Black or White?
Transcript: In July 1958, Mildred and Richard Loving were arrested in there Virginia home for violation of the state's Racial Integrity Act of 1924. This prohibited black and white marriages. How we got our facts Charmaine and LeShae conducted interviews with Charmaine's boyfriend whom is caucasian. We also conducted interviews with his parents and one of his friends that has interracially dated as well. Literature Review Bowie State University "The ink is black, the paper is white... Together we learn to read and write...." ~Three Dog Night $1.25 Sunday, July 27, 2014 What scientist say In the End Black or White... Does a Gray Area Exist? By: Charmaine Slaughter & LeShae Philyaw Back in the Day Below are the research articles reviewed in regards to this topic. That's All Folks Psyc 311-555 Dr. Lynch Our Own Research Vol XCIII, No. 311 Works Cited: • FirebaughRose,S.,Firmin,M.W.,(2013).AQualitative StudyofInterracialDatingAmongCollegeStudents. InternationalJournalof SociologyofEducation,2(1),6792.doi:10.4471/rise.2013.22 • Ross, W. (2004). The Perceptions of College Students About Interracial Relationships. National Forum of Applied Education Research Journal, 17(3), 1-16. • Yancey, G. (2002). Who Interracially Dates: An Examination of the Characteristics of those who have Interracially Dated. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 33(2), 179-190. Retrieved July 28, 2014, from Cross- Cultural Gazette How people today feel about interracial dating