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Biofuel Themed Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Biofuel hello class today we will be learning about biofuels. biofuel is a resource that we can get from waste cooking oils, and animal fat its also not toxic. enoy!!! =) Disadvantages There are many disadvantages to bio-fuel like it requires more energy from the fossil fuel to produce. When growing bio-fuel it will reduces farmlands that will increase the price of food which is important for human life. Certain weathers can damage bio-fuel like when a tornado hits, it will destroy the plants that means no more bio-fuel for a long time. Also it cost lots of money to grow the plants since they need lots of fertilizer, seeds and all the other things to required to grow plants. Advantages There is lots of advantages using bio-fuel like its renewable since they can grow the plants every season. It can be made from plants or animals fat and vegetable oil. It is much more better for the environment then fossil fuels. It doesn't contribute to global warming since bio-fuel only releases the carbon dioxide that is absorbed while growing unlike fossil fuel. Unlike solar or wind energy it is easy to switch over to bio-fuel because you don't need to buy special tools(such as installing solar panels) for the use of bio-fuel. Also vegetables wastes from restaurants can be turned into bio-fuel to run vehicles to deliver the supplies. For example McDonalds in the United Kingdom has turn their vegetable oil into bio-diesel to run their fleet trucks. Bio-fuel is enviromentally friendly, easy to use and renewable. Since bio-fuel have much more advantages then fossil fuels we should be using it more often. We have to switch to bio-fuel because once we run out of fossil fuel we are not getting anymore fossil fuel so we need more alternative ways to make energy for the whole world to use. Bio-fuel is a way to solve the energy crisis.


Transcript: BIOFUEL Biogas Biodiesel Bioethanol Many diesel engines are able to use %100 biofuel hassle free. Others may be better off with a blend of biodiesel and standard diesel Vehicles with certain kinds of engines may require biodiesel conversion kits in order to function efficiently. (varies between $1000-$2000) These kits are also necessary for driving in especially cold conditions. Many newer diesel vehicles warranties will become void with the use of biofuel,due to newer vehicles using engines with higher pressure engines which can cause problems. Due to some areas not having consistent biofuel suppliers, some people have made their own biofuel conversion tanks, using vegetable grease from restaurants. (transesterfication) 1900's Leader in ethanol production In 2007 Brazil produced 32% of the worlds ethanol. US is a large importer - 1.7 million tons in 2006 2/3 from Brazil 1979 dedicated ethanol vehicles -“Did you know? The less oil the United States imports, the less we have to worry about the stability of the countries that supplies that oil. The production of nearly 6.8 billion gallons of ethanol means that the U.S. needed to import 228.8 million fewer barrels of oil in 2007 to manufacture gasoline, or roughly the equivalent of five percent of total U.S. crude oil imports. By choosing ethanol, you can make a difference for our economy.” Biofuel Energy Corp Pioneer Trail, in Wood River, Nebraska. Buffalo Lake, in Fairmont, Minnesota -has 2 plants in USA. Both use existing Cargill facilities. -115 Million gallons per year Wartsila Liquid Biofuel Plants Finnish company active in over 70 countries -uses oil palm, rapeseed, soy, sunflower and jatropha -oils or fats from fish, poultry, and rendering processes – byproducts of food industry that would be waste – also used -Wärtsilä uses straight vegetable oils. No energy consumption for refinement needed. Oils extracted with simple methods so even CO2 emissions associated with fuel production are minimized -Use highly efficient combustion diesel engines to turn straight vegetable oils or animal fats into electricity and heat -Power plants in range of 1-500 MW using Wartsila 20, 32, and 46 prime movers (graph on website) Proposed plant in UK Torino italy Milltown Indiana Price increase Depletion of food supply Land use Less available products such as palm oil many life-cycle analyses have proven it to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 75-85 percent creates jobs uses waste accessible to many renewable potential to be inexpensive Fossil fuels are used extensively in the production of biofuel Land use Food versus food Deforestation Price increases Biofuel Energy Corporation. Retrieved from BIOFUELS - Why They Are Critical to the World of Food [PDF document]. Retrieved from Alberta Biodiesel Association., K. G., & Liska, A. J. (2007). Food and fuel for all: realistic or foolish?. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 1(1), 18-21. doi:10.1002/bbb.3.Lula da Silva, L. I. (2008, January 04). Biofuels Are No Villain. UN Chronicle. Retrieved 2012, October 29. Retrieved from Expetro. (2008). Brazil’s biofuel industry: outlook for a global leader. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from Meinhold, B. (2009). New Biomass for the UK Looks Like a Giant Green Volcano. Inhabitat: Design Will Save the World. Retrieved from Milltown Biomass-to-Energy Power Station. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from Piemonte Agency: Invest in Torino Piemonte. Retrieved from Wärtsilä. Retrieved from Vehicles Fuel made from plant biomass (cellulose), vegetable oil or waste materials. Brazil Ethanol, a type of biofuel that is currently blended with gas from fossil fuels. Italy References Food versus Fuel Define Highly controversial Biofuel is considered carbon neutral, as the biomass absorbs roughly the same amount of carbon dioxide during growth, as when burnt. Alternative Energy


Transcript: Switchgrass ethanol as automotive fuel is a "green" technology and has the potential to reduce global warming. However, it must develop further before the public uses it to fuel their cars. Pros and Benefits In the future, there's a high probability that we will fuel our cars with ethanol Conclusion How Does it Work? Ethanol is more expensive than gasoline Investment in oil will decrease once people switch to biofuel Investment in biofuel will increase The Fuel of the Future Why Switchgrass? When burned, switchgrass releases the exact amount of C02 it absorbed during growth Daye, Natalie (2007, January 16). Bio-fuel: Part of our energy future. Plant, (1), 19, Retrieved from Jangton, J. (2008, June 9). Switchgrass: Finally a viable biofuel?. Retrieved from Suzuki, D. (2008, February 8). Fill 'er up with switchgrass. Retrieved from University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2008, January 9). Biofuel: Major Net Energy Gain From Switchgrass-based Ethanol. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 29, 2011, from¬ /releases/2008/01/080109110629.htm How cellulosic ethanol is made. (2011). [Print Photo]. Retrieved from Relevance to our LIVES Relevance to the Economy It is low maintainance Ethanol as a potential source of electricity in the future Biofuel is defined as solid, liquid or gas fuel derived from biomass. Doesn't need to be replanted each year Requires minimal fertilizers/pesticides Grows even in poor soil Known to survive over 30 days under water BIOFUEL Tim Kim, Sara Kouta, and Sylvia Almeida December 2nd, 2011 SNC 2D0 - Mr. Marsh CO2 budget balances Switchgrass is renewable Exceeds the energy output of many other biofuels, such as corn Contributes to the reduction of global warming and benefits the planet Risks and Cons Relevance to the Environment Switchgrass produces 540 % more energy than is needed to grow, harvest and process it. Relativiely new technology, not commercially available Current method of production is inefficient Boiled using energy from fossil fuels Switchgrass is only indigenous to North America Ethanol is more expensive than gasoline Switchgrass is a type of grass that grows in North America, mainly in the prairies What is Biofuel? Bibliography

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