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Transcript: Translations and Interpretations of Metaphysical Ideas "Whose minds are well-developed in the factors of self-awakening, who delight in non-clinging, relinquishing grasping- resplendent, their effluents ended: they, in the world, are Unbound." Death of the prophet June 8th 632 Translation Example Works Cited Latin quickly became the official language of the Church and all sacred proceedings were in Latin, although few peasants understood it. History of the Bible Sunni and Shia conflict arises Chapter 24: Craving Verse 334 Giving up on learning about Buddhism It covers the ethics of trade to marriage divorce, parenting, gender issues and inheritance John 8: 34 Bhikkhu, Ṭhānissaro. Dhammapada: A Translation. United States: Publisher Not Identified, 2012. Buddhanet. Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Web. 10 May 2017. Collins English Dictionary 2012 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell" Guide us in the straight path Pretending you understand Buddhism "Buddha, The." Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale, 1998. Biography in Context. Accessed 1 May 2017. Henry, a Chinese American, is explaining some complex points of Buddhism to Phil, an American, but he can't get the point across in English in a way that would allow Phil to understand it the same way he does in Mandarin. Phil thinks he understands it but Henry insists that it's not the same. Devils diver men from the [right] way while they think they are rightly guided What is more valuable in a translation: preserving word-for-word meaning or preserving the meaning implied in the original language Chapter 6: The Wise or The Wise Man Verse 89 Al-Zukhruf 43:33 "The craving of one given to heedless living grows like a creeper. Like the monkey seeking fruits in the forest, he leaps from life to life (tasting the fruit of his kamma)." Buddhism originated in a time in which traditional religious ideas were being questioned, during the 6th century B.C.E. Gautama's father surrounded him with a palace of luxuries to distract him from his preoccupation with spiritual problems such as suffering and death, but he denounced it to search for answers. Since then, hundreds of different bible versions have been created for different languages, sects of Christianity, and interpretations. The New American Bible: Translated from the Original Languages with Critical Use of All the Ancient Sources: With the Revised Book of Psalms and the Revised New Testament. South Bend, IN: Greenlawn, 1986. Print. We will be talking about Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam and how the translations of their holy books could alter how they are interpreted. Matthew 26: 28 Introduction We will be talking about religious texts and their interpretations. We may say something that offends you or interprets your religion differently than you do. We apologize in advance, as our intention is only to inform and we don't want to offend anyone or their religions. The Qur'an is the final testament in a series of divine revelations from God "When a person lives heedlessly, his craving grows like a creeping vine. He runs now here and now there, as if looking for fruit: a monkey in the forest". Message of the Qur'an New American Revised Standard Edition Bible 1976, thought-for-thought translation: Gautama experimented with many teachings for 7 years, but found none of them adequate. New American Revised Standard Edition Bible 1976, thought-for-thought translation: Translation example Version 1: Translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu Christians believe that Jesus died to forgive humanity's sins and rose from the dead. Translation Example How does language affect our understanding of the metaphysical? RLS Is it possible to give a completely accurate translation of a holy text? The Old Testament was taken from the Torah and the New was written by the close followers of Jesus and his teachings. Version 1: Translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu He went on to create a belief system centered around the Four Noble Truths. Basics of Christianity Dhammapada- A collection of quotes from the Buddha Amplified Bible, 2015, word-for-word translation: Doing intense research and learning Sanskrit to understand Buddhism Version 2: Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita Ford, E.H. "The Book: a History of the Bible." Christianity and Literature, vol. 52, no. 2, 2003, p. 251+. Academic OneFile Four Noble Truths Transcends differences in race,color ethnicity and nationality Buddharakkhita, Acarya. The Dhammapada. London (58 Eccleston Sq., SW1V1PH): Buddhist Society, 1983. Buddhanet. Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Web. 10 May 2017. "Jesus answered them, "Amen, Amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin." "Amen, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it shall be done for him" Buddhism After all

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Transcript: Treatment for lyphedema includes - Compression(usually with multilayered bandages. - Manual Lymph Drainage(MLD). - Range of motion excercise. Definition Functions Some surgeons are using a technique called sentinal lymph nodes disection to prevent lymphedema from developing after surgery for breast cancer. however this technique is not always appropriate or effective Prevention General Info. Lymphatic System The network of vessels through which lymph drains from the tissues into the blood Causes The lymphatic system has multiple interrelated functions - Its responsible for the removal of interstitial fluids from tissues. - It absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as chyle from the digestive system - It transports white blood cells to and from the lymph nodes into the bones - The lymph transports antigen-presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic cells, to the lymph nodes where an immune response is stimulated The most common reason for lymphatic obstruction is the removal of enlarged lymph nodes. Causes of the lymphatic obstruction includes: - Infections with parasites - Injury - Radiation therapy - Skin infections such as cellulitis - Surgery - Tumours Treatment Thats it, Thank you for watching The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system, comprising a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph, unidirectionally towards the heart. The primary function of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 liters per day to get returned to the blood. By Brady Beckham, Matt Anderson, and Devan Dunn

TOK Outline

Transcript: Twelve Tone In History: Pachelbel Persuasive Messages vs. Absolute Music English Fly, thought, on wings of gold; go settle upon the slopes and the hills, where, soft and mild, the sweet airs of our native land smell fragrant! Greet the banks of the Jordan and Zion's toppled towers... Oh, my country, so beautiful and lost! Oh, remembrance, so dear and so fatal! Golden harp of the prophetic seers, why dost thou hang mute upon the willow? Rekindle our bosom's memories, and speak to us of times gone by! Mindful of the fate of Jerusalem, give forth a sound of crude lamentation, or may the Lord inspire you a harmony of voices which may instill virtue to suffering. IN HISTORY "Music for music's sake" Creation for pure enjoyment, has no real meaning behind it Justin Bieber Absolute Music Guiseppe Verdi - "Va, Pensiero" - Nabucco sometimes considered to be a rallying-cry for Italians to throw off the yoke of Austrian domination (in the north) and French domination (near Rome) the "Risorgimento" Following unification, Verdi was awarded a seat in the national parliament. Italian Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate; va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli, ove olezzano tepide e molli l'aure dolci del suolo natal! Del Giordano le rive saluta, di Sionne le torri atterrate... O, mia patria, sì bella e perduta! O, membranza, sì cara e fatal! Arpa d'or dei fatidici vati, perché muta dal salice pendi? Le memorie nel petto raccendi, ci favella del tempo che fu! O simile di Sòlima ai fati traggi un suono di crudo lamento, o t'ispiri il Signore un concento che ne infonda al patire virtù. Victory Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706) - Canon in D Definition of Canon Forgotten for centuries, and then found and published in 1919 Twelve variations Was composed as a chaconne or canon, and had no deeper meaning im looking for absolute music, music for musics sake. i want something that has no influence by social views, and is devoid of social interaction. persuasive messages is what i hate right now In History: Webern 1. Quarter notes 2. Eighth notes 3. Sixteenth notes 4. Leaping quarter notes, rest 5. 32nd-note pattern on scalar melody 6. Staccato, eighth notes and rests 7. Sixteenth note extensions of melody with upper neighbor notes 8. Repetitive sixteenth note patterns 9. Dotted rhythms 10. Dotted rhythms and 16th-note patterns on upper neighbor notes 11. Syncopated quarter and eighth notes rhythm 12. Eighth-note octave leaps Libretto • Prokofiev - wrote music to order for the Soviet Union (kept musical standard high) Cantata for the 20th Anniversary of the October Revolution (1937) The text of this Cantata is drawn from the writings of Marx, Lenin and Stalin Piece was never played in Prokofiev's lifetime In general Soviet music was neo-romantic while Fascist music was neo-classical. In History: Prokofiev Many songs and pieces have content and meaning Creation for a purpose Anton Webern (1883-1945) - Fünf Lieder Op. 3 Atonal technique Him and Schoenberg Mathematically based, and had little to do with music theory Social meaning behind the music is lost, this style is more based on creation of music In History: Verdi To What Extent is Art, Especially Music, a Viable Representation of Social Unrest Started with Schoenberg and Webern working as cohorts Use of tone rows No repetitions Strict usage of notes Rhythmical patterns Created to give a sense of dis-musicality Persuasive Messages James Tully Gilmartin Twelve Variations Movement seven of ten of the Cantata After revolution, Lenin's words of victory are sung through an impassioned chorus "hunger, typhus... devasation" and victory in the next sentence Prokofiev makes use of: dark brass minor tonalities damp chorus

Argument Outline Template

Transcript: Body Body Argument Essay Introduction A) Persuasive intro B) Discuss the issue - give a history of the issue with the traditional positions involved - the side you’re not arguing for first. C) A very clear point of your thesis. (localized issue has a more known about knowledge from your a - It will be something you will care about. Doesn’t mean you have to care about the topic at first hand. Use Amusing Anecdote At The End of the Argument Doesn’t have to go through all of it for each issue Just know where you stand Be mindful of it being coherent and sequenced with its evidence. Win your audience by persuasion, start at the bottom up If your aim is to be righteous then start w/strong arguments then add in stories You’re Arguing That It Is Superior To Do It That Way Superior to a yes or no. Has to Have Other People's Issues Notes Audience: Those that will agree with me. Why Being a Buddhist in a Westernized Country in the new world isn’t all that cracked up to be? Why Buddhist Feel like a Minority in a Western Country? An anticipatory refutation is to anticipate the best argument - Make them come to the microphone without legs Rationalize your weakest point in your argument. where you feel most vulnerable. There will be a point in your argument where you will be counter attacked and the worst you can let happen is being unaware of it. For most, end the paper with some kind of call to action Other Argument Topics Evidence Comes in a Hierarchy of Evidence (some evidence is better than others) Present it in a way that it is coherent and persuasive 1. Scientific evidence 2. Accepted fact 3. Expert testimonial 4. “I Witness” traditions, cultural mores 5. Gossip “heard…” Presentation of Evidence - not a simple matter Evidence changes in its valuation over time. Its not the same throughout all time Back it up with current evidence. Apprehend and demonstrate ie. 1800 “i witness” testimony ie. 2014 “i witness” won’t get you a conviction but DNA Arguing Template Conclusion

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