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Cross Cultural Presentation

Transcript: Muslim Era 700-1000 AD-Port cities in Somalis trade with Arab traders and convert to Islam 1300-1900 AD- Prosperous Somali cities are visited by explorers What I knew before Letters adopted from Italian alphabet Oral culture nothing written down since 1972 Important to Somalis Coming from clans, everyone raises the children Big families Community Post independence Ancient Period RESOURCES What I learned Somali Muesum of Minnesota Interviews Websites: Food Colonial Era Religion (Muslim) Food Community Language Education Religion 1887-1960- British Somaliland claimed the Aden Benadir Coast Italian territory 1960-Both territories gain their independence become Somalia again Some questions I have: General questions about Somalian culture, how, why, and when did Somalians come to the United states? What does education mean to the Somali culture? What does it look like? What are schools in the Twin Cities/the United States missing in their curriculum to teach other students about Somali culture? What does education mean to the Somali culture? What does it look like? What are schools in the Twin Cities/the United States missing in their curriculum to teach other students about Somali culture? They started to come to the United States because of a war, they came as refugees to the Twin Cities Somalia is a country within Africa, "the horn of Africa" Majority of Somalians are Muslim Kelsi Hinnenkamp Most Somalian Muslims are Sunni Muslims Memorize the Qu'ran Pray five times daily Ramadan Abide by the five pillars Bananas! Somalian's Values Important to them Muslim women in Somalia had freedoms to have an education Were allowed to read the Qu'ran History Values Education Language Food Language Education Quick history Why I chose the group What I wanted to know Quick History Continued Majority of students that I have worked with in St. Paul schools have been Somali. Somalians are one of the largest growing ethnic groups in the Twin Cities. Negativity from other people I have heard, makes me want to change their perspectives, but I have to learn more about the culture first. 2350-BC 1-Egyptians establish trade Cross Cultural Presentation 1960-1966-Somalia was a functioning democracy 1976- President assassinated 1977- Somalia invades Ethiopia's Ogaden region 1991-Said Barre's regime falls 1991-Present- Civil war continues Pasta (baasto) Rice (bariis) spiced with cumin (kamuun) Sambusa

Cross-cultural Presentation

Transcript: Singers Across the World Thank you References Acosta, H., Staller, M., Hirayama, B., & Purett, T. (2019). Intercultural Communication: Building Relationships and skills. Kendall Hunt. Ash. (2021, November 23). Meet-and-greet: The world of Idol Fandom. The COMM. Cookie. (2011). K-Pop Newbie: Fan Service. Cookie’s Beauty Blog. 2023, Hiroshi, A. (1999). Islands of eight-million smiles . Scribd. Lamina, C. (2022). Everything you need to know before going to a concert for the first time. GirlsLife. Robinson, S. (2023, March 31). Going to your first K-pop concert? here’s what to expect. Her Campus | Created for Gen Z, By Gen Z. By: Erielle Cayla Vito Fan Interactions 2. Japan "Aegyo" Co-cultures "Wotagei" Concepts Appreciating Differences: Diversity & Variety Fan Interactions Fan Service Album Raffle Headliner & Openers Adaptation Stage 1. United States Fan Interactions Similarities Sharing culture through music Interacting with fans 3.Korea & VCRs (Multiple Outfit changes) Fanchants Differences 1. Korea - Perfection/overall show 2. Japan - Authenticity 3. U.S.A - Singing 11/ 25/ 2023

Cross cultural presentation

Transcript: How are Gimnasio Vermont's teachers and PSU student teachers, in a cross-cultural setting, able to identify differences and similarities in teaching practices? Perceptual and Psychomotor Skills Bilingual IB Mandarin Pruebas Saber 2005 - 2012 1,585 Students 56% girls and 44% boys classroom average of 25 students 85% will graduate from GV Personal Space "Student teacher 1: Right away we were all welcomed into the school, and began the day. The first thing I noticed was how affectionate the students were, right away was the swarm of all male students waiting for their teacher. Once they spotted their teacher, they ran towards her and hugged her, a form of affection that is commonly avoided in the States. Perceptual and Psychomotor Skills Journal I then observed the students practice writing lower and upper case letters. The students knew to write the uppercase letters with a red color pencil, and use a pencil to write the lowercase letters. I noticed that when the students wrote the letters, and copied a sentence the teacher was very particular about how the words were written. She circled or underlined parts that were written beyond or below the designated line. I feel that in the States we are not as particular as they are here, but the students then go back and correct it. I think that it is incredibly helpful to write the uppercase letters in a red color pencil, and lowercase letters in pencil. Focus Group “Colored pencils for CAPS + punctuation helps”. Perceptual and Psychomotor Skills Mentor presentation Student Teacher We talk about cultural proficiency in seminar every few classes, but you cannot be prepared for cultural proficiency until you are placed in the position to adapt to local culture. Co-Teaching What I thought it was very interesting was seeing how they work (student teacher and the mentor) together, because I had the opportunity to also have a mentor at the same time with other interns. To see how they work together and while I was explaining a topic they were not just observing but going though the places answering questions, helping me correct of helping the kids, so I can see how they work together at the school and may be get a little idea of how it works to have some else in the classroom. - I left the student teacher lead the class, - How did you feel about that?- It was very nice, she prepared a game, so she explained something before and then she did a game. The students liked it very much and I thought it was very useful. Maybe it opened my mind because some time we have so much topic to cover, so much to do that you that you think you never have time to do those things… you will be behind… again the game that she did was a short game, very useful and I could see how that helped them understood the topic. So I said ok… may be that is something that I can do next year when I cover this topic I can do that game again. I could divide the group for example in little groups of fours. While I was doing certain math exercises, the student teacher had another activity. The girls (students) design and interview, they wrote and interview for the student teacher, because we were… our next topic was yes no questions in simple present tense. So said this is the perfect opportunity to practice questions with the student teacher… so while a was doing math with the girls that were struggling, the student teacher was going group per group taking five minutes per group because I have 26 students, having five minutes and answering the questions… it was nice because we could do two things at the same time. Every body was on task and every body was happy. - I would like to have more than a week,- Why?- Because a week is not enough, because the student teacher was doing other activities, she was visiting schools and everything. And so here at school we have a seven-day week so I would like her to be the seven days that we have the whole week, for her to see how students advance during that seven-day week. Like for the assessments and everything, because they have the assessments on day seven. Gimnasio Vermont Student Teacher preparation Research Question Teachers Findings NEXT? Cross-Cultural Co-teaching Experience Opportunities Student Teachers Hands-on Unique opportunity Multicultural Classrooms Co-Teaching Teachers Professional Development Time Co-teaching Observation Colombia Classrooms Lunch Freetime USA Classroom PDS meeting Interviews Focus groups Journals Interviews Inquiry Project Data Collection Findings Time Alternative Teaching Rational One teach, One guide Findings Carlos Esteban Perez

Cross Cultural Presentation

Transcript: (1/4 Population) Cameroon Developing Tug - o - war Wrestling Football (soccer) Animism in Cameroon A Diverse Nation French and English official language 279 living languages Foods Laterite soils of the savanna Rape is very common Rape in Marriage - Not protected Often goes unreported Will work out an agreement with perpetrator (If family or close friend of victim) to pay Corruption among Police Sex Trafficking Government demonstrates weak efforts to enforce anti-trafficking laws Female Genital Mutilation In Cameroon, almost 50% of women have undergone FGM between 5 and 9 years of age. Homosexuality is illegal Marriage Practices taxis truckdriver Herdsman Butchers Market Traders City Workers (1/5 Population) • Legal Age • Arranged Marriages • Early/Forced Marriages • Polygyny most often found in rural areas No limit to number of wives Agriculture Cash Crop Industry Hydroelectric Agreements (1/2 Population) By: Laura Hoffman, Meagan Hohulin, Woodie Davis, Bailey Farmer Large Families are favored- with many children. Extended Family lives together- Especially in Rural Areas Births are considered important blessings to the husband. Father will send gifts to his wife's family. • Life in a typical Cameroon family is male-dominated The men are expected to bring in money for the entire family, teach their trade to the sons, take care of the property, and be a life mentor to the males in the family Men have higher status/power than women do. Women are expected to take care of the home, and raise the children Traditions vary from tribe to tribe "Knock-Door" Tradition Groom's Family Pays Bride Price Muslim Christian Protestant Roman Catholic Traditional Animist Practices Slaughter Chicken/ Large Feast Comedian Keep Head Bowed Share Kola Exchange Salt Rainforest Role of Money Migration Unemployment labors Poverty Line Sexual Practices The quality of health care is generally low. Due to financial cuts in the health care system there are few professionals. Doctors and nurses, which were trained in Cameroon, emigrate because in Cameroon the payment is bad for too much work. Nurses are unemployed even though their help is needed. Some of them even help out voluntarily so they will not lose their skills. Outside the major cities, facilities are often dirty and poorly equipped. Life expectancy at birth is estimated to be 54.71 years in 2012, among the lowest in the world. Endemic diseases include dengue fever, filariasis, leishmaniasis, malaria, meningitis, schistosomiasis, and sleeping sickness. So with life expectancy so low there isn’t much concern for the elderly. Banks Njangis Cell Phone Sports Concern and Care for Elderly Sand of the Sahel Weddings Cassava (Manihot esculenta), also called manioc, yuca, balinghoy, mogo, mandioca, kamoteng kahoy, tapioca-root (predominantly in India) and manioc root, a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae (spurge) family native to South America, is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates.and dress and how geography may have played a part in their development cocoyam yam, rice, plantain, potato, maize, beans, fish, porcupine and giant rat. Millet. The millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for both human food and fodder. Fufu It is made by boiling starchy food crops like cassava, yams or plantains and then pounding them into a dough-like consistency brochettes, known locally as soya (a kind of barbecued kebab made from either chicken, beef, or goat) sangah (a mixture of maize, cassava leaf and palmnut juice) ndolé (a spicy stew containing bitterleaf greens, meat, shrimp, pork rind, and peanut paste)  There is also a thriving illegal trade for chimpanzee and gorilla Influences Given that Cameroon was colonised repeatedly, New World staples were introduced several centuries ago, as well as European cooking techniques and culture Religion Family Life Cycle `Once Americans become educated about this culture and how similar it is to us, then we will better relate to persons of this culture. `Cameroon has a high level of religious freedom and diversity. The predominant faith is Christianity practiced by about two thirds of the population followed by Islam at 21% the Indigenous at 6% `National policy strongly advocates sport in all forms. Traditional sports include canoe racing and wrestling, and several hundred runners participate in the 40 km (25 mi) Mount Cameroon Race of Hope each year.Cameroon is one of the few tropical countries to have competed in the Winter Olympics. However, sport in Cameroon is dominated by association football (soccer). Amateur football clubs abound, organised along ethnic lines or under corporate sponsors. The Cameroon national football team has been one of the most successful in Africa since its strong showing in the 1990 FIFA World Cup. Cameroon has won four African Cup of Nations

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