Areas of Focus: 1 – Business continutiy/disaster recover 2 – Security/compliance 3 – System moderization STABILITY Ensure that our infrastructure and data are resilient, secure, and optimized. Ensure that WestEd can continue to operate in case of serious incidents or disasters and recover to an operational state within a reasonably short period. Example projects: Data center redundancy DR Vegas Dual network connections Area of Focus #1: Business continuity/ disaster recovery STABILITY Ensure that our infrastructure and data are resilient, secure, and optimized. Protect WestEd information assets - data, documentation, networks, applications, and systems - from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. Example projects: Onelogin Encryption Box security Endpoint management Antivirus (Sophos) Area of Focus #2: Security / compliance

The Strategic Roadmap

Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library Team Alignment Ensuring all team members are on the same page is crucial for effective strategy execution. Collaboration and communication are key to aligning goals, tasks, and expectations across departments. Collaboration and Communication Effective collaboration and communication are essential for success in strategy implementation. Stakeholder Engagement Engaging stakeholders at every stage of the strategic roadmap ensures their buy-in and support. Regular communication and involvement foster a sense of ownership and commitment to the overall success of the strategy. Market Analysis and Research Success Measurement Implementation Planning Celebrating achievements is crucial for success measurement. Acknowledging milestones boosts team morale and fosters a culture of improvement. SWOT Analysis Process The SWOT analysis process involves identifying internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. This structured approach helps organizations assess their current position and develop informed strategies. Celebrating Achievements Establishing Key Performance Indicators Implementing a strategic roadmap requires meticulous planning and efficient allocation of resources. Success hinges on setting clear milestones and closely monitoring progress. Recognizing and celebrating milestones is vital for team motivation and morale. It validates progress and reinforces commitment to the strategic objectives. Threats: External Challenges to Mitigate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential metrics used to evaluate the success of strategic initiatives. By establishing KPIs, organizations can track progress, measure performance, and make data-driven decisions to drive the roadmap towards success. Threats are external risks that pose challenges to strategic objectives. Recognizing and addressing threats proactively is essential for ensuring long-term success and sustainability. Developing Strategies Understanding the target audience is crucial for strategic decisions and effective communication strategies. Creating Action Plans Tracking Progress Opportunities: External Factors for Growth Exploring the Essentials of SWOT Analysis Flexibility in Strategy Execution Revising the Roadmap Measuring and monitoring progress towards milestones is key for success measurement. Utilizing performance metrics allows for effective evaluation and course correction if needed. Opportunities identified in a SWOT analysis are external factors that can drive growth. These may include market trends, new partnerships, or technological advancements to leverage for strategic advantage. Action plans within the roadmap outline the specific tasks, timelines, and responsibilities necessary for achieving outlined objectives. They provide a structured approach to task execution and ensure alignment towards common goals. Defining Objectives Regularly revisiting and revising the strategic roadmap allows for agility, proactiveness, and alignment with the company's objectives. Adapting to changes swiftly is vital for responding to market shifts, competitor actions, and internal challenges. Setting Clear Goals Clearly defining objectives allows teams to align their efforts towards a common goal. Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART), ensuring clarity and accountability in goal-setting. Strengths: Internal Factors that Drive Success In SWOT analysis, strengths are internal factors that give an organization a competitive advantage. This may include skilled employees, unique resources, or innovative products/services. Adapting to Changes Allocating Resources Effectively Establishing clear goals is crucial in driving strategic initiatives. It provides a focused direction for the organization and acts as a benchmark for success. Without defined objectives, progress can become aimless and ineffective. Weaknesses: Areas Needing Improvement Competitive Analysis Understanding Target Audience Resource allocation involves distributing manpower, finances, and time according to project needs and priorities. It requires careful balance and optimization to maximize efficiency and achieve desired outcomes. Weaknesses refer to internal factors that hinder an organization's growth. Addressing weaknesses is crucial for developing a robust strategy roadmap and maintaining market competitiveness. Embracing adaptability is crucial in the ever-evolving business landscape. Flexibility in strategy execution ensures relevance and alignment with goals. Assessing competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning to identify opportunities for differentiation. Analyzing demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns to tailor marketing strategies. Performance Review Meetings Conduct regular performance review meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities with key stakeholders. Collaboration and open communication are essential for

DailyPay Strategic Roadmap

Transcript: Stephen Scoblic Strategic Road Map Framework Framework Assignment: Increase Revenue Elevate Team Performance Solution: Needs Finding Strategic Road Map Kick-Off and Management 1 STEP Needs Finding: STEP 1 Team Research App Research Business Model Research Team/ Leadership Questionnaire Interview Team and Key Stakeholders Examine On-boarding Flow Best Practices Define Problems/ Pain Pain Points Define Goals/ Success Team Research Topics On-boarding: Pain Points, Inefficiencies Opps for Automation? Adoption/ Engagement: Good, Blockers, etc. Bugs, Issues, Feature Requests Time Spent: Onboarding/ Value Add/ Renewals/ Expansion/ Issue Resolution Goals clearly defined? Suggestions Questions Team Questionnaire STEP 2 Strategic Road Map: Beta Plan One-On-One's Finalize Plan/ Obtain Buy-In 2 STEP Define Problems and Opportunities List Goals Detail Strategy Detail Tactics Develop Timeline/ Milestones Define Success - KPI’s, NPS, Etc. Beta Plan STEP 3 Kick-Off and Management: Strategic Roadmap Management Style Elevate Rep Skills Resources Needed 3 STEP Psychologically Safe Environment Guidance Accountability Communication 'Why' Management Style One-on-One’s Joining Calls Education Sessions Tracking Performance Workflow Optimization Time Management Quarterly Bonuses Elevate Rep Skills Total Revenue, Increase/ Decrease Retention Target 95% Adoption Rate Increase Engagements/ Transfers Shortened Onboarding Time Renewal Rate Number and Scale of Upsells Tracking Performance Intercom Meetings w/ PM, Mkting, UX/UI CRM Efficient Comms Tool Centralization of Docs Easy Access Knowledge Base/ Wiki Stipend for Activities Resources Goal Strategy and Tactics Timeline/ Milestones KPI's Strategic Roadmap Example Roadmap Assignment: Increase EPM Team Revenue Solution Needs Finding Strategic Roadmap Kick Off and Management Conclusion Conclusion Core Strategies Reduce Time to Value Increase Value Decrease Time-Per-Client Elevate Rep Skills Additional Revenue Streams

2017 Strategic Roadmap

Transcript: Zero cost to Cabin Crew How? Utilising the existing software infrastructure and applications Using in-house nous and technical specialists Utilising the combined brain power of the Community of Practice (Sharepoint & Nintex) Michele Slater - Business Analyst, IT Timothy Malone - IT Business Partner, Cabin Crew Craig Petersen - Project Manager, Sharepoint and Office 365 Integration Vikas Adak - Project Manager, Sharepoint and Office 365 (technical) Christian Schieber - Project Manager, vCabin Current State Business Systems Tools/Apps The need for innovation within the Business Systems is paramount to enable the functionality of this team to keep up with; 1) the demands of a data hungry business 2) technologies available to be consumed Cabin Crew Business Systems vCabin phase 1 launched successfully, phase 2 to be progressively worked on and launched Existing reporting is Excel based and manual/macro heavy Too greater reliance on key individual ownership of excel files - succession planning hindered due to technical ability around the excel sheets Software systems (Oracle, Sabre) all exist independently of each other Minimal IT support due to lean business model What are the benefits? End Game Support For Cabin Crew: The access to forms whenever, wherever CC Admin: Automation of data entry jobs seeing increase in productivity Consistency of information Accuracy of information Historical records For Management: Better reporting functions Accurate reporting functions and dashboards Useability of dashboards Management of customer satisfaction At your fingertips data No cost, major benefits Connectivity of all company data Stabilisation confirmation required from IT as to Sharepoint functionality Direct email notification from workflows Incorporation of Office 365 to wider business group Management of vCabin to ensure consistency Sharepoint list creation on Office 365 Sabre email reverting to Sharepoint Email Creation of PowerBI dashboards for relevant management level Form creation for all non complex forms PowerApp creation for BYO devices Innovation is the process of translating an idea into a good or service that creates value for the business. Cabin Crew access to forms on their own devices (anywhere, anytime) Forms are collected on a Office 365 (O365) Sharepoint Site Workflows automate notification to relevant parties and systems (Oracle and Payroll) PowerBI is utilised as the go to function for all reporting ensuring up to the minute data analysis of data captured on the O 365 Sharepoint platform Integration of data from other systems - Sabre, vCabin, Oracle, other departmental areas Removal of key person dependencies Support by BAU IT for all the above systems What's the cost? vCabin on Cabin Supervisor/Flight Manager Ipads PowerApps (forms, surveys etc) built on O365 accessible from any device PowerBI - dashboarding up to the minute data Sharepoint - Platform to hold large amounts of data Office 365 - accessing email/sharepoint data Existing Support What are the missing links? Future State IT supported functionality - all Microsoft platform applications IT Business Partners to encourage business requests to innovate and further develop the applications available to the business Transactional support regardless of MDM or BYO devices 2017 Strategic Roadmap for Cabin Crew Innovation Initiatives

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