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Process Flow Chart

Transcript: ORDER PROCESS FLOW CHART ORDER CONFIRMATION Order Confirmation INQUIRY INQUIRY Customer put in Inquiry with required item or project detail which goes direct to our sales team. QUOTATION QUOTATION Sales team work on the inquiry with merchandising team and comes back with best possible solution with a great balance between price and quality. PI CONFIRMATION PI CONFIRMATION Once quotation confirmed we generate PI for customer. Customer can confirm the PI by signing on it with stamp and send it back to us. DEPOSIT DEPOSIT Once PI has confirmed customer can pay the deposit to proceed further. OPERATION Operation MATERIAL PROCUREMENT QC PASS MATERIAL PROCUREMENT After deposit raw material is to be procured. PRODUCTION Drilling Cutting Pasting Packing Edge Bending Cleaning PRODUCTION QC INSPECTION QC Inspection to be performed at several stages of the production to keep it on the track and maintain the quality. QC INSPECTION QC PASS Once QC team passes the order a report goes to QC head to approve. It also goes to sales to check once it declare as QC passed. SHIPMENT SHIPMENT VESSEL BOOKING VESSEL BOOKING Once QC passed we proceed to contact forwarder to book container space in vessel as per customer. LOADING LOADING Once container booking confirmed loading completed by loading team. DOCUMENTATION DOCUMENTATION Once loading finishes we proceed with documentation for customer clearance and container on boarding. BALANCE PAYMENT BALANCE PAYMENT Balance payment to be paid by customer before shipment release to customer. SUPPORT SUPPORT DOCUMENT RELEASE DOCUMENT RELEASE Once full payment received, shipping documents to be released to customer FEEDBACK FEEDBACK Feedback from customer on our service and product so we can keep improving to provide our best for customer satisfaction. WARRANTY WARRANTY Warranty support in case of any defect on product as per agreement. RE-ORDER RE-ORDER After customer's satisfaction we proceed with re-order as per customer's requirement.

Process Flow Chart

Transcript: commissioner's directive 566-10 Urinalysis Procedure Shanel Dennis October 24, 2019 Demands for urinalysis will be authorized by a trained Correctional Manager/Parole Officer Supervisor, except a demand under paragraph 54(a) of the CCRA which requires authorization by the Institutional Head. When the demand for urinalysis is related to monitoring abstinence conditions, the Correctional Manager/Parole Officer Supervisor will ensure the demand targets only those substances identified in the condition(s). procedures Reasonable Grounds to Believe (Paragraph 54(a) of the CCRA) INSTITUTION A staff member may demand an inmate submit to urinalysis when he/she believes on reasonable grounds that the inmate has committed or is committing a disciplinary offence and that a urine sample is necessary to provide evidence of the offence, and the staff member obtains the prior authorization of the Institutional Head. RANDOM SELECTION 1. National Urinalysis Program Manager forwards random selection list to each Institutional Urinalysis Program Coordinator. 2. If offender is scheduled for transfer or release during the time period covered by the random list, a request for a urine sample may be made prior to reaching the inmate’s name on the list. 3. If inmate cannot provide sample, their name may be skipped until they are able. Program or Activity Involving Community Contact When an inmate requests to participate in a program a urinalysis is required when: a) has a record of substance abuse b) has been convicted of a disciplinary offence under of the CCRA within two years of the request. An authorized person has reasonable grounds to suspect that an offender has breached an abstinence condition for the use of alcohol or drugs of his/her conditional release or long-term supervision order, the authorized person may demand that the offender submit to urinalysis. Reasonable Grounds to Suspect (Paragraph 55(a) of the CCRA) COMMUNITY Regular Intervals When the Parole Officer, in connsultation with the Parole Officer Supervisor/Urinalysis Program Coordinator, considers to establish a urinalysis test with offenders who have a no alcohol or drugs condition, the following factors must be considered: a) the offender's record of substance abuse b) offences committed by the offender that were linked to substance abuse and for which the offender has been found guilty c) the ability of the offender to rehabilitate d) the program and treatment needs of the offender Possibly sections that staff members involved within the urinalysis procedure have be cautious of infringing on specific sections being to section 1, 7, 8, and 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees the rights and freedoms of the offender, their legal rights and their right to equality. charter infringments Section 1: The drug testing would have to be connected to the objective, and impair constitutional rights as little as possible, while the importance of the objective would have to outweigh the infringement of these rights. Section 7: The taking of bodily substances is a violation of one’s right to liberty and security of the person under section 7 of the Charter. When this is done without authority or consent, an accused is forced to give self-incriminating evidence whose admission would bring the administration of justice into disrepute. Section 1 & 7 Section 8: requires an objective precondition to mandatory drug testing, such as reasonable and probable grounds to suspect an employee of breaching a condition against the use of alcohol or drugs. The taking of bodily substances has been held to constitute a seizure within the meaning of that section (R. v. Dyment (1988), 2 S.C.R. 417) Section 15: provides that every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. The basis for an allegation in regards to a urinalysis could be the "mental or physical disability" aspect of the section. Section 8 & 15

Process Flow Chart

Transcript: Process Flow Chart Submitted by: Celina Hutchison Policies and Procedures in Justice (JUS4453 D-01) Lethbridge College Submitted to: Trent Kane Date May 18, 2020 Institutional urinalysis The Director of Security will appoint a National Urinalysis Program Manager to manage the program The Manager will ensure that there are qualified Urinalysis Program Coordinators The manager will ensure that the urine collectors are qualified and supported Institution Institutional procedure Procedure Demands for urinalysis will be authorized by a trained Correctional Manager/Parole Officer Supervisor, except a demand under paragraph 54(a) of the CCRA which requires authorization by the Institutional Head. Pursuant to subsection 61(1) of the CCRR, the Urinalysis Coordinator can conduct urinalysis on behalf of the Institutional Head when; They have reasonable Grounds to Believe (Paragraph 54(a) of the CCRA) that an inmate has committed or is committing a disciplinary offence under paragraph 40(k) of the CCRA and that a urine sample is necessary to provide evidence of the offence. Pursuant to subsection 61(1) of the CCRR. Is there grounds to believe that the inmate has committed or is committing a disciplinary offence? PROCEDURES Inmate will be provided up to two hours to submit any objection concerning the sample requirement, from the time of completion of Notification to Provide a Urine Sample – Institution (CSC/SCC 1064). Yes No Do not proceed with urinalysis Collection of Samples – Institution When a demand for urinalysis is made under section 54 or 55 of the CCRA, the offender will be informed of the consequences of non-compliance. Is the inmate compliant? Collection Compliant inmate procedure by collector The collector must ensure that: The inmate and the collector of the sample the same sex. A Notification to Provide a Urine Sample – Institution (CSC/SCC 1064) has been is provided and filled out including the reason for the test and the time and date of notification. The identity of the offender must be verified prior to demanding each sample. The Collector will present the Urinalysis Testing Chain of Custody (CSC/SCC 1065) to the offender and obtain the offender’s signature prior to each sample being taken. Have these steps been taken? yes Yes Collecting the specimen Offenders are given a maximum of two hours to provide a sample during that time the offender may drink fluids. Offenders are allowed is 250 ml per hour or a maximum of 300 ml over the two hours. The time commences from the point of notification. The collection area must be searched by the collector prior to the offender’s arrival. The collector will escort the offender to the collection area and have them remove any bulky clothing, such as a coat or loose fitting outer garments. The collector will then conduct a routine nonintrusive search or a routine frisk search of the offender in order to reduce the possibility of an attempt to alter or falsify the urine sample. Collection of the urine samples are completed under direct observation of the collector. Mirrors may be used to facilitate the continuous observation process. With limited access to the collection area while the urine collection is in progress. Collection and storage of urine samples will be conducted according to laboratory procedures. Has the sample been provided according to CCRA and laboratory procedures? . Testing of Samples Yes Is the appropriate portion of the completed copy of the form Urinalysis testing Chain of Custody (CSC/SCC 1065) enclosed in a sealed, waterproof bag and inserted into the shipping container? Is each sample bottle sealed, signed and dated by the collector and the offender or the Urinalysis Program Coordinator across a tamper-resistant tape affixed on the top of the shipping container. (The tape must overlap the top and go down on both sides of the container) Have only the collector and the offender had contact with the sample container prior to it being secured? Has each step been completed properly? Prepare documentation to send specimen No Results The sample bottle must be transported to the laboratory by a designated governmental or private courier service. The container should be received by the laboratory within eight days. All specimens not received within the eight days are considered cancelled. After testing, the urinalysis results will be transmitted by the laboratory to the specific responsibility centre, in accordance with the contractual requirements. Are the results positive for substances? Yes Positive results the inmate will be subjected to further to administrative consequences, and will also be subject to the disciplinary process. Yes Negative test results as well as any technical reasons the sample could not be used will be communicated to the Parole Officer as soon as possible and recorded in OMS within 15 days. No Sample will be considered invalid No Do not proceed No Further to administrative consequences, the inmate will be subject to the

Process Flow Chart

Transcript: Urinalysis JUS4453: D01 Brooke Bowerman 19/02/2021 Place your logo here Responsibilities Responsibilities of Edmonton GardaWorld Branch General Manager is to: 1:) Select an approved Urinalysis agency 2:) Ensure the selection process is fair 1 Select an approved Urinalysis agency - One that has trained staff and properly maintained equipment 2 Selection Process - Randomly select employees - Change the sample date for employees that are away from work or cannot provide a sample due to religious obligations. Collection - Inform employees of the consequences of non-compliance - The collector will be of the same sex as the employee - Provide notice of sample to employees that does not exceed 24 hours -Each sample bottle will be sealed, signed and dated by the collector and the employee - Positive test results, refusals or tampered samples will be forwarded to the General Manager - Negative test results as well as any technical reasons the samples will be forwarded to the General Manager - Inform employees of dispute rules Results Change the sample date for employees that are away from work or cannot provide a sample due to religious obligations. Charter of Rights and Freedoms 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and religion; Fundamental Freedoms Rational If a employee is reprimanded for missing a urinalysis due to religious obligations (such as fasting, as fasting would impede an employees ability to provide a sample) it would be in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The employee must be skipped until they are able to provide a sample (which would be after the fasting has ended). As per the polices in Urinalysis, notice of sampling cannot exceed more than 24 hours and as dates for religious obligations such as fasting are set in advance longer than 24 hours (sometimes months and years) it would be unconstitutional for the employee to be penalized. Steps 1. The Edmonton GardaWorld Branch General Manager chooses to perform Urinalysis on employees - Manager receives approval from Organization 2. Choose approved agency 3. Ensure randomized order of employees 4. Alter dates for employees that are unavailable or unable due to religious obligations 5. Inform employees of consequences of non-compliance - Provide additional information if required 6. Ensure that there are collectors of all genders - If missing a collection gender reschedule affected employees 7. Provide notice that does not exceed 24 hours 8. Test employees (ensuring steps 2 to 7 are followed) 9. Ensure that testing bottles are properly sealed and labelled - If not followed, reschedule affected employee for retesting 10. General Manager receives results - Set meetings with employees that failed or were affected by errors. 11. Educate employees on dispute policies - escalate to upper HR for unresolved manners. 12. Repeat steps 2 to 11 con't Branch, L. S. (2021, February 18). Consolidated federal laws OF Canada, access to Information Act. Government of Canada, C. S. of C. (2015, June 18). Urinalysis Testing. Government of Canada, Correctional Service of Canada, Communications and Citizen Engagement Sector, Multimedia Services, Director. Reference

Process Flow Chart

Transcript: Process Flow Chart Karlee Keewatin-Smith / Trent Kane-JUS 4453 Introduction Introduction My Directed Field Study is at the Medicine Hat Remand Centre (MHRC). This facility holds maximum, medium and minimum security offenders throughout four units. The correctional staff are responsible for the care, custody and control of individuals who have been arrested and are awaiting trial. Importance of Policies & Procedures Policies & Procedures A policy states what must be done, while a procedu... A policy states what must be done, while a procedure states how it must be performed. Policies and procedures need to be in place in order to guide the actions of the correctional officers, while also protecting the inmate's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. By having policies and procedures in place, they are used as a safeguard to protect correctional staff from accusations of misconduct, while also protecting the inmates from misconduct. Importance of Policies and Procedures One Policy & Procedure One policy For the purpose of this assignment, I have decided to analyze the policy: S. 10.10.01 Offender Searches. The policy on offender searches details: That searches must be conducted in a professional and respectful manner in order to ensure the safety and security of the MHRC Types of searches that are allowed and under what circumstances Who and how these searches can be conducted Who receives the search reports What happens if an inmate refuses to submit to a search A supervisor must ensure that the inmates are regularly searched and that correctional staff are trained on and reminded of the rules surrounding offender searches Decision Making Process Decision Making Process within the Offender Searches Policy and Procedure Policy states what events require a pat down and/or a strip search and/or a body orifice security scan. The decision-making process begins when contraband is retrieved from a routine search, when contraband is suspected and a non-routine search needs to occur; when medical emergencies arise and lastly, when an inmate refuses to be searched Routine search Routine search A routine search is when an inmate must be searched because they moved from one place to another; whether that is from one unit to another unit, or from another correctional facility, or from a law enforcement agency, etc A routine seach can also mean that the supervisor has scheduled a monthly strip search of the inmates If contraband surfaces during a routine search, the correctional officer must decide how to proceed. The correctional officer must decide whether the inmate should be dry-celled in case there is more contraband. The correctional officer must decide whether they should pursue internal or external charges. Lastly, the officer must decide whether dry-cell must occur upon every admission to jail after that if they are worried that this inmate poses a safety and security threat to Corrections Canada. Non-Routine Searches Non-Routine Searches A non-routine search is when a correctional officer is acting on reasonable grounds and/or suspicion of contraband being on or in an inmate. Non-routine searches can be targeted as the correctional officer may witness the inmate having the cigarette in their hand or based on recent history, an inmate may be searched first for the process of elimination. Another example of a non-routine search is one that is a random search as the correctional officer can smell someone smoking marijuana on the unit but cannot pinpoint the smell to one cell and/or one person, so they have the authority to search each person until the source is located. Non-Routine Searches Non-Routine Searches Decision 1: Once contraband is detected and/or suspected, the first decision is what to do next. The unit officer must pinpoint where the smell is coming from in order to begin searching for the source. The unit officer must decide whether they need the float to watch the unit while the unit officer inspects the unit and/or the inmates. They must decide whether the on-shift manager and/or the CPO III needs to be notified yet. Decision 2: Once the preliminary questions are answered, the next decision that needs to be made is 'do I have enough evidence to perform a non-routine search?' Decision 3: Once the unit officer believes that they have enough evidence to perform a non-routine search, they then must decide what search is best suited for the situation at hand. If an inmate is almost finished smoking a cigarette, a correctional officer would begin with a pat down to find the lighter or matches, and to see if any more cigarettes are in their possession. If the pat down proves unsuccesful, then a strip search would be conducted Non-Routine Searches Non-Routine Searches Decision 4: If the inmate is searched and contraband has been found, the correctional officer must make a decision about how to proceed. The correctional officer must decide whether the inmate only receives a shift lock up or whether unit discipline is

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