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Transcript: Behavior Based Testing (BBT) Presentation #3 - 11/27/13 How to Determine Constraints ASM Graph Step 1 - Outcomes Q & A Contexts Graphing BBT Guidelines Truth table: A table listing all possible combinations and results (true or false) of each graph element. The table lists contexts and outcomes as column headers. Rows display all possible combinations of the values for each input with 0 for False and 1 for True. The right most column typically shows the result of the logical operation. Contexts Listed by Outcome for ASM story Graph: A visual representation of the logical relationship between outcomes and their contexts. Based on the requirements Similar to a precondition for a given context LEGEND: Outcomes added: Support case created in INSTEP Email notification sent to case submitter Email notification sent to case recipient upon case creation Support item status set to 'complete' LEGEND: Contexts added: High level category Subcategory Consulted wiki Consulted power user Power user name MCO Description Priority What is the BBT methodology? What it is expected to do? ASM Requirements Truth Table 2. 1. Don't think flows 2. Only graph positive paths 3. Focus on single behaviors Step 3: Graph the outcomes and their contexts. Identify Test Cases from Truth Table Email case creator: Case created Why use constraints? 1. Wizard follows specific prompts and response pages (see attached Visio). 2. If wizard ends with all captured information, a Case is created and the Support Item activity is set to Completed. 3. E-mail notifications is sent to the user who submitted the ticket and recipient upon Case creation. Constraints LEGEND: 1. Use ovals to represent contexts 2. Draw lines connecting each context to a node or outcome. Draw an arc intersecting the connection lines and label it with Boolean logic symbols to denote conditions such as OR, AND, XOR, etc. 3. Use circles to represent the outcome of a logical operation (node). Not required but often serves to increase clarity. 4.Use ovals to represent outcomes. 5. Use directed lines to indicate constraints. The outcomes identified from the ASM story are: Verify Case Created Email Sent to Creator Email Sent to Recipient Support Item Status Set to Complete Constraint: Indicates the logical relationship between contexts. Restricts the number of possible combinations of contexts. Typically shows that one context is dependent upon another. What questions do you have? Defining Outcomes ASM Graph Step 2 - Adding Contexts Support item status: High level category Subcategory Consulted wiki Consulted power user Power user name MCO Description Priority ASM Graph and Truth Table Graph Elements Step 2. Identify the context or contexts that directly result in the outcome being completed Context: A condition or conditions that must be true in order to result in an outcome. Dependent outcome: An outcome that has another outcome as a context. ASM Graph Step 3 - Contexts & Outcomes 1. What is the BBT methodology? What it is expected to do? 2. What is our process? 3. Process demonstration 4. Summary 5. Q & A Presentation Outline Outcomes Case created: High level category Subcategory Consulted wiki Consulted power user Power user name MCO Description Priority 3. ASM Graph Step 4 - Constraints Email case recipient: Case created Step 1. Review the requirements and identify the outcomes. Outcome: An outcome is the expected end result of a step or series of steps based on certain input conditions. 1. To limit the number of possible combinations of contexts. Important for identifying minimum number of valid combinations in the truth table. Indicates relationships between contexts. The purpose of the BBT methodology is to optimize the process of creating test cases, in order to provide more efficient and better coverage. BBT focuses on system behavior - the way the system reacts to specific input conditions. BBT is expected to allow QA Analysts to quickly identify and realize test cases in parallel, providing a significant time savings. Using the BBT graph and Boolean logic, the QA Analyst can create all possible permutations of positive and negative test cases. Process for identifying test cases: Each row is a test case The value of each context determines what the test conditions are The value of the outcome determines the expected result Example: Verify when A and B and C and D and E and F and G and H are true then I and J and K and L occur.


Transcript: Let’s imagine... AQ model Paul G. STOLTZ 1997 AQ- Group 4 Presentation (b) Nick Vujicic WHAT IS AQ? Intelligence-Adversity Quotient Figure 1: AQ as the determining Variable in hope and control If individuals have low AQ and therefore Lack the ability to withstand adversity, they will remain stunted in their potential. The messages I want to send you today... Great Speaker E=mc2 E=effective service leadership m=moral character c=caring c=competence Higher AQ people have the ability to feel "this too shall pass," and go on. Lower AQs see adversity as dragging on indefinitely When things go wrong you've got to "pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.“ Juicy company crisis Event turnaround:  Cancel old products  Existing and future products repositioning PRESENTATION OUTLINE: Conclusion The relationship between Service Leader & AQ Low AQ (8-18) indicates that you have a difficult time dealing with adversity, and/or adversity takes an unnecessary toll on your energy, performance and spirit. Strengthening your AQ can improve your natural resilience and lessen the fallout from adversity. Moderate AQ (19-31) indicates you deal with adversity fairly well, however your performance can be enhanced with a higher AQ. High AQ (32-40) indicates a high tolerance for adversity and the ability to persevere through changing times. You may be strengthened by adversity, especially over time. You probably embrace the right kind of change and take necessary risks. Source: PEAK Learning Inc. How does AQ relate to Service Leadership? People with high AQs perceive themselves as having more control and influence in adverse situations than those with lower AQs High AQs invariably find or interpret some part of the situation to be under their control. Low AQs usually give up A high AQ worker tries to learn from the mistake and believes the next project will be better Add together all the numbers you circled to get your overall AQ..... 1) What is AQ? 2) How AQ model and theory affect our behavior 3) Articles : Importance of AQ 4) Practical case 5) AQ test questionnaire 6) Suggestion toward AQ Microsoft in the 1990s Being able to cope and bounce back successfully in face of personal setbacks  Open software programs independent of operating systems Their ability? Their talent? Or simply their smile? When you confirm some challenges, not only your ability determines the way to deal with the problems, but also your AQ counts Adaption Event turnaround  Pull off products  Claim responsibility  Establish safety testing program Bounce back AQ is one of the most important requirements to become a successful service leader Now you have 2 mins to do the test! Figure 2: The tree of success AQ Plays the foundation role in unleashing all Aspects of our life long Potential, no matter how Hard the wind may blow. As the nutrient of soil, AQ is a foundation component which affects our lately developed talent and intelligence, which subsequently affect our performance as a leader. (a) Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) South Africa's first black chief executive First elected in a fully representative democratic election who spent 27 years in prison South Africa -> Racial segregation -> Racial reconciliation His inspiring saying: It always seems impossible until it is done! A saying: ”leaders learn by leading and they learn best by leading in the face of obstacles” Consist of three forms: 1) A new conceptual framework (knowledge) for understanding and enhancing and facets of success 2) A measure of how you respond to adversity 3) A scientifically-grounded set of tools for improving how you respond to adversity Competence Paul G. STOLTZ 1997 What makes someone extraordinary? (b) Nick Vujicic If he gave himself up at the beginning, everything would be different How you see yourself? Have you ever thought to give up something in your life because you think its impossible? Never give up!! Rebounding stronger than before (Manurian, 2007) What doesn't kill you make you stronger... Some employers are using AQ to predict employees' levels of success, stress threshold, performance, risk-taking, capacity for change etc...... AQ Test Paul G. STOLTZ 1997 A service leader aims at satisfying the needs of self, others, and systems. Mandela: “It always seems impossible until it is done!” How you respond to adversity? Pursuit of human growth (Zeidner & Saklofske, 1996) Learn from the past, growing to be maturity Articles : Importance of AQ Practical case Suggestion toward AQ Change challenges into opportunities (Richardson, 2002) Family It always seems impossible until it is done! Nick: “Pain is Pain. Broken is Broken. FEAR is the Biggest Disability of all. And will PARALYZE you More Than Being in a Wheelchair.” To become an Effective service leader , you have to inspire your potential  66 people infected  6.5 million people immediate product recall cost  600

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Transcript: Primary Goals of the UAS Fuselage Wing Landing Gear Aerodynamic performance Wing Weight : 0.03 lb Cm versus Alpha graph when CG is at 5.18 in Ease of Operation Total moment about CG = 0 (upto two significant digits) Questions wa? Simulations And Flight Testing Propeller selected : 11 X 6 Horizontal Tail Tail Sizing Fixing Area : 46.50 Sq. in The maximum displacement is within the material Limits Vertical Airfoil : Flat Plate Configurations under consideration : Tractor, Pusher, Twin Tractor and Twin Pusher Location Of CG Higher Thrust Span : 5.78 Shortlisted Airfoils : S1223 and AG14 Available Runway for Regular : 200 ft. Payload Prediction Airfoil Selection Drop Test Landing Root Chord : 6.03 Power plants shortlisted : O.S .46 AX II & O.S .46 LA Longitudinal Stability And Control Good Ground Clearance Assembly A Factor of Safety of 3.37 was obtained Airfoil : NACA 0016 Lateral Stability And Control Landing gear Figure of Merit CFD Analysis Lower Induced Drag Area : 97.65 Sq. in Stability Concerns Stability And Control Work Breakdown Good Glide Ratio Factor of Safety Simulated Structural Testing Directional Stability And Control Vertical Section Better lift at trim angle Tests Free Roll Time of 0.5 sec Wing Chord : 17.24 in Balancing Plan Form Selection & Wing Area Torque Required : 1.6 lb-in Static margin : (Xnp - Xcg)/MAC Propellers Shortlisted : 11 X 6, 12 X 6, 12 X 7 SF Versatile Tail Figure of Merit A Factor Of Safety of 4.36 was obtained Rate Of Climb Rudder Deflection versus yaw coefficient Xcg = 5.18 in Span : 9.64 in Von Misses Results Displacement Total Landing Distance is 100.16 ft Displacement Flight Testing Root Chord : 15.74 in Drag Polar Inventory and Service Management Factor of Safety Aircraft performance The wingtip Deflection was found to be in permissible limits Payload Bay Flight Test Costing and Work - breakdown Structure Stability And Control Monocote Coating Vertical Tail Trim Angle Modularity SM = 7.8 % of MAC Fixing Take Off Weight Airframe Engine Configuration Takeoff Reduced Take off time : 17 sec Scoring Analysis Data Acquisition System Performance Area : 67.42 Sq. in Area : 290.62 Sq. in Rudder Deflection versus sideslip angle Maximum Rate of climb is 9.18 ft/s at a velocity of 39.37 ft/s A Factor of Safety of 6.19 was obtained Monetary Management 6.53 in from Leading edge Engine Selection Final Take off weight Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) = 17.24 Transmitter and Receiver Span : 11.02 in Servo Reduced Flow disturbance compared to Twin tractor Reason : Better power to weight ratio ESC Aspect Ratio : 5.47 UAV Cost Take off Distance Torque : 1.8 lb-in UAS Sizing control Good power to weight ratio Avionics Higher Propeller efficiency Data Acquisition System (DAS) Costing Simulations And Flight Testing UAS Sizing Horizontal d(cm)/d(alpha) = - 0.0203 Take Off Weight Estimation Landing Distance Horizontal Section Design Selection Factor of Safety Static Thrust WING Figure Of Merit Sponsor Hunting Propeller Selection Low Induced Drag Static Margin Configuration Selected : Tractor Ease of Manufacturing Root Chord : 17.244 Servo Sizing Major Requirement : Higher Cl Wing Span : 94.48 in Design Process Outline Static payload distributed equally about CG Roll moment vs Aileron deflection Presentation Outline Span : 29.52 in Xnp = 6.53 in With C - Section Control Linkages Location Of Neutral Point Project Cost Wing Area : 1629.36 Sq. in Sideslip angle vs yaw coefficient Trim angle was found to be 9.25 deg XFLR ANSYS Fluent SM = 0.078 Power plant Configuration & Performance S1223 Travel and Shipping Arrangement Moment of Inertia : 1.8 lb-in^2 Real Time Data Acquisition Battery 5.18 in from leading edge Without C - Section C - Wing Sizing Provides better Cl,max Empty Weight: 8 lbs Static Payload Weight- 15 lbs Expellable Payload - 3 lbs Root Chord : 9.84 in Rate of change of Cd is 0.075 Cl Total Take off Distance of UAS : 125.32 ft. Servo Selected Project Management Sizing For Elevator Non Intersecting Boundary layers Location of Important Point on the UAS Aircraft Performance Lateral Control High Lift Target empty weight achieved Reduces Drag drastically (32%) while retaining ease of manufacturing Weight Build Up Cm(ac) is Positive Targeted Take Off Weight: 26 lbs Power plant selected : O.S .46 AX II

Presentation Outline

Transcript: How will this event help my bottom line? Improve your bottom line through efficient hiring. Presentation Outline 1. Strategy for developing event participation at employment events outside of PDX 2. Recruiting approach to Live Resume events for Employers & Job Seekers 3. Short- Term solutions to promote event attendance 4. Long-Term plans for supporting Incight's Mission and Goals Long-Term Goals Promoting the person behind the resume. Receive professional specialized support, and training so that you can achieve your goals. To let your personality shine and sell your "Soft Skills" Improve your presentation skills, resume, and personal brand Have undivided attention from a variety of potential employers Live Resume Events Create a targeted Marketing Campaign Be exposed to a unique & prepared talent pool Observe a candidate's "Soft Skills" in action Increase your firm's Brand Awareness Network with other firms, opportunity for future referrals Employers Why attend a Live Resume event? Recruiting New Participants to Events Outside of PDX Develop meaningful relationships Create even more brand awareness Educate the public through Continuing Education Credits Gather data to promote Incight's outcomes, include social sustainability Short-Term Action Job Seekers Look into Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities Program. Network with personal contacts throughout Oregon. Establish relationships with the government agencies supporting Incight. Create strong marketing campaign, utilizing resources like EventBrite. Offer specialized tools like the Strength Finder Research and Collect Data about the region's employment market * Achieved by: reaching out to city agencies, meeting with the local Chamber of Commerce, learning about the local economy, and interviewing local businesses. * Disseminate marketing material via: social media specifically LinkedIn, local event print listings, city agencies, schools/ career centers, message boards, and word of mouth. Why attend a Live Resume event? "Do Well by doing Good"

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Transcript: BPR Key Steps presentation by: Nourhan Nashaat Hana Lotfy Adham Diab General Introduction Definition of process BPR Key system Benefits from IT Rules To BPR Organization Implications of Reengineering Developments For BPR Features of Each business 1-Start from the beginning 2- listen to customers needs . 3- Enhance things that bring value to the customer and change or eliminate those that do not. 4- Focus your commitment to radical change on the process. 1.Core processes: Relate directly to external customers and central to business functions. 2.Support processes: They have internal customers and back-up of core- processes. They are more administrative, secondary activities 3.Management processes: which plan, organize and control. 2- Process: A set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined business outcome. “It is a collection of tasks that together create value for a customer” Characteristics of BP: 1. They have internal and external customers 2. They cross organizational boundaries How can companies identify their business process? Processing life insurance application (Example): Creation of “Case managers”: total responsibility for an application from receipt to policy issuing Use of expert systems, such as support technology When need, assistance from a senior underwriter is available Turnaround time: on average 2 to 5 days (for some cases less than 4 hours) Increased productivity / empowerment How can companies identify the processes to reengineer? 1- Failure to focus on parts important to customer. 2- Failure to integrate IT. 3- Underestimate the actions required by employees. First, no company can reengineer all its process simultaneously. Second, companies typically use three criteria to help them make their choice: 1.Dysfunction: which processes are in the deepest trouble? 2.Importance: Which processes have the greatest impact on customers? 3.Feasibility: Which processes are the most susceptible/dispose to redesign? 1- Transformation: BPR cause quantum leap in business performance. There spirit of revolution more than evolution. Frequency ------> One shot Scope ------>Broad, cross-functional Participation ------> Top-Down Risk and rewards ------> High Type of change ------> Structure, culture roles Role of IT ------> Key enabler Features of Each business By giving them names that express their beginning and end state. Therefore, it would be better to call:- Manufacturing: as the procurement-to-shipment process. Product development: as the concept-to- prototype process. Sales: as the prospect-to-order process. Order fulfillment: as the order-to-payment process. Presentation Outline Fundamentals of BPR What Business Reengineering Is Not? Rethinking the Traditional Organization 1- Develop vision and objectives 2- Identify process for redesign 3- Understand and measure existing process 4- Identify IT levels 5- Pilot\ trial new process 6- Develop supply solution 7- Make new process operational 8- On going continuous improvement Types of Processes Organizational implications of reengineering Advantages of BPR Automating: Paving the cow paths. (Automate poor processes.) Downsizing: Doing less with less. Cut costs or reduce payrolls. Customer relationship management:The role is to find customer and build a relationship with him. Cultural: customer comes first, aims economies of scope by gaining large share of customer’s wallet. Requires a variety of products. Product innovation : Consider of attractive of new products and services . Cultural: Employee centred Infrastructure Management: The role is to build and manage facilities for high-volume. Cultural: Cost focused, it stresses on standardization and efficiency. It focuses on the operation. Development s for BPR Processing life insurance application (Example): Long, sequential process involving credit checking, quoting, rating, underwriting/insuring, ... Work spanned 5 departments & involved 19 people Turnaround (time taken): ranged from 5 to 25 days Why Re-engineering may sometimes fail? Simple rules to BPR: The traditional thinking is that any company you will find it follow one of the 3 different businesses: 1- Customer relationship management 2- Product innovation 3- Infrastructure In the Business process reengineering believes that these three types must be applied in the same company. After Re-engineering - Change working unit: instead functional departments to process teams. - Roles change: from controlled employees to empowered workers - Job preparation change: from training to education - Managers change: from supervisors to coaches Org. structure change: from hierarchy to flat - Values change: from protective to productive (employees work for their customers, not their bosses) . 1.Reduce cost 2.Customer satisfaction 3.Improve competitiveness 4.Excellent capability advantages 5.Enhance service and speed Fundamentals of BPR Before Reengineering

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Transcript: Treatment for lyphedema includes - Compression(usually with multilayered bandages. - Manual Lymph Drainage(MLD). - Range of motion excercise. Definition Functions Some surgeons are using a technique called sentinal lymph nodes disection to prevent lymphedema from developing after surgery for breast cancer. however this technique is not always appropriate or effective Prevention General Info. Lymphatic System The network of vessels through which lymph drains from the tissues into the blood Causes The lymphatic system has multiple interrelated functions - Its responsible for the removal of interstitial fluids from tissues. - It absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle from the digestive system - It transports white blood cells to and from the lymph nodes into the bones - The lymph transports antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic cells, to the lymph nodes where an immune response is stimulated The most common reason for lymphatic obstruction is the removal of enlarged lymph nodes. Causes of the lymphatic obstruction includes: - Infections with parasites - Injury - Radiation therapy - Skin infections such as cellulitis - Surgery - Tumours Treatment Thats it, Thank you for watching The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system, comprising a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph, unidirectionally towards the heart. The primary function of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 liters per day to get returned to the blood. By Brady Beckham, Matt Anderson, and Devan Dunn

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