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Sleep Presentation Background

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sleep presentation

Transcript: Presented by Megan Pasick Why you should take more naps! Who else regrets passing up nap time? Introduction EFFECTS ON MEMORY Effects on memomory Retain information in long term according to "Even in well-rested people, naps can improve preformance in areas such as reaction time, logical reasoning and symbol recognition." (acceesed on 4-29-18) Proccessing daily informtaiton According to (accessed on 4-29-18) “Relaxation, Reduced fatigue, Increased alertness, Improved mood, Improved performance, including quicker reaction time and better memory.” According to WEB MD (accessed on 4 -29-18) Effects on healthy and mood “A 2011 European Heart Journal review of 15 medical studies involving almost 475,000 people found that short sleepers had a 48% increased risk of developing or dying from coronary heart disease.” Effects on healthy and mood (continued) “….less impulsive and had greater tolerance for frustration…” states... When are naps most effective? According to (accessed on 4-27-18 “To do it right, don’t sleep for too long (20- to 30-minute naps are often best), and be sure that you nap at the right time of day. The best hour for most people to nap is between 2:00pm and 3:00pm. That’s because you’ve already eaten lunch and your blood sugar and energy levels will naturally start to dip.” Your lunch break? If you have a 3o minute lunch eat a granola bar and zonk out for a bit. Incorporating sleep into you day? How so? Helpful tips If your phone is the issues turn it off Adult: 7 – 9 hours Teenager: 8 – 10 hours Child 6 – 12 years: 9- 12 hours Child 3 – 5 years: 10 – 13 hours (including naps) Child 1 – 2 years: 11 – 14 hours (including naps) Infants 4 -12 months: 12 – 16 hours (including naps) (Accessed on 4-27-18) - Here is how much sleep you need based on your age. According to How much sleep do you need? Sources Conclusion/sources

Sleep Presentation

Transcript: Dairy products like yogurt and milk boast healthy doses of calcium some research suggests that calcium deficiency may make it difficult to fall asleep. Bulgur, barley and other whole grains are rich in magnesium—and consuming too little magnesium may make it harder to stay asleep Bananas, well-known for being rich in potassium, are also a good source of Vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness) as stated earlier. Thank you for your attention! Yogurt In a small study, melatonin-rich tart cherry juice was shown to aid sleep. When adults with chronic insomnia drank a cup of tart cherry juice they experienced some relief in the severity of their insomnia. Bananas Whole Grains Sleepers fall asleep significantly faster at bed time if the meal included high-glycemic-index (GI) jasmine rice than lower-GI long grain rice. Dairy products are well-known calcium-rich foods. But green leafy vegetables, such as including kale and collards, also boast healthy doses of calcium. Fortified cereals also boast vitamin B6. And one more thing... College is supposed to be fun, but remember that business needs to be taken care of first, so late nights and early mornings are not conducive to taking care of business. Most fish boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep - inducing hormone triggered by darkness). Chickpeas boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness) as well. Kale Fish Conclusion Including: Wheaties Kellogs Frosted Flakes Multigrain Cheerios Tart Cherry Juice 9 Foods to Help You Sleep Jasmine Rice Fortified Cereals Chickpeas Eat healthy and stay well, getting the proper rest is vital to your health.

Background Presentation

Transcript: 14th Week Consulting interns can be expensive Time and Money Personal Experience Preliminary Design Stage NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 New and Existing Education, Business, and Mercantile Definition of Project This app would be used to provide interns and recent graduates with an outline of guidelines for how to design and review designs of specific occupancies. With the given time frame, I will be writing the information that will go into the app Begin parametric study: Speak with my mentor and Jason to understand more about what critical variables I could concentrate on for this app. Choose those parameters and begin my study Gather information from NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 for new and existing education, business, and mercantile occupancies. By: Breanne Thompson Next Steps (Continued) Finish preparing for Draft of Analysis Pull together and discuss results of project Draw my conclusions and state future work needed Turn in Final Paper! 10th and 11th Week Turn in my parametric study Begin draft of analysis Map out the process of the app for the key elements 15th Week References Next Steps 7th Week Prepare for Final Presentation Summarize my draft of analysis into presentation Work on how to incorporate a live demonstration for my presentation App Development Background Information 8th-9th Week Continuous Process Objective-C for Apple products Java for Android products 6 months of studying Places to Learn: Codecademy, iOS Dev Center, Android Developers Training Hire App Developer will cost thousands Prepare Final Paper Dive into Shark Tank! 1. 2. 6th Week Background Presentation 12th-13th Week

Background Presentation

Transcript: Real action and accountability Amnesty International Non-state actors/ Rebel Groups?? ...and what about men?? ignoring male rape victims? would rape exist without a man? Weapons of War: Rape UN as an Arena - NGO's - Discussion and dialogue Arena Instrument Actor Critical Thinking Weapons of War: Rape UN as an instrument UNSC Resolution 1820 (2008) UN as an Actor - UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict Weapons of War: Rape Problems with 1820 "Roles and Functions of International Organizations" "Sexual violence, when used as a tactic of war in order to deliberately target civilians or as a part of a widespread or systematic attack against civilian populations, can significantly exacerbate situations of armed conflict and may impede the restoration of international peace and security… effective steps to prevent and respond to such acts of sexual violence can significantly contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security" (UNSC Resolution 1820, p. 2)" Background Presentation- Kristin Mann Weapons of War: Rape Brief Insight - used to manipulate social control - destabilize communities - weaken ethnic groups and identities Examples: - Sudanese Militia - Rwanda Genocide - DRC Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Increased Data Collection by international organizations - determine humanitarian responses - ensures justice and reparation - provides recognition and dignity

Sleep Presentation

Transcript: Created By: Diandra Wright Althea Smith Colleen Baker SLEEP Altered state of consciousneess Minimal physical activity Variable levels of consciousness Changes in body's physical biological process (Berman & Snyder, 2016) SLEEP SLEEP Types of Sleep NREM (non-rapid-eye movement) Sleep REM (rapid-eye-movement) Sleep Sleep architecture; refers to the basic organization of normal sleep (Berman & Snyder, 2016) Types of Sleep FUNCTIONS OF SLEEP Sleep exerts physiological effects on both the nervous system and other body structures. Sleep restores normal levels of activity and normal balance among parts of the nervous system. Sleep is necessary for protein synthesis Sleep loss is related to mental deterioration in mental functions. (Berman & Snyder, 2016) FUNCTIONS OF SLEEP Occurs when activity in the RAS inhibited. (Reticular Activating System 75% to 85% of sleep occurs in NREM Divided in 3 stages (Berman & Snyder, 2016) NREM NREM Stages of NREM Sleep Stage 1 is the stage of very light sleep and only last a few mins. Feels drowsy and relaxed, eyes roll from side to side and heart and respiratory rate drop slightly. Stage 2 is when the body processes continue to slow down. Eyes are generaly still and heart and respiratory rate decrease Temperature falls Stage 3 is the deepest stage of sleep and also called delta sleep. Person is difficult to arouse Not disturbed by sensory stimuli and skeletal muscles relaxed. (Berman & Snyder, 2016) Stages of NREM Sleep Usually occurs every 90 mins and lasts 5 to 30 mins Dreams take place during REM Sleep Brain highly active High levels of acetylcholine and dopamine. Also called paradoxical b/c EEG resembles wakefulness. Distinctive eye movements occur, voluntary muscle tone is decreased, and deep tendon reflexes are absent. (Berman & Snyder, 2016) REM SLEEP REM SLEEP SLEEP CYCLES People typically pass through NREM and REM sleep and the complete cycle usually last 90 to 110 mins in adults Adults pass through first two stages of NREM in 20 to 30 mins Stage 3 last 50 to 60 mins After stage 3 NREM sleep passes back through stages 2 and 1 over about 20 mins REM starts and last about 10 mins Healthy adult usually experiences 4 to 6 cycles of sleep during 7 to 8 hrs. During the early part of the night deep sleep periods are longer. (Berman & Snyder, 2016) SLEEP CYCLES PARASOMNIAS PARASOMNIAS Behaviors that interfere with your sleep pattern and may occur during sleep. Bruxism; Clenching and grinding of the teeth. Enuresis; Bed wetting during sleep Periodic limb movement disorder; Legs jerk twice or 3 times per min during sleep. Sleeptalking; Talking during sleep occurs during NREM sleep and before REM sleep. Sleepwalking (Somnambulism); Usually occurs 1 to 2 hrs after falling asleep. (Berman & Snyder, 2016) Sleep Apnea; Occurs while sleeping and is characterized by frequent short breathing pauses during sleep. Insomnia; Inability to fall asleep or remain sleeping for long periods of time. Hypersomnia; When you get sufficient sleep at night but still cannot stay awake during the day. Narcolepsy; Excessive daytime sleepiness. (Berman & Snyder, 2010) Other Sleep Disorders Other Sleep Disorders SLEEP DISORDERS Narcolepsy According to an article H1N1 vaccine may be connected to narcolepsy in some pt’s in Scandinavia Insomnia More prevalent in older adults and women. In women it is more prevalent at the onset of menses and menopause. Sleep Apnea Has been associated with stroke in middle age and older adults especially men. (Howel, 2012) (National Heart, 2018) (Thomas, 2007) SLEEP DISORDERS Culture In Japan sleeping on the job is consider a badge of honor. Inemuri means "sleeping on duty" and has been around for at least 1000 years. People in Japan sleep less than 6 hours a day. Japan has a work culture that demands long hours and little time away from the office. Employees are allowed to nod off for a few mins to a few hours. Guidelines; Posture must be upright throughout your powernap. You have to sit as if you are listening intently while napping. (Venn, 2011) (Japan, 2017) Culture Quality of sleep often diminished in older adults. Older adults 65 to 75 usually awaken 1.3 hrs earlier and go to bed approx 1 hr earlier than younger adults The need of sleep does not diminish with age. During sleep older adults have flattened-circadian rhythm. (Berman & Snyder, 2016) OLDER ADULTS OLDER ADULTS SLEEP INTERUPTIONS Medical conditions and pain Side effects of medications Older adults experience sundown syndrome which disrupts sleep Gastric reflux disease Respiratory and circulatory disorders which may cause breathing problems or discomfort. Pain from arthritis, increased stiffness, or impaired immobility Loss of life partner and close friends (Berman & Snyder, 2016) SLEEP INTERUPTIONS Reduce or eliminate the consumption of caffeine and nicotine Make sure older adults environment is warm and safe Provide comfort measures, such as analgesics if indicated and proper positioning Enhance sense of safety and

Sleep Presentation

Transcript: - After a skill in an activity decreased over the course of a day, sleeping helped restore the skill. - This especially helps with skills such as writing or hand-eye co-ordination. - Helps preserve memories - Sorts out most important memories. - The brain helps to remember events that were especially emotional or important while we sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? Cramming for the math test all night might actually make your performance WORSE. So SLEEP! 1 Not sleeping can have an effect on performance ability in work, school, or sports. 5 Sleep's influence on preformance & Memory Memory: 4 Important! Stage three: Deeper, slower waves (called delta) start to occur. 2 - Exercise - Balanced Diet - Sleep The Basics Basically, sleeping helps us figure out all the crazy stuff that went on throughout the day. How to Sleep Better: - A lot of time finishing work or getting other plans done can be more important than sleep. - Teenagers typically need a little over 9 hours of sleep per night. - Studies show that teenager only get about 6 and half hours of sleep In the end, while getting 9 hours of sleep seems absolutely crazy, it's worth it. Most of the time, students push sleep aside in preference of getting work done for school, but skipping sleep can have severe effects of memory and performance. Being healthy is all about finding a balance. Sleep included! 2 - Brain keeps working 1 3 3 - Body relaxes in order to rejuvenate Stages don't always occur in the same order. Along with all this, not sleeping can cause a number of problems in the long term: High blood preassure Mental impariment / physocological problems Imncreased chances of strokes and other injuries Being healthy essentially narrows to three things: Why Sleep? - Start a routine time when you go to bed. This helps you're internal clock know when to sleep. - Prepare to sleep before. Calm down and do something relaxing, like read. Stage one: Light sleep (Brain waves slow) Stage five: Rapid eye movement, or REM sleep, occurs. This is where you dream. Sleep's effect on Performance & Memory What about YOU? Are You Getting Enough? My Sleep Habits: - While you sleep, hormone levels change in order to make you more alert when you wake-up. Performace Ability: - The body and brain rejuvenate, supporting daytime performance and supplying energy for tasks ahead. - Sleeping helps to remember the order of events in which things happened. - REM sleep has been found to directly effect our memory Stage two: Brain waves get slower, temperature drops, heart rate slows. You're going to regret all night cramming for tests after this. Watch the section from the firstarrow to the second arrow :) - Lack of sleep causes drowsiness and causes you to be less alert. - On average, 7 hours of sleep - When I have a lot of work, as little as 5 hours. - Do you get enough sleep? - Assess you're own life as the presentation continues... Video: Sleep is not always made a priority, especially for teenagers. - Helps specifically with three types of remembering... Stage four: Deep sleep consistent of delta waves, that were mentioned before. Conclusion: Being Healthy: Other Stuff: - Avoid electronics and caffeine a little while before getting to bed. They can make you feel more awake. - Lack of sleep can also cause irritablilty and a lot of stress, which makes tasks more frustrating. Stages of Sleep You. Without Sleep. The Importance of Sleep What happens during Sleep? -

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