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Outsourcing Presentation Template

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Outsourcing Presentation

Transcript: Outsourcing refers to the way in which companies entrust the processes of their business functions to external vendors. There are many benefits of outsourcing your business processes to destinations around the world. Some of them are: 1. Cost advantages The most obvious and visible benefit relates to the cost savings that outsourcing brings about. You can get your job done at a lower cost and at better quality as well. Due to the difference in wages between western countries and Asia, the same kind of work that is done over there can be done in India at a fraction of the cost. There is a cost savings of around 60% by outsourcing your work to India. Plus, the quality of the services provided is high thereby ensuring that low-cost does not mean low-quality. ADVANTAGES Global Pros The technique is a money-saver for the corporations who employ it. Specifically, from a business perspective, outsourcing can potentially: 7. Faster and better services By Group 3 6. Time zone advantage Legal Fees Setting up MSA’s, T’s and C’s, and other contractual agreements General Quality Disputes Morale, Productivity, Product Quality Difference in Time zones Vetting Time Travel Related Expenses Offsite meetings Product Training and Configuration Requirements DISADVANTAGES College education Other advantages of outsourcing (that affect the global economic market) are: Benefits of outsourcing your business processes 4. Higher Income = Higher Standard of Living Hidden Costs 3. Specialization of Skills Companies who outsource may not realize their anticipated or promised gains because of the loss of oversight and control of an outsourced project or business function What is outsourcing? Outsourcing changes the public perspective on a company Quality of Work Lack of information Communication Cultural Differences It can hurt sales/brand name Loss of talented employees Once a product is made overseas it wont have the made in USA tag anymore Trying to contact people or schedule meetings with someone in a different time zone can be very hard. •When internal resources are insufficient for a task, outsourcing to a provider that specializes in that task is a good option. •Outsourcing allows access to the flexibility and creativity of high caliber experts with specialized skills and their quality services without having to manage them. •Acceleration of projects and a quicker time to market are attained when outsourcing to a specialized provider. •There is the availability of knowledge transfer to the in-house staff of a company; and the ability to tap into best practices through outsourcing. •Eliminates the headache of meeting deadlines on non-core functions that can be achieved through outsourcing to service providers who have greater access to a specialized staff. Cost Effectiveness Cons of Outsourcing Lower personnel costs Gain economies of scale Allow focus on the core competencies of the company Free up space in company buildings for other uses Increase speed of delivery for outsourced activities Increase quality of delivery for outsourced activities Free up management time Reduce cash outflow Increase employee productivity One theory on outsourcing states that outsourcing boosts the U.S. economy by stimulating trade and creating more jobs Outsourcing works both ways - many jobs in America are jobs that have been outsourced to America by foreign companies Some companies claim that bilingual workers in foreign-based call centers will benefit people who live in the U.S but who speak English as a second language DISADVANTAGES Calculating how much outsourcing has actually affected the economy is nearly impossible Potential for contractor to outsource work to organizations overseas Could greatly effect profitability Market Share Prevent market competitiveness Allows for competitors access to your ideas Specialization •Risks are shared between the outsourcing company and service provider. Not to mention that contractual obligations is a safer risk with the provider than with an in-house employee. •Specialist providers are able to keep abreast of the latest developments in their field. Also, outsourcing allows smaller firms to do the things for which they cannot justify hiring full-time employees. Legal Fees Setting up MSA’s, T’s and C’s, and other contractual agreements General Quality Disputes Morale, Productivity, Product Quality Difference in Time zones Vetting Time Travel Related Expenses Off site meetings Product Training and Configuration Requirements Cultural Differences 2. Increased efficiency Brand Name 1. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) LOCAL OUTSOURCING A company might have a certain culture or certain expectations of their employees. When they outsource to another company the views or cultures among employees might be different. Microeconomic Level of Impact Individual Business Model Impact Control and Oversight Potential Loss of IP Confidentiality Loss or Relocation of Jobs Hidden Costs FOCUS ON CORE FUNCTIONS Benefits (Business)

Template Presentation

Transcript: Assessing the Maritime Students’ Perceptions and Preparedness of Coastal Resilience: A Descriptive Correlational Study BSMT SII-BRAVO (GROUP1) OBJECTIVES: The sole purpose of the descriptive correlational study is to investigate fundamental research inquiries through a comprehensive assessment of the level of awareness, perception, and readiness among maritime students about coastal resilience. The chapter presents the findings from the data gathered. The chapter is organized into themes that go along with the sub-themes obtained through thematic analysis which is also derived from the research questions. The result is hereby integrated with the information gathered from the interviews. To examine the extent of maritime students' awareness of coastal resilience and its importance. To investigate the opinions of maritime students regarding coastal hazards and theirpossible impact on many elements of maritime activity. To evaluate the preparedness of maritime students in implementing coastal resiliencemethods within their field focuses on assessing their readiness. To recommend practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training ofmaritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems. CONCLUSION: 1. The extent of maritime students' awareness of coastal resilience and its importance is very pivotal in achieving success. 2. The opinions of maritime students regarding coastal hazards and their possible impact on many elements of maritime activity differs from their educational backgrounds, views, opinions, and perspectives that can be seen from positive and negative statements. 3. The preparedness of maritime students in implementing coastal resilience methods within their field focuses on assessing their readiness. 4. The recommended practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems will be a great leap towards total quality achievement. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. School administrators may support the development of practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems. 2. Strengthen or maintain development programs for maritime students that nurture the development of their personal life and professional role. 3. The education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems may be reviewed, refined, and later used to guide researchers. 4. Future researchers may use this study as a reference for further study on variables that were not explored in this study. This descriptive correlational study evaluated maritime students' views of and readiness for coastal resilience in order to prevent problems in the near future. The purpose of this study was to determine how good the maritime students were in understanding the ideas of coastal resilience and how equipped they were to handle issues that may arise along the coast. The findings showed that most of the participants had awareness and comprehension about the topic. While most of them also agreed that it is still dangerous for reducing the effects of climate change and natural disasters. Findings also revealed that there were differences in their level of practical readiness to deal with these problems since they differ from aspects as observed in their demographic profiles. This study which is a qualitative research provided themes and subthemes, through thematic analysis of the concept the focuses on the information and solicited opinions of the female participants. Findings from the data analysis have been organized by themes, with each theme referencing several sub themes and codes from the analysis

Presentation template

Transcript: Wisdom does not flow like water Plato’s Critique of Pederasty Pederasty Background Symposium Pederasty My Project Pausanias' Speech Pausanias' Speech Two Aphrodites Uranian Heavenly Pandemos Common Text Text Pictures Pictures "Here, Socrates, lie down alongside me, so that by my touching you, I too may enjoy the piece of wisdom that just occurred to you while you were in the porch. It is plain that you found it and have it, for otherwise you would not have come away beforehand." Agathon and Socrates “It would be a good thing, Agathon, if wisdom were the sort of thing that flows from the fuller of us into the emptier, just by our touching one another, as the water in wine cups flows through a wool thread from the fuller to the emptier. For if wisdom too is like that, then I set a high price on my being placed alongside you, for I believe I shall be filled from you with much fair wisdom. My own may turn out to be a sorry sort of wisdom, or disputable like a dream; but your own is brilliant and capable of much development, since it has flashed out so intensely from you while you are young; and yesterday it became conspicuous among more than thirty thousand Greek witnesses." "You are outrageous, Socrates," Agathon said. "A little later you and I will go to court about our wisdom, with Dionysus as judge, but now first attend to dinner." how water flows Principle at play When they do engage in a contest about love Timeline YEAR Alcibiades' Speech Socrates, he claims, is like “those silenuses that sit in the shops of herm sculptors, the ones that craftsman make holding reed pipes or flutes; and if they are split in two and opened up they show they have images of gods within.” (215b) Alcibiades' Speech You, in my opinion,' I said, 'have proved to be the only deserving lover of mine; and it seems to me that you hesitate to mention it to me. Now I am in this state: I believe it is very foolish not to gratify you in this or anything else of mine—my wealth or my friends—that you need; for nothing is more important to d me than that I become the best possible; and I believe that, as far as I am concerned, there is no one more competent than you to be a fellow helper to me in this. So I should be far more ashamed before men of good sense for not gratifying a man like you than I should be before the many and senseless for gratifying you.' Seduction Scene 'Really, my dear Alcibiades, you're no sucker if what you say about me is really true and there is some power in me e through which you could become better. You must see, you know, an impossible beauty in me, a beauty very different from the fairness of form in yourself. So if, in observing my beauty, you are trying to get a share in it and to exchange beauty for beauty, you are intending to get far the better deal. For you are trying to acquire the truth of beautiful things in exchange for the seeming and opinion of beautiful things; and you really have in mind to exchange "gold for bronze." But blessed one do consider better: Without your being aware of it—I may be nothing. Thought, you know, begins to have keen eyesight when the sight of the eyes starts to decline from its peak; and you are still far from that.' Conclusion conclusion If Socrates were to have sex with Alcibiades, he would perpetuate: 1) the idea that people can make each other wise. impact: prevent Alcibiades from realizing his ignorance about wisdom 2) Alcibiades belief that his physical attractiveness is the most important thing about him impact: the belief could harm Alcibiades as he begins to decline from his physical peak, when “Thought begins to have keen eyesight.” (219a) 3) Socrates would be no better than the sophists who cannot acknowledge the ways in which they are ignorant, and thus, risk self-deception. Advantages Advantages to my account: -Fits with the well-known picture of a Socrates who: 1) proclaims his own ignorance. 2) critiques the Sophists for i. both not acknowledging what they do not know ii. exchanging money for wisdom -Makes explicit the way Plato critiques the customs of his time -Throws into question a vision of Socrates as someone who consistently denies bodily urges -Makes clear that the container model is supposed to function in opposition to the image of pregnancy and birth. Accounts of “Plato’s Appropriation of Reproduction” run these two images together.

Outsourcing Presentation

Transcript: The H-1B visa program is a non-immigrant workers visa Specifically applicable to foreign labourers in certain specialty fields. The H-1B visa program requires workers to have the minimum education of a bachelors degree or its equivalent The H-1B program is utilized by corporations for the employment of high-skilled labourers whose work involve the practical application of a specialized body of knowledge The information and technology industry being a significant holder in the amount of H-1B visas distributed (Banerjee 431). In 1952 the H-1 non-immigrant visa was first introduced by The Immigration and Nationality Act. In 1990 following the technology boom, the Act was amended and the H-1B visa was created, introducing with it an annual worker cap of 65,000 (Banerjee430). From there the trend has snowballed annually The H-1B visa program was founded on appeals to US Congress: that there was a severe shortage of locally skilled workers in specialized sectors such as the IT industry (Banerjee 430; Sahoo et al. 300). The appeals to US Congress have been made primarily by corporate lobbies Accusations that the program is abused and misused by corporations through policy loopholes to exploit foreign workers for labour cost and flexibility are convincing and well supported. Evidence has shown that H-1B visa employees are paid considerably less than American workers with comparable skills mainly because visa holders lack the bargaining leverage of directly hired workers. corporations avoid having to hire employees directly striping workers of their ability to unionise. employers gain flexibility direct hiring: job stability and benefits. hiring through bodyshops: suffer the trials and tribulations aforementioned. India’s IT services on both fronts; in India and the US. rising demand for wage increases overall worker attrition leading to a potential labour shortage. decline of the Indian advantage rise of IT industries in the Asia Pacific region leveling out the playing field Software Outsourcing/Offshoring Software development has become a highly global enterprise Not necessarily a new phenomenon First outsourcing: Programmers from India recruited to work for Burroughs Corporation in 1974 Software work wasn't offshored/outsourced until the late 1990s Outsourcing VS Offshoring Outsourcing: When work from a major form is contracted out to an independent firm in another country. Finished product is imported by the major firm Offshoring: Involves a similar process, however the firm will establish a smaller subsidiary in another country with local employees to complete the work (Marin) A Brief History: Offshoring/Outsourcing labour wasn't made possible until telecommunications technologies allowed instant collaboration & communication between nations In 1970s, Indian workers recruited to US because there was no internet. Existing internet model, ARPANET was unrefined faulty and slow Computer platforms like UNIX did not have standardized software for firms to contract out programming work Funding in 1990s led to development of internet as it is today Y2K scare plays major role in the beginning of outsourcing/offshoring programming work The Y2K Scare A programming bug theorized over a decade before the year 2000 arrived Software had two-digit date stamps which were fear to be unable to differentiate between the year 1900 and 2000 Mundane programming tasks were contracted out to admirably less expensive labour in India to solve coding bugs Political liberalizations in late 1990s enabled India to undertake these contracts Software currently India's largest export Industry is growing by 20 to 25 percent annually Creating fears that India will absorb software market however... Most outsourcing contracts in India in Applications Development sector This sector accounts for only 5 percent of software market India accounts for only 16 percent of applications development globally! India weak in Research and Development (R&D) sector of software design Have tried to improve on R&D and other value-added outsourced services but are hampered by high illiteracy rates, inaccessible education, substandard infrastructure and heavy government regulations. Ireland alongside Israel have been major players in software development since late 1990s too Regarded as one of the pioneer sites for outsourced/offshored software development Ireland's population= 6 million. 40 percent live in Dublin Telecommunications are a big industry in Ireland, about 3.1 percent of GNP Low tax rates made it attractive for large corporations to offshore software labour there Tax rate only 12.5 percent for businesses! Much lower than rest of European Union Major US firms established secondary firms in Ireland: AOL, HP, Xerox, Microsoft & Intel Europe offshores much of its software labour to Ireland Estimated 60 percent of European software developed or localized in Ireland! Ireland's software recently under threat from cheaper labour markets in Russia, Eastern Europe

Outsourcing Presentation

Transcript: The strategic use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources Does not have to be abroad, can be purchased from third parties domestically 1. What is the difference between offshoring and outsourcing? 2. Why have companies in the US started to reshore their production? 3. Should these companies continue to reshore or outsource their production? Why or why not? What effect does it have on economic variables such as GDP and NFP? 4. How does outsourcing affect competition? 5. In what ways is the consumer of a business affected by that business outsourcing? (Hint: think about interactions) 6. What effect does offshoring have on both countries involved? 7. What are some alternatives to outsourcing and/or offshoring? Group 14 PAST Legal Fees Setting up MSA’s, T’s and C’s, and other contractual agreements General Quality Disputes Morale, Productivity, Product Quality Difference in Time zones Vetting Time Travel Related Expenses Offsite meetings Product Training and Configuration Requirements Pros US Tax Code Supports Offshoring 5. In what ways is the customer of a business is affected by that business outsourcing? (Hint: think about interactions) A growing number of American companies are moving their manufacturing back to the United States Study by KPMG What is outsourcing? 3. Should companies continue to reshore their products? Why or why not? What effect does this have on economic variables such as GDP and NFP? 1. What is the difference between offshoring and outsourcing? Outsourcing is the New Normal Potential for contractor to outsource work to organizations overseas Could greatly effect profitability Market Share Prevent market competitiveness Allows for competitors access to your ideas Calculating how much outsourcing has actually affected the economy is nearly impossible Top: Meeting compliance requirements Completing paperwork Lowering operating costs Typically the most cited reason for outsourcing Other areas include better automation and improved analytics Legal Fees Setting up MSA’s, T’s and C’s, and other contractual agreements General Quality Disputes Morale, Productivity, Product Quality Difference in Time zones Vetting Time Travel Related Expenses Off site meetings Product Training and Configuration Requirements Cultural Differences Early Adopters Phase Application and maintenance outsourcing is on the upswing Close behind is finance and accounting outsourcing Others include industry specific operations, procurement, HR, and customer services A company might have a certain culture or certain expectations of their employees. When they outsource to another company the views or cultures among employees might be different. Microeconomic Level of Impact Individual Business Model Impact Control and Oversight Potential Loss of IP Confidentiality Loss or Relocation of Jobs Hidden Costs Insourcing Hire students Cheaper Hire specialized workers Hire local freelance workers Late 1980s & 1990s A) Insourcing B) hiring cheaper labor (i.e. students) C) getting input from specialized industry professionals D) all of the above 20th Century A) GNP increases B) GNP decreases C) GNP is constant D) All of the above E) None of the above Outsourcing Present Russian Industrialization Thank you! Commodity Phase Why outsource? OUTSOURCING Works Cited Future is bright for outsourcing Has become an accepted business practice Once considered leading edge, now it is commonplace What is outsourcing? In a study of job-creating in America, McKinsey found that workers for high-level IT support in the cheaper parts of the country cost less than in Brazil or eastern Europe and just 24% more than India Labor costs in different parts of America can vary by as much as 30% Different countries have different security policies that differ greatly Outsourcing Hidden Costs In 2005, ET Water Systems moved manufacturing from California to China In 2010, labor and shipping costs had grown so much, it was cheaper for ET Water Systems to manufacture in California Other companies such as General Electric are slowly and quietly starting to reshore parts of their production Still the numbers are low: The number of firms known to have reshored manufacturing to America is well under 100 2. Why have companies in the US started to reshore their production? Post-Revolution (Japan) Potential Loss of IP Confidentiality After modernization, hired foreign technicians and engineers to set up factory system Taught native Japanese to operate high-tech equipment 7. What are some alternatives to outsourcing and/or offshoring? Outsourcing vs Offshoring Offshoring Sending confidential data overseas is risky. It is hard to track who is seeing your personal information and how it is being handled Does the company shred their confidential documents? Are their employees dealing with the data background checked? How secure are their networks and servers? Product Cycles: S-Curve Remain price competitive Offshoring:

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